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That map helps a lot. I'm tempted to place my character's city on that island by Althius...

Is the system in the kingdom a strictly feudal one, with lesser nobles under the dukes and duchesses? What would the territorial extent of a duke or duchess be? I'm assuming the city is just the seat of power, but how much of the surrounding land and villages does the average one hold?
Yeah, I was being a dumbass and misread. Just assumed you were speaking about Odonfield. :>

Having more than one trading hub in a single country isn't exactly unusual, though. Would probably be strange not to have more than one, actually, unless Est disagrees.
Kinda awkward to have the city be specialized in trade, when Hathforth itself is also known as the giga-trade place.

Looks like Odonfield is a proper land-route hub, whereas I plan my character to have a nice trading port. Different trading specialty. ;3
I've been out and busy basically the whole day, but I plan to start working on my idea tomorrow. This might sound somewhat familiar for some of y'all, but I'm planning on a mercantile duchess, a woman whose money and power comes directly from her own trading businesses and her powers of logistics. Her city would accordingly be particularly suited for trade, and her faction would either be her own personal trading company or some sort of similar consortium.
Working on an idea but will need a couple days too, yeah.
Given your setup, I'm assuming the position of the rebelling duke/duchess is also up for claiming?
Interested! This sounds right up my alley.

Meisa Amorette

It was obvious how different this district was. The sense of hopelessness pervading through the streets and the people didn’t spread its rot here, and had Meisa not known better, it would have felt like a scene from non-elven cities of times long gone. But unfortunately, it was not, and she wasn’t here to see the sights, either. The smell of freshly cooked food was enticing.

In the end, she decided on an establishment mostly at random, aside from picking what she felt gave the best opportunity for her. She came in with all the confidence of an elven princess, or an employer seeking the help of hired labor. At the same time, though, she wasn’t bombastic or naïve enough to throw wide the doors and announce her magnanimity in hiring adventures for a quest. No—she was also hungry, despite it all, so she went up to the proprietor first, sliding in between two groups and flagged down the attention of the proprietor. She glanced about, noting the appearance of the adventurers within, and what they were eating and talking about.

As far as food went, it was the basic tavern fare. “Bread and beer please,” she ordered, taking the same quick, cheap meal that the others were. Beer in the morning offended her aristocratic elven sensibilities, but in Oratorio there was an image to upkeep… and despite how decent this district seemed, she wasn’t going to trust the water or milk anytime soon. The two groups that were to her sides contrasted themselves—to her right, a seasoned looking group was keeping to themselves, enjoying their meal with the temperance of adventurers that had seen some shit and knew how to deal with it. On her other side were clear rookies, boisterous, with equipment that seemed untested in the Abyss in Meisa’s opinion.

She deliberated on what type to hire—but fuck it, what if she went for both? Mixing the inexperienced with the experienced? She remembered something similar from a time long ago, to get inexperienced soldiers quickly up to speed. It didn’t translate the best here, but it was better than nothing. Meisa knew full well that this was going to be a tricky affair—she knew adventurers were a finicky sort…

“Say, barkeep,” she began after a while, pitching her voice enough that the nearby adventurers could also hear, “Are any of the groups here looking for a job? See, there’s this issue that some merchants are having…” She quickly summarized the situation, sprinkling in the enticement of discounted supplies and further opportunities while still keeping her voice heard. “We’ll pay handsomely for the protection,” she finished. "Anybody you know here willing to take that kind of job?"

A fucking annoying situation, but if it worked out, she wanted some good connections for the Abyss, too. She just needed to make sure some stupid gang wouldn’t mess things up before she could build up enough to smash them. It would be the stupidest end for a goddess-to-be like her.

