A ’regional difference’? Well, the rat was certainly cheeky, at least. Lissa could almost respect that, if she wasn’t outraged on behalf of all merchants as well as being put in an exceptionally difficult spot. “And you’ll find that our true purpose here… was always to gather information for the road and to sell or trade our inventory.” She gave him a baleful stare, not helping the tense moment. She was about to turn and leave with Eirhild and Nylah, taking advantage of his ‘offer’ –still better than the previous guards, really—when she was suddenly hugged by a random Yaga girl.
“Abwah!?” She was taken aback by the sudden, unexpected affection, followed by what was a very amusing contrast of emotions as the second girl –was that the girl from before?—snapped at the general.
Lissa was quick to pick up on the out, though, and it took a snap second to decide to play along. “Well,” she began awkwardly, rubbing the back of her head, “it’s true. I’m not much for ostentatiousness either,” she explained, spreading out her arms and opening her palms wide in gesture. From there on, she just nodded along in approval at the girl’s antics, even if she privately questioned the duo’s motives.
“Well, we still do have real goods with us, so if you fancy some trinkets and jewelry, then you know where to find us.” Parting from the general with a half-cheeky offer of her own, with a glance at her companions, she followed after the Yaga, at least until the guards were out of earshot. The comment about being 'hollow' from the other girl, though... that was interesting, even if she didn't outwardly react to it. Well, if she knew... it wasn't the biggest secret.
“Eh, well, lacking better options, sure. Do you… mind explaining what that was all about, though? We appreciate that bit of help, though. Thanks.”