Together with Ciradyl, and the remainder of team Kirin that wasn’t inside the prison proper, Éliane thought they were putting up some good pressure on the defenders. Her rifle shots came fast and accurate, keeping many of the enemy riflemen on the roofs well-suppressed, but it was quickly becoming apparent that good wasn’t enough. Soldiers from within continued to reinforce the losses that the team had inflicted on them, and a screamed order had what felt like half the entire enemy forces suddenly focusing on Miina.
The Skaelan officer immediately shifted her focus to the Valheimians that were gunning for the poor cat, but it wasn’t enough. She was momentarily stunned by the enemy’s aerial reinforcements.
What kind of abominable creatures did these barbarians have? Some kind of twisted, cruel experiment?
With the aid of Galahad, she bounded across the roof, swinging her gun around and firing at the flying threats.
Why did they have guns!?
Thankfully, Éliane was not a stranger to shooting at flying things. As a properly trained Skaelan officer, she enjoyed a good hunt from time to time, and skeet shooting was good practice, too. These large flying guns were comparatively lumbering… the only issue was that her shots were also comparatively small. They packed a bunch, sure, but it might not be enough to shoot them down in one hit.
But that was why Éliane packed explosive shells. She had them for her gunblade, and she absolutely had them for her rifle, too.
“Don’t count me out yet!” Yelling back at Galahad, she picked out a handful of red-colored cartridges from her leather pouch and fed them into her gun—making sure to save at least a few to use against the impending airship. “I can blow that stupid thing out of the sky, too!”
Slamming the bolt shut, she sighted on the leadership the dragoon had pointed out. She quickly calculated the lead and drop for the flying einhander—or, if it was already shot down by Miina, the closest flying threat. If she was lucky enough, the explosion might take out another. Pulling the trigger, she felt the customary kick of her weapon and watched as the shell arced across the sky and explode against her target, immediately sending it spiraling out of control. She wasn’t quite so lucky to kill two birds with one shot, but the dying bird spinning out of control and sending the others diving out of the way seemed to put the enemy formation into enough chaos for them to better exploit— and get clear of this killbox.
“They’re in disarray. Charge, now!”