Avatar of ColdAtlas


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8 hrs ago
Current How y'all feel about green beans?
22 hrs ago
GOD. life is only getting worse and whenever someone tries to "help" they make everything worse for me. JUst leave me alone for gods sake
1 like
1 day ago
Right on the road to your sadness Watching closely as courage turns into madness Are you sure you'd want to lose your life From a witch who had caused you nothing but strife?
1 day ago
British "people" when you say truth or dare instead of "Authentic factual response or mischievous challenge"
2 days ago
anyone else thing Dion has gone off their meds the last few days with these statuses?


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oooo im curious
When will this start?
good idea
Banan :3
Still working on more finer details aswell
Name: Master Chief Petty Officer John-117
Origin: Halo

Personality: Professional, reserved, and determined.

Background: Born "John" in 2511, he is covertly taken from the human colony world of Eridanus as a child and conscripted into the SPARTAN-II super-soldier project by the United Nations Space Command (UNSC)

In the Now: A private headhunter, working jobs in Skyworld.

Job: Supersoldier
Specialty: Combat expertise, extreme tactical reasoning, and many cybernetic mental, and physical augmentations.
Inventory: MA40 Assault Rifle, MK50 Sidekick, GEN3 Mjolnir Mk VI Powered Assault Armor. Armor has an integrated Smart Scope which links the weapon's sights or scope to the Spartan's interface, allowing for increased marksmanship even with weapons without a scope. Wrist-mounted Grappleshot: Allows users to grab objects from a distance or pull themselves elsewhere.

Lv: 1
EXP: 0/10
Energy Sheilds: His Mjolnir armor comes equipped with a shield made of energized particles, absorbing all damage until depletion. The shield regenerates its charge after 5 seconds with no impact.

Skills: Master at hand-to-hand combat and firearm use.
Strength (without armor): Can lift at least 3 times his body weight. Lifted 500 kilograms as a test. His Mjolnir armor improves this by a factor of 5.
Enhanced senses: Many cybernetic upgrades have given him better senses and an enhanced reaction time of 0.02 seconds.
Speed: Can run up to 60 mph.
Weaknesses: Energy shields must recharge after taking an extended beating, leaving him open to damage for a few seconds,
Armor may lock up if exposed to extreme amounts of energy.
Cortana: His AI companion is one of his greatest strengths but also one of his most powerful weaknesses. His care for her extends beyond himself.

I revamped it but I'm not really sure where I should squeeze in Cortana
@LugubriousNAh, you're right. I definitely need to make another draft. My only excuse is I was making it during class lol
Name: Master Chief Petty Officer John-117
Origin: Halo

Personality: Professional, reserved, and determined.

Background: Born "John" in 2511, he is covertly taken from the human colony world of Eridanus as a child and conscripted into the SPARTAN-II super-soldier project by the United Nations Space Command (UNSC)

In the Now: A private headhunter, working jobs in Skyworld.

Job: Supersoldier
Specialty: Combat expertise, extreme tactical reasoning, and many cybernetic mental, and physical augmentations.
Inventory: MA40 Assault Rifle, MK50 Sidekick

Lv: 1 (You start with 5 level-upgrades you can split between Powers and Skills)
EXP: 0/10
Abilities: Wrist-mounted Grappleshot: Allows users to grab objects from a distance or pull themselves elsewhere.
Smart Scope: Links the weapon's sights or scope to the Spartan's interface, allowing for increased marksmanship even with weapons without a scope

Skills: Master at hand-to-hand combat.
Strength (without armor): Can lift at least 3 times his body weight. Lifted 500 kilograms as a test. His Mjolnir armor improves this by a factor of 5.
Enhanced senses, Speed: Can run up to 60 mph.
Enhanced reaction time: Has a reaction time of 0.02 seconds.
Weaknesses: Energy shields must recharge after taking an extended beating, leaving him open to damage for a few seconds,
Armor may lock up if exposed to extreme amounts of energy.
Cortana: His AI companion is one of his greatest strengths but also one of his most powerful weaknesses. His care for her extends beyond himself.
Sounds very intersting! Might pll out Master Chief again as a character
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