
It turned out, in the end, that Éliane required use of a shop bench after all. The Skaelan woman had wanted to avoid it given her distaste for using the pirates’ facilities overmuch, but after her brief conversation and a promise to bake, she had discovered some issues with the minigun that needed some workshop time. That was how she finally found herself below decks again– the gun partially reassembled, but still needing maintenance as she hovered over a vice, clamping a slightly misshapen machined part to be worked on.
Perhaps due to the hyperfixation on her new toy, Eliane noticed far too late that there was now something-...
someone standing right beside her; someone noticeably shorter, petite, and clad in darker clothing, making her blend quite well with the dimmer lighting of the lower decks. Said someone was none other than the Kirins' very own elemental powerhouse and the only Valheimr native among them.
Eve was staring at the contraption with her usual (lack of) expression, but behind the stoic veil lied the spark of curiosity. In fact, the fixation was rather mutual as the gray-haired girl perceived Eliane's recognition of her presence a few seconds too late than it should be,
"..." prompting her to perk up, shifted her crimson gaze at the taller girl, then blinked, verbally saying nothing and yet still conveying something along the lines of 'don't mind me, please carry on' to the Dame Commander through her subtle mannerisms.
It was very unlike Éliane to be caught off-guard, but it wasn’t complete. She knew from the other members of team Kirin that Eve had a tendency to do such things, but whether it was intentional she wasn’t quite sure. In a way, the small girl reminded her of Esben…
That said, it looked like the white-haired girl was merely going to stand there right next to her, which perplexed even Éliane. Tilting her head, she regarded the other, not immediately getting back to work.
“Do you need something, Eve?”Even though they might share this tendency to be flight-footed and seemingly popping out of thin air, there was at least one glaring difference between the SEED and the Pseudolon, in that upon going on the offensive, Esben would remain a lurking shadow in the battlefield, while Eve would announce her presence like fire, thunder, and lightning. After all, a six-inch blade and an artillery battery could both be quiet
before they engaged their functions.
Speaking of functions, Eve didn't manage to return her gaze back to the partially-assembled machine before the salmon-haired House Guard inquired her, which was... admittedly a good question. The faux dragoness took a brief moment to ponder things, glancing back and forth between the gun and its mechanic before blinking once,
"I was wondering why you ceased your tinkering, is the machine broken beyond salvation?"Éliane canted her head to the side in response to that.
“We’re talking, and it’s bad to multitalk for delicate work like this,” she replied, Although much of the gun had been reassembled, the parts that were not were decidedly more delicate– mostly part of the rotary and firing mechanism of the Valheimian gun. As far as inspecting it went, it had been very enlightening and Éliane very much wished to show it to a Skaelan gunsmith and exchange thoughts about the foreign design.
“No. I don’t think so. Some parts need readjustment, because criminals and thugs are clueless.” She pointed towards and then picked up another part.
“See, this piece is part of the feeding mechanism for the gun belt, but it may need to be reforged. I’ll bet a hundred gil that the gun jams regularly because of this piece.””You were the one who initiated the conversation.” Eve replied matter-of-factly, though unlike some others in the group, there was absolutely no sarcasm to be detected in her tone, it really was a mere factual observation. Though the Pseudolon immediately abandoned the topic for something far more interesting.
Her gaze continued to be trained on the bullet-vomiting device as the taller woman proceeded with her impromptu lecture on weapons engineering. Though Eve didn't exactly grasp all the minutiae of what goes into what, however, she did subtly perk up at a certain word.
”Reforged, hmm...” The black mage mused with a hand rested against her chin,
”Is that the source of your conundrum? You need heat, correct? I may be able to provide.” “Hmm…” The pink-haired Skaelan briefly rubbed her chin in consideration.
“How fine of a control can you adapt for your magic? If the piece is slagged then I’ll really be in trouble.””Hmmm…” Another good question, now that Eve thought about it, she never really compared herself to other, more “traditional” black mages… until now,
”I've noticed that… ‘normal’ mages require gestures and incantations to cast their spells, while I do not. Unsurprising, considering I possess ether instead of blood.”The gray-haired mutant then pondered a bit more,
”In conclusion, yes, I wield magic as if they're my own limbs.” She then snapped her fingers as a small yet intense jet of flame spawned at the tip of her index,
”Tell me when you’re ready.”After a moment, Éliane inclined her head.
“Okay, let’s try it.” Taking the compromised part in question, she swapped it onto the vice, leaving the slightly misshapen piece for Eve to apply a large amount of heat to it.
“Go ahead. If it breaks I’m not sure where to get or make a replacement, though…” She was not a blacksmith or gunsmith, after all.
"You'd have simply gotten a replacement already instead of trying to fix an old component." The mage quipped as she took a moment to carefully observe the misshapen part, using Eliane's guidance and her own intuition to triangulate the best spot for applying the stream of magical heat. Once they were both sure, Eve aimed the tip of her index finger at that particular area, then worked the ether flowing within, resulting in a small yet highly concentrated flame to continuously spew from said fingertip, enveloping the piece of metal like a makeshift blowtorch.
"Just signal me when to stop."The taller woman gave Eve a strange look at her comment, but allowed the girl to do her work without any further interruption. She carefully adjusted the piece with her tools while it glowed red before she was finally satisfied.
“Okay, that’s enough. We’ll wait for it to cool down and I’ll see if it fits better later. Maybe go up on the deck and test fire the gun…”As aforementioned, the flame-jet abruptly ceased upon Eliane's signal, then Eve simply retracted her finger to give Eliane the room to do whatever she'd do next with the - hopefully - fixed component,
"I see..." The black mage mused, rubbing her chin,
"I believe to properly test its functions, you'd need a target or two. After all, it's not enough to simply be able to fire, it needs to fire properly so the projectile is appropriately lethal, no?" Speaking about targets, the occasional flock of birds could be seen in the sky, maybe one would be infested with the blight, that'd be convenient.
Regardless, it seemed the House Guard could take it on her own from here, Eve was just pleased that her magic could be useful for things other than delivering death and destruction, these small instances of mundane utility were never not appreciated.
"If that's all, then I'll be going. I certainly hope the machine will be functional." With a nod, the Pseudolon left the Dame Commander to continue tinkering with her latest obsession.