The first two shots found their mark, but to Éliane’s annoyance, even the high-powered rifle rounds were stopped by the woman’s beastly armor. They didn’t do nothing—she no doubt embarrassed Reisa and knocked the wind out of her for a moment, but it didn’t come close to even injuring the woman. The Skaelan girl was almost jealous of the enemy captain’s protection, if her own tactics didn’t depend on being highly mobile, like a budget dragoon. Clearly, though, she’d erred in switching back to standard ammunition.

With her rifle out of ammunition anyway, she reached into her pouch to reload—once again selecting the brightly colored explosive cartridges and pushing them into the magazine from the top. Éliane observed the situation as she did, and was not liking how things were developing one bit. How was that bitch still going!? She glanced down at the still-unconscious form of Eve. The only person that was going to offer explosive firepower now was Éliane.

She was already ahead of Esben when she saw the hand signals from Esben as he entangled himself closer to the action. This was going to be difficult—although Chisaki’s actions meant that Ciradyl, Hien, and Izayoi mostly stayed away, being away didn’t necessarily mean out of harm when it came to explosives. From what Esben just tossed in the direction of the captain, Éliane was pretty sure she was adding to some booms, rather than making them exclusively…

Well, that was still fine by her. She just had to finesse this a bit…

She loaded the last bullet, and she slammed the bolt back into place and took aim just as her fellow Skaeller gave the signal. A moment later, a crack, followed by four others in rapid succession broke out—a textbook Skaelan “Mad-Minute” style barrage as she fired at Reisa once more—explosively. A moment later, and the entire area around the enemy captain was saturated with the orange and red tinge of high explosives and fragmentation, kicking up debris into the air and obscuring the woman—and everything around her as they all detonated.

Even if it didn’t kill her, that was going to be more than enough to cover their escape.

Éliane praised the exceptional teamwork of her allies in her thoughts. Together, she had helped fend off those abominable flying creatures, and not too long after, she was able to catch the familiar forms of the members of team Kirin that had infiltrated the facility. All that they needed to do now was to retreat in good order.

Retreating in good order, though, was going to be harder than planned, because time had run out. As they began to pull back, Éliane could see the offending Valheimian airship train its weapons on their positions, and fire.

“Oh, shit…” Within seconds, the entire area was engulfed in flames and explosions. Even Éliane, as unflappable as she usually was, scrambled for cover, although she was cackling under the sudden adrenaline of being under sustained heavy fire. There was finally a bigger fish than Éliane that didn’t care about collateral damage…

Nearly blown apart by a near miss, sending flaming debris everywhere and pelting the Skaelan woman, she didn’t see much of Eve’s attack until the vessel itself was hit, exploding in an awe-inspiring conflagration in the sky. Despite the risk to herself, she was rooted in place, fixated on the orange and red fireball descending to the ground.

“It’s so beautiful…”

She afforded herself a few more moments of lollygagging before Galahad brought her back to reality as she watched him shoot into the air, catching the unconscious form of the ship’s executioner before landing nearby to Éliane.

“No, but it’s better than expected,” she responded, blinking at the unclothed dragon girl in his arms. She might have been referring to the outcome of the battle… but she was also referring to the spectacle of the ship going down in flames. What a show! With Eve unconscious, though, her training kicked in and she quickly moved to check for injuries. Finding none, she allowed Galahad to preserve her modesty, keeping her in a safe corner of the roof away from any sightlines.

That was just as well, because it didn’t look like the Valheimian resistance was over yet—from their vantage point, she could see a familiar enemy emerge from the wrecked Proudclad. Although Éliane couldn’t see the expression on her face from this distance, she could tell from the body language that she was not emerging to surrender.

Éliane immediately swung her rifle back around, placing the woman in her sights, before taking a brief moment to process what she was seeing.

What was Esben doing!?

Well, whatever, it didn’t matter.

If Reisa was trying to look cool and evil strutting out from the wreckage, Éliane wasn’t going to give her the moment!

Calculating the drop from this distance atop the roof, she aimed her weapon, and pulled the trigger. The rifle cracked out, and she immediately worked the bolt, and fired again, and again.
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