Giselle de Farry
Undead Princess, de FarryGiselle decided to ignore Akyasha’s shenanigans, even if she disapproved. She simply followed the cleric silently, but not before collecting Julene’s sword. She gave the weapon an eye. She supposed it was a good weapon for this new age, but of course, the princess of creation could do better. The purity and composition of even base metal in this era left things to be desired. To Giselle, though, remedying deficiencies in something as mundane as the mix of iron and carbon and removing impurities even her state was child’s play.
With the time she had, she made sure to ask the girl a few questions about the village and surrounding region, even if speaking to her while she was in a princess carry was… awkward.
By the time the trio arrived at the blacksmith girl’s house, she had made some quality improvements to the blade, for only a modest expenditure of blood.
While Giselle didn’t quite whistle –that would be inappropriate of someone of her standing, even if she spent centuries cultivating a reputation of being the friendliest vampire lord—she was somewhat impressed by the home that the girl lived in, if only in relation to the rest of the homes she saw in the village and in this age. It had the marks of a girl who knew what she was doing with engineering, though it was obvious that she never been to a true school… then again, what sort of architectural or engineering institution would still be extant in this time?
Despite that, it was clearly built with defense in mind. That was something that she could respect.
“It’s clear that you’ve put a lot of thought into home defense,” she admired. “If we continue to work together, I wouldn’t mind sharing some of my own ideas and techniques. It is something of a specialty of mine.” Indeed, a few firing slits here and there, and perhaps installation of some shaped charges in strategically placed positions like doors and hallways would make it all but impenetrable to the threats that the three of them had faced earlier.
If they were to ever make this village a temporary base of operations, then the village’s defenses would need some proper refurbishment, too.
When Akyasha put the girl down, Giselle handed her sword back. “It got a little dinged up during the battle, so I fixed it for you,” she said modestly, before noticing Luna approach.
“Ah, Luna. How fares it inside the village?” She frowned as the songstress relayed her information. The news of a breach and further mysteries was surprising and unfortunate news… but informative. “I see. I trust they have the situation in hand now. As for what’s in the forest… I suspected something similar. I’m not foolhardy enough to investigate without sufficient force in hand. I would like to have a look sooner than later, however.” She gave a look towards her fellow vampires.