Avatar of CitrusArms


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2 days ago
Current -17 F. Can we just build a series of tubes? To take us places.
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2 days ago
It was -3 F when I left, this morning. The winds were breezy. I can only assume that, because I didn't freeze on the return trip, the sun improved things.
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9 days ago
V. II Snail is a bitch and he should burn in mech hell
22 days ago
I didn't know the enter key works on the status bar
1 mo ago
I'm gonna pre-load the bath with salts.


I'm a generally chill gremlin that can be kinda particular. I grew up with plenty of electronics and video games, mostly with games like Final Fantasy, Zelda, and StarCraft. I like to blend magic and technology in my writing, bringing fantasy into space and sci-fi.

Most Recent Posts

Type restrictions? Had she heard something about that before? It wasn't something she'd ever had to deal with, and somehow she felt grateful. It seemed like a stifling thing to her, but she could just be resisting change. There certainly was a particular deciding factor, though. That old trainer in her wanted to know if it was even worth her interest.

"Hey, you mentioned that before, didn't you. About your league. I think I picked up a brochure at the Pokemon Center," she slung her bag around from her bag to dig around in it "but I'd rather hear from a trainer's mouth. Your League sounds way different than what I'm used to," she pulled out the object of her search, closing her bag and slinging it back around so she for focus her eyes on reading, "what's this about type restrictions?"

Watching the battle reminded her of herself, in a way. Was she getting old? "You did well enough. Weedles don't have a lot of tricks, so you have to work with what you've got. You made good use of what Weedle can do. There is, though... Hmm... How do I say this..."

She started out like any other trainer, herself. Just catching what she wanted. It's how she got Rapier, and look. He still followed her around. Of course, she usually just let him fly around, so maybe he just likes being at her side. But, as she journeyed, her attitude slowly changed.

"It seemed like you might have been able to coax it into joining you, instead of having to battle it. It liked your compliment. Well, maybe it would have wanted to fight anyway, in the end."

"I mean, you do it however you want. It isn't my place to tell you your method of training is any better or worse than mine. That all comes out in the League. I just want to help you out."
Regan remained at the side for get battle. It was her battle to fight, after all. The traditional method of capture doing trainers. She felt compelled to offer advice just once, but withheld. Sarah let her concern for Weedle distract her from the fight. She took the time to check his wellbeing, but that only gave the Hoppip the chance to have another blow. It was fine for now, she had time to learn that lesson on her own. It was an important one, though.

A fine battle and a "good catch. Back to town it is." She got Rapier to lead them back to the nearest road, and let him fly around from there. She still remembered which way the town was.

"That was good work with your Weedle. I wasnt sure how it would go, with the type disadvantage. Hoppip is grass and flying, right? Once you had it tied down, though, that was it."
Oh, you wanted to know about where I was watching Dr Stone! I've got a Roku device I can get the Funimation app on.
Oh, I listed Lapras in Regan's pokemon. Huh.
"If you say so." Somehow, it seemed really goofy to her. Like if an Arbok were to do that, it would be pretty strange. Can snakes go backwards...?

At any rate, the confrontation was over. Probably. They'd found the Onix, so the rest of it was to take the young lady back home. Or wherever else she wanted to go; spending a little bit of time around the islands couldn't be bad. Learning the local lands could only serve her well in her duties.

Sarah took an interest in a nearby Hoppip. The idea of catching a Pokemon to form her team took her back. She caught a few different kinds before she settled on her final team. When she found out Naien could use Solar Beam, that changed her strategy in a major way. "Haha, seems like flattery might get you places. You've got pokeballs, right?" She had some, if the student needed to borrow from her.
My... Tunnel? The Onix, still not quite sure what was happening, lifted his head to look. Fell into his-

Oh. Well. There was a hole. He knew where his tunnel lay, it was simply a matter of following the path with his eyes, and there, just yonder, was... It collapsed. He could tell, it wasn't dug, it had collapsed from strain. Which meant... His tunnel collapsed! The shame!

Otherwise completely still, the Onix glanced at the Ranger briefly. He'd seen the uniform before, not that his Onix brain knew what it was exactly. It was the pattern he knew.

Regan, for her part, was staring intently. It was lucky to be her that fell in, and not someone else! If she didn't have a student behind her, trying to pull her away, she'd have some OCHA violations safety concerns to... Discuss.

Onix sensed her restraint and took the opportunity to reverse back the way he came. It was Regan's run to be surprised.

"Do they... Normally do that?" She turned to look at Sarah.
Don't get involved in gatcha games.
Regan kept her eyes on the Onix, which was taking stock. Big guy, but he was cautious, too. Odd, that such a cautious Pokemon could be so careless digging a tunnel. She heard the commands the student gave her Pokemon, staying defensive and cautious as well. Smart kid, she supposed. She also supposed to was her own fault things turned out this way, too, so perhaps it was too soon for her to step back.

The Onix took a breath and gave them a roar. Regan gave him a roar right back. Or a good hearty shout, whichever you prefer to call it. The Onix, stunned or maybe just confused, stopped and stared at her. Regan pressed the advantage, "yeah, you! I fell in your tunnel!"
Typically not. Just been busy with other things lately. I should be able to write one this afternoon, I think.
Regan paused so Sarah could more easily get the Abra off her back. That made it easier to pull herself the rest of the way out of the hole. She rolled to her feet, Kawaken's pokeball in her hand again already. "Yep. Step back. He's not pleased that we've interrupted him. It's his own fault, though..."

Rapier was circling, watching the situation below. It seemed as though the situation had gotten more interesting. Regan was ready for a fight. Ah, but look there. Some young fool decided to get close. Good way to get hurt. The bird banked into a dive. The bug was so occupied with the hole in front of it, he didn't notice. Plucked him right up, said "careful, now", and lifted quickly back to the sky.

"Good..." Bugs didn't mix well with rocks. And Rapier wouldn't eat bugs anyway. He preferred fish over everything, though rodents would do where fish were unavailable. "Keep your distance! Feel the ground shake?" He was charging through the tunnel he'd dug. Rather clumsily, if she took a guess. She had to wonder what he was gonna do about all those bubbles.

The Onix, to its credit, thought better of charging through the wall of bubbles, and instead decided to dig straight up and emerge immediately. The ground would shake as the large creature carved a path. The stone serpent emerged with a great roar, tossing a few rocks in the motion. The Ranger had kept herself close to the student under her care, and was able to swat away the stray rock that came toward them with her free hand.

Rapier touched down briefly behind the duo, depositing the Weedle before taking off again, circling the Onix and waiting for Regan's signal.
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