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Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

Yeah, it was fairly obvious to Polina that they had a deficit in intelligence for this mission. Whether or not that was a personal failing of her own, the maids, or something engineered by Havershel or another party, that was moot. This situation demanded a solution, now, but she didn’t have very many good options.

With the tools she had, it was impossible for her to stop the lord. She supposed she had to eat some crow, there. Polina had been badmouthing the man verbally and in her thoughts for the better part of the day, after all.

On the other hand, the maid was a demon, even if still a somewhat cute one. She felt more inclined to trust the cute axolotl demon maid on account of her dress, but she knew better. Not every demon was going to be like Eliz, as acerbic as she was. Polina grumbled, but decided it was better to communicate here. Information, she needed information.

“If you have the time to badmouth the Maison, you have time to explain. Now.”
Late, but better than never.
Cecilia Feilding

Unfortunately for Cecilia, not hearing anything didn’t mean that there wasn’t anything there. As she quickly found out, together with Aria and Da’Niyah, they were not actually alone in this forest. The silver-haired woman was only starting to get her bearings on her environment, and get a grip on what she was wearing when the weird beast rat creatures showed up!

Ironically, it was the clearly fantastical, strange beasts that showed up that made things fully click for Cecilia.

This was clearly some two-bit, incompetent light novelist’s ill-conceived isekai world. Likely an exceptionally stupid one, given how obnoxious that fake-god was. After all, there were some books published to real print that were really stretching the boundaries of being fit to print. Really, anything that got horny teenagers to buy a copy was pretty much good to go these days, even if it was stupid. As stupid as putting… her… in a… skimpy… bikini. Goddammit.

There was a theory that any story or world ever written or conceived of existed in the multiverse, somewhere. Cecilia was quite sure she had just confirmed it.

Well, if she was now in a shitty isekai novel’s world, then it was likely she had a power of some sort. Given the way she had read that message from earlier, it was certainly associated with the bloody bikini, and a bit of introspection confirmed it…

…How the hell did this thing provide so much protection?

She wasn’t going to question it. Certainly not, when the rat things were suddenly charging her and the other girls with weapons!

But Cecilia was pretty sure she could tank it. It was just a bit of wood, after all, and she had a forcefield thing. She decided she wasn’t going to go by feel, though, and quickly drew the longsword that had also been at her side. She dearly hoped that the stupid costume gave her the intuition on how to use it, but she raised it nonetheless to fight the equally silly rat thing.
Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

The Farisian maid had been expecting a few things, but certainly not for Havershel to eviscerate the chandelier together with her plate shield. Polina drew back slightly, if only in surprise, before narrowing her eyes. This man was hardly as harmless as he had presented himself. No, he rather dangerous, and it took only a split second for Polina to realize that her skillset matched very poorly with how this man apparently fought, especially when she hadn’t prepped the area, nor had her full combat kitout. She didn’t want to test how well his blades held against whatever foul magic he was relying upon, and there was little else in the room harder than her steel.

Nonetheless, she couldn’t let him escape, or allow him to harm the other maid—especially when they dearly needed more information.
Although she knew it was likely futile, she didn’t need to be reminded by Lucrecia before she threw everything she could at the man. Everything, being whatever else in the bedroom could be moved and thrown at the man, in addition to some of her blades she had stored upon her body. If anything, it would distract and slow him down.

Let’s see how he likes getting a mattress in the face.
Cecilia Feilding

Cecilia was genre-savvy enough to recognize the obvious tell-tale signs of being Narnia’d, or more commonly, isekai’d. Being genre-savvy enough to know the obvious signs doesn’t mean one is in a position to immediately recognize the fact, however. Finding one’s self in strange and bizarre environments where things had previously been exceptionally normal can seriously mess with you.

Human psychology or something.

Well, it was obvious that Cecilia didn’t do well with outside context problems, and it took Cecilia some time of staring blank-eyed at a beat-up tree before the gears started turning in her otherwise generally smart brain of hers.

Until she got a text-to-speech voice message beamed straight to her brain, that was.

That, that was bullshit.

“That sounds more like the devil than God,” she muttered, resolving to classify the ‘sender’ as a Being or Entity rather than the Christian god that she was far more familiar with. A real god wouldn’t put her in a skimpy bikini, tell her it was clothing, and then force her to wear it in some messed up sort of skill-based hostage system.

Yes, she could feel that the bloody bikini was giving her a boost of some sort. She didn’t like it.

Cecilia glanced over to the wolf red riding hood lady and frowned. She was talking and yelling a little too much for her taste.

“If you don’t like that outfit, we can swap,” she offered. Unlike what Cecilia was wearing, what the girl was wearing was cute. It was cosplay that she wouldn’t mind wearing, unlike what she had on now…

She crossed her hands, under her all-too breezy chest. “I don’t hear anything either.”
Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

Polina frowned at the way her sword and knives buried themselves into the demonic creatures. Unlike the previous demons she had encountered, these seemed to act more like a liquid. It didn’t take much for her to guess that using high explosives would probably be more effective… then again, few things were immune to cordite applied correctly.

Although she continued to go after Havershel, the Farisian maid wasn’t so callous as to completely ignore the security of the man’s mostly innocent guests. She was capable of multi-tasking enough to attack some of the creatures from behind as they pursued, to better allow them to escape from the demonic horde and give them a fighting chance. Dodging a lava ball and parrying an attack with her sword as she spun around the blow, she finally made it into the hallway along with Lucrecia.

Bursting into the room at the end, she was greeted with a grisly scene.

What had happened to the Lady Havershel?

She felt conflicted. What would have happened if she had met with the lady? Could they have helped? Unfortunately, what’s done was done. They needed to get the bigger picture, and Polina began to move in to assist her fellow maid when Lucrecia brought the entire chandelier down towards them. Her eyes widened at the uncommunicated and reckless move. Thinking quickly, she grabbed a set of metal trays nearby with her powers and immediately inserted them above the surviving maid. If Lucrecia’s little gambit failed, then the maid would still be protected, though no doubt the silverware would be rather banged out of shape afterwards.
Cecilia Feilding

Cecilia was no stranger to waking up on a pleasant bed of grass surrounded by trees. Not to say that she was familiar with being isekai’d to random fields on fantasy words –no matter the similarity to her surname—but it was not the first time she’d fallen asleep on the Balliol quad with a book in hand, and the silver-haired master’s student had little reason to find waking up against some dewy grass and an open sky being overly unusual.

What was unusual, though, was the fact that others on the lawn were making such a racket. Even at Oxford, there were troublemakers and rabblerousers, but frenzied screeching was a little beyond the pale. As she fully blinked open her eyes, she found that her body was feeling a little breezier than normal. Her limbs were somewhat heavier too… What?

That prompted her to look down, and that prompted her own screeching. “What in the nine hells is this!?”

What she’d found, after all, was not the sweater and skirt she had been wearing, but a very skimpy white bikini. There was honest to goodness plate armor adorning her arms and legs, but that wasn’t the big deal right now—someone had stripped her and put her in this… revealing… thing! And in public! Trying to cover herself up, she searched around for her towel to wrap around herself—and that was when she saw the other girls.

The other girls that had also been making a noise about their situation. The other girls in strange, costumes and cosplay… And shooting strange magic at random trees that were certainly not in the university city that she was intimately experienced with.


Cecilia bluescreened.
... Juuuuuuuuuust as soon as you asdd her height, eye and hair color... I totally spaced on that bit.


Weeell, everything's covered, but yeah, that was pushing it, eheh. I'll just make it a regular bikini for the bikini armor theme, then. xD
...I'm totally pushing it with this costume, aren't I.
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