Avatar of ColdAtlas


Recent Statuses

12 hrs ago
Current shut up
12 hrs ago
absolute fucking RAT
12 hrs ago
Some retard stole the cord to my $300 headphones making them permanently useless. I hope you burn in hell
1 day ago
Cracker barrel is the fire link shrine for white people
1 like
1 day ago
Bro I'm so done with my school lmao Some kid just spent 10 minutes arguing that fast and furious is a true crime documentary These people actually fucking stupid


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Nice to meet ya! I'm new here too. Hit me up if you'd like to rp!
My character is ME but a SNAKE PERSON and slightly more GAY
Anyone who'd like to rp, please let me know!
Hey, I'm lookin for a lil roleplay. Any genra is fine with me, except I don't really like to do romance stuff. Anyways, if you're looking for someone to rp with feel free to hit me up!
Might be fun, count me in
Heyo, I'm ParadoxShark, but you can call me Paradox (or Shark! lol)
I'm into both fantasy and Sci-Fi
I have pretty decent experience in roleplay.
I'll happily join in any roleplay, but it has got to be PG. No exceptions.
Anyways, lovely to meet ya! :3
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