Alexander Kherol
"You can send those men out there to death if you want to. But the Commonwealth would need men after the war as well."
~Alexander before the Battle of Proxima, foreshadowing the Commonwealth's devastating defeat~

Full name: Alexander Kherol
Age: 34
Race: Human
Affiliation: The Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity - Grand Admiral - Head of the Commonwealth's Military Technology R&D
"I encounter people like you all the time. You vow to bring down the Commonwealth, but have you ever thought what you would do after it? No. You only wish to take revenge for what was done to you, to sooth your damaged heart. The Commonwealth is a government, keeping billions upon billions fed, clothed and educated. Day after day, on thousands of star systems. Imagine if all of that vanish into the thin air. Grow out of your own shell, and think. Not for yourself, but for those people around you."
~Alexander in a rare, unpublished and widely-unknown debate with subversive groups in the Outer Rim~
Armies and Fleets The 1st Fleet of the Commonwealth - The Royal GuardsPersonal possession:A pair of glasses: Thick and strangely non-transparent, it has served him for decades as the window to the world
Rau've Pistol (Unloaded): Obtained from a deceased Rau've soldier as memento
Picture: See Chapter 3 of sidestories
Weapons:A blaster handgun: Has two modes: energy and stun. The difference between each is that energy causes harm if made contact, while stun merely paralyze it
"You don't need a group of superhuman soldiers to change the galaxy."
~Alexander in an open letter to the Commonwealth's Technology R&D~
Skills and abilities:Legendary Strategist: Behind the slim and seemingly unimpressive and shady figure is a mind of an unparalleled genius. Almost always two steps ahead of the game, his broad understanding of the overall knowledge of the galaxy and the gifted ability to quickly adapt and construct a counter-plan to a situation made Alexander an extremely difficult player to fight against in the long-term. Going for an ordinary and commonly used plan would simply be suicide, as thinking outside of the box may not even be enough. If one has the guts to actually clash with Alexander on the battlefield of maps and pieces, then that person must either go for a quick victory, and definitely with a wild plan in mind, because otherwise nothing will get pass this man as long as it is within his dictionary.
True Patriot's Charisma: His soldiers have an unusual devotion and loyalty to the Commonwealth's youngest Grand Admiral. Through proper training and education of the Commonwealth's philosophy, each soldiers, instead of fanatically, followed and obeyed the Grand Admiral's orders out of free will, true devotion and patriotism, while not afraid to express concerns or, in rare circumstances, disobey them if they felt must be done for the greater good. Even some of those outside of his units are admiring of this young man's ability to command loyalty and respect in his ranks.
Logistic Master: An army marches on its stomach. The motto borrowed from the legendary emperor served as a reason to master this essential skill, which is not simply the matter of getting food to every man's stomach. His ability to organize, coordinate, manage and maintain his manpower, material and facilities is efficient to the very far end of the digit.
"If I hadn't been protected by that man during those early days of my life, I might have ended up in the ranks of those poor souls. I would have been fertilizers to the soil, or be commanding scums instead of a military elite"
~Alexander in a private conversation with his secretary~
BiographyAlexander was born on Earth, one of the metropolitan planet in the Core World of the Imperial Commonwealth, and poetically the origin of humanity itself. Rumors, whether true or false, persisted in his city that the young boy was able to compete in local chess competitions for high school students by the age of two. Nine years later, the boy beat a chess grandmaster for the first time. By the time he was seven, he attended high school and as he reached the age of thirteen, he was able to think critically and conduct certain analysis at university and post-graduate level.
His reputation spread far, but through a miraculous yet brilliant twist of fate, Alexander did not perish under the Commonwealth's policies of using young children. Before the Commonwealth could forcibly kidnap this young genius, one certain nobleman, governor and politician of his planet, someone whom Alexander would look upon with respect and gratitude later in his career, offered him the opportunity to enroll in the Grand Military Academy when he reached the age of twelve. Yes, voluntarily. There, young Alexander would be given special protection from all the overly-ambitious Commonwealth's leaderships who were looking to use prodigious children as tools of their own.
