Polina Laye
Farisian MaidWith only a few days between the briefing and the mission, Polina too was a busy maid. She had taken the initiative to approach Tiki again for the second time in the past couple days for her to tailor a dress suitable for a noble at a ball while still being fit for combat. Taking to some training and preparation of her own, including acclimating to and making sure she could hide weapons with her selected garment, the Farisian maid felt as prepared as she could be on the day of the ball.
Sitting in the vehicle together with Livia and Lucrecia, Polina was wearing a shoulderless dress in dark blue. The cut of it was just low enough for some of her cleavage to be visible yet remain classy. The A-line cut of the garment terminated just below her knees, which were covered with black stockings and where a hidden handgun and combat knife were strapped to her upper thigh, together with smaller blades hidden under other parts of her dress. Like her mistress, she had a more visible sidearm strapped to a belt around her waist. It wasn’t the knightly sword that she more regularly used, but a smaller, thinner dress blade that was still common enough as a defense weapon among the nobility, and something that Polina was just as proficient in. Unlike her appearance as a maid, her blue-gray hair was let down and meticulously styled, leaving her the spitting image of a typical martially inclined noble lady from Farry.
“So, he’s not just a fool in messing with things beyond his understanding, but a typical idiot with new money that spends trying to get the approval of his betters,” Polina commented on Livia’s mini-briefing. Speaking more casually, she was already partially in character, but half of it was simply removing the filters from her inner monologue. “I can’t imagine his peers don’t hold certain opinions of him in private.”
She nodded, smoothing her dress as she agreed with Lucrecia’s questions. Polina added a question of her own, “Perhaps a bit late to ask this, but do we have a copy of the full guest list? Just in case there are more… problematic elements among them.” She eyed the parked horse-drawn carriage of the church as they passed it.