Giselle de Farry
Undead Princess, de FarryThankfully, with some more application of violence, the injured beast stayed down. Still, whoever had created the abominable creatures had certainly known what they were doing, even after all this time. Once this entire episode was over, she would have to convene with the other vampire lords to deal with whoever or whatever was behind the creation of these beasts. Normally, she would have dealt with this herself –or via her subordinates—but clearly that would not be viable at this junction.
With a brief gesture, she made to repair her ripped dress, the fabric quickly rebuilding itself with thin strings of her blood before reforming into proper thread, closing up the damaged garment as if it had never been ripped in the first place. She knelt down to examine the corpses in closer detail, but not without a tinge of annoyance as she directed another flick towards the gorebat that had now returned atop her head and was making a right mess of it.
Well, it had helped her some in the battle, so she wouldn’t do much more than flick at it. She would tolerate it… for now.
Giselle’s after-action inspection was interrupted, however, by an explosion in the direction of the river. Hadn’t that been in the direction that Akyasha had headed when they split up? She certainly didn’t remember pyrotechnics being in her skillset. Frowning, she stood up, and after a moment’s thought, decided to render the cleric some aid.
The scene that she came upon was no less chaotic that the sounds of explosion had implied. It reminded her of the all too vivid scenes of the end of the Era, with a building rapidly aflame, agents of terror and undead on the streets –although this time the undead were hardly on the side of the vampire cause. More importantly, there was some particularly monstrous undead creature locked in combat with the red-haired cleric… armed with a cannon. Giselle would normally have dismissed it as harmless, but she too could feel the magic potential of the weapon.
Without hesitating, she broke out her firearm once more –now fully reloaded—and with six sharp reports, emptied the entirety of the revolver’s chambers into the creature even as she closed the distance, switching the revolver for her silver sword as she watched Akyasha maneuver around it.
She flicked the gorebat once more, nonverbally urging it to go help its mistress. Once the immediate danger was over, though, she turned to the cleric. “What’s going on here? Anybody in the building?” Depending on her answer, she’d move next to enter the building, too.