Giselle de Farry
Undead Princess, de FarryGiselle slowly raised an eyebrow at Julene’s response. After leaving her hand hanging, she drew it back. Instead of becoming angry at being turned down though, she let out a bark of amused laughter. She had her now—no matter who she picked, she doubted this blacksmith would be wallowing as a mere human for much longer. “A counteroffer? Bold. I like your moxie, it reminds me of those heady, early days after the Orosian-Kyrsan War.”
She stood there, considering the human girl. “You’re right. You don’t know much about vampires, and you won’t have the experience to not make mistakes. In the past, my maids might spend decades of service training and learning before they proved themselves worthy to join the ranks among us.”
Aside from those very early days, it was unprecedented for a servant or maid of hers to be immediately made into a vampire. “But then again, these are unprecedented times, aren’t they? Very well, here’s my counteroffer. As you say, I’ll allow you to join our ranks. But you will be under my wing as a part of my maid corps—take a knightly oath of service as you humans are so fond of. You’ll learn all there is to being a vampire, in addition to being a Farisian maid—that is, to fight, shoot, and perform all the other duties as expected of one. It will be hard, troublesome work, but you will have your free will. You’ll still be beholden to Ichor, as are we all,” she said, tilting a head towards Akyasha. The fact that she wouldn’t be preached to unlike her was left unsaid. “But I think you’ll find it fulfilling.”
She held out her hand again.