There, he received over-the-top quality education that only served to further his inhuman ability. By the time he was eighteen, the normal eligible age, he went into officer training. He became a ship's midshipman aboard a Cruiser by the age of twenty, and then a captain of a Corvette by the age of twenty-one. Things go uphill very quickly for Alexander. From the command of one individual ship, he rose to the rank of Commodore, commanding three light cruisers, then to Admiral, taking charge of a fleet of seven ships, consisting of cruisers and battleships, with his own capital ship. His finest hour was during the first years of the Rau've War. Alexander was the mastermind behind Operation Conundra, in which was a successful lightning military campaign against the Rau've important military targets. It is considered by most, if not all analyst, to be a spectacular tactical victory, as it disabled the majority of the Rau've's space fleet. However, some analyst considers it a strategic defeat, but most Commonwealth's military commanders see otherwise, as subsequent military actions were the prime reason for their defeats later on. Nevertheless, Alexander was promoted to the rank of Grand Admiral by the age of thirty-two for the successful strike.
That was the peak of his career, however. As the war progressed on, Alexander could see the Commonwealth's armies slowly stagnating in its track and entrenched. Foreseeing a long-term war, the newly promoted Grand Admiral proposes a more defensive plans, intending to play the game with them, the game that he excels at. However, the high command rejected this proposal, as they found it too passive. As a result, the scale of war gradually tipped to the Rau've, as things began to go downhill for the Commonwealth. With Alexander's effort, however, he manages to lure the Rau've forces into a decisive battle at Proxima. There, he was determined to crush the Rau've's forces with his superior ships. His initial plans for the battle was to entrench the Rau've in the defense line while destroying the backbone of the Rau've heavy ships and guns with field artilleries and carriers before steamrolling the smaller pawns with the dreadnoughts. This, however, was countered by the Commonwealth's high command, through lack of understanding of rules of warfare. This was the last straw for the Grand Admiral. He knew the Commonwealth was doomed, but didn't want his men to die in vain, so he counter-proposed to let his ships remain in reserve, ready to back up the troops at the front once the defense line was breached. His proposal was granted, but he did not keep his promise.
Before he knew it, the war was over. A peace treaty was signed, with the Commonwealth's army from a hulk of an army to a laughing stock. This was the wake-up call for Alexander, as he redoubled his effort to bring the Commonwealth's fleet back to its full power and glory. He campaigned for the Head of the Military Technology R&D, and developed new technology and new powerful weapons.
"We create hell when we think we're not."
Personality:A subscriber of the philosophy of realism, Alexander is those who acts all accordingly and adaptively to the situation. He firmly believes that things exists despite the conceptual scheme or personal belief of a person. As a result, his decisions and reasonings are highly neutral in emotion, and always seem to focus on a particular goal he was aiming for. And logically equivalently, he is also highly critical of things birthed out mainly out of emotions or through personal bias and with little rationality for justification, claiming it to be 'the nest of unimaginable evil'.
As a person, the Grand Admiral is understandably a man of reason. He talks mostly with rationality and facts, and is usually accompanied with a calm and cold voice, and little facial expression. He is open to ideas and even criticism, something rare within the Commonwealth's high command, but does not open the gates to irrational emotions. Nevertheless, despite his impressive ability to suppress his own emotions for the sake of rationality, Alexander is still, at the end of the day, a human being, with emotions and feelings. He does feel sympathy to the child soldiers that were kidnapped from their family, often labelling himself as one of them as well. He loves his family, his parent whom he felt a little guilty for leaving them so soon and those who has the strength and desire to navigate through the complexities of his personality. Even though he may not be hesitant in sacrificing them if it serves the greater benefits of humanity, he still very much respects them, and will attempt his best to avoid such a fate for them.
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