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My concept needs work but I'll figure it out.
Aureia, of gold, commerce, wealth,
and the far less important, trivial aspects of travel and luck

“Right… squeeze it…” The goddess of gold muttered skeptically as she eyed the strange plant, but since the priestess girl confirmed, she reluctantly squeezed the strange plant. To her great surprise, it was as effective as she’d been told, and in a few minutes, she had a nice campfire roaring away with the gathered firewood they’d prepared.

“Roasting it directly over the fire with just our hands would be too barbaric,” she commented, frowning at the campfire that was healthily crackling in the darkening sky.

She quickly got an idea, though, and fetched two sturdy Y-shaped sticks. Then, she plucked a golden spoke from her golden umbrella to use as a spit. It was inelegant, and frankly, borderline heretical to herself, but she knew the necessity of making do. Thus, spitting some of the meat on the golden instrument, she could keep the meat on an even flame and cook it properly. It was a shame they had no proper spices, but flame-broiled mystery meat was the closest secondary alternative… right?

As she prepped the meal, she waved a dismissive hand at the circling carrion birds.

“Some lowly predators wish to kill gods for their food? What a grand and intoxicating innocence.”
Nazca Whitehall
Clockwork Autumn

Overall, they had made some progress during their dinnertime investigation and presentation, but to Nazca, progress was not as fast as she’d liked. Considering the amount of evidence that they had gathered overall, more progress on discovering who had assaulted Jeanne should have been made. That fact remained somewhat irritating, but the pleasant French food had done much to ameliorate that. Unlike Jeanne, she could appreciate any cuisine if they were at least done right, so she was not so picky. In the end, she still enjoyed a good mystery.

The rest of the dinner brainstorming dragged on. She was half-tempted to return to her room to work on projects neglected by her move in to the dorms, but the delights of French desserts kept her in long enough to make it to the conclusion. Really, it was a wonder how she maintained her slim frame with how much dessert she was hoovering up into that mouth of hers. Nonetheless, she was there to hear Ryuuko’s plan for the night, one that she had to raise an eyebrow at.

It definitely made sense, at least, to try and provoke the manbat thing to make another appearance, if a bit bold. Although Nazca hadn’t planned to do it this early, she had wanted to stay out during curfew and further investigate its effects before this entire matter. Perhaps she might as well do it now?

“I can provide that,” she nodded, before continuing on to take up the Japanese girl’s offer. “I would like to accompany you out tonight as well. If anything, I would like to see how well my equipment fares under the fog."

At that, she left to return to her room to gather her clockwork instruments, plus something extra for Ryuuko. She didn’t give her a spy hawk –though she did put it back in the air again incase it caught something during the night again—she set aside an audio-visual recording device for the egoist. For good measure, she also lent the girl a radio transponder, in case they were split up in the fog. She then threw on a light coat and brought along a black carrying case of her instruments and clockwork creations as a contingency for any encounters, and then she was set as she met back up with Ryuuko.

"Shall we investigate, then?"
I'm not against the idea of an Hermes-like god, but I don't see Aureia having siblings, honestly.
<Snipped quote by Click This>

Haha...Making a male character xD

I think there were a few others interested before you as well, but I don't remember if Vita was keeping a running waiting list.

I like that the cast is de facto all female now though.
Nazca Whitehall
Clockwork Autumn

As far as dinner parties went, it was a nice one. Unlike a certain Japanese girl’s dislike of her native food –of which Nazca remained blissfully unaware—she enjoyed foods of all cultures, from all the corners of the world, be they from her own native lands, to the rich and sumptuous foods of the occident, and the exotic, sometimes divisive cuisine of the orient. And as far as French food went, it was some of the better cuisine she could find from Europe. As much as she enjoyed her new home and patron country of Great Britain, it only had so many dishes that could be called proper cuisine.

So, Nazca sat ensconced in her seat with a healthy serving of escargot, cheeses, slices of delicious duck, a sumptuous portion of beef bourguignon, and of course, a nice glass of wine. This she enjoyed as the other students in their little group gave small presentations on the information that they had discovered in regards to the apathetic Frenchwoman. Raising her eyes at the Austrian’s investigation of the student roster –perhaps the boy would be more suited to school administration than anything else—she did have to agree that the information didn’t entirely add up. Rather, it opened further questions without answers.

She perked up a bit as the Vietnamese boy went up, though, and she took care to scrutinize his words as well as his diagram. Aside from her growing interest in his person –no doubt because of the telegram—his words had merit. But why would such a person, if such a person existed, have intervened to accost Jeanne?

When the others finished speaking, Nazca took her time before speaking up, only doing so after she had finished her portion of delicious roast duck. She didn’t speak much, though, eager to continue with her food as she was. The data she had collected spoke for itself, though. All she had to do was provide context to it. “I’m sure everybody has noticed the strange shape in the photographs I provided,” she started, watering her throat with some wine. “Most of these pictures took place roughly at or before 11PM, and the smoke correlates with what we know about the library fire.” She shot a brief scowl at Jeanne. “The strange dark shape is far more difficult to quantify. Considering the fact that it was only captured in one shot suggests that whatever it was likely ethereal, perhaps an ability of an egoist or technologist, which is my personal hypothesis. Perhaps there are alternative explanations, which I’m open to hearing and discussing.”

She put emphasis on the hearing part as she returned to her meal.
O'Menus went out for a smoke to find a campsite, and never came back again
Should we just move on without them for now?
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