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"Remember to look at the stars not down at your feet." Inspired me ever since. Rest in peace Professor Hawking
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Hmm, you know what I am going to do
Alexander Kherol

Private Quarter

What Nikolas had said to him weeks ago wandered in his head for long after everything had begun to settle down. Retirement with his family. What a peaceful fate for an honorable man. Probably the best, or the least bad, of what could happen after the horrible five-year war. Alexander himself did imagine himself one day to be like that, but knowing the state of the Ascendancy right now, stepping down from power is just like abandoning ship, but you do not actually leave the ship. On the one hand you have idiots in the Ascendancy High Command, all the way from the top, fidgeting with their own golden chicken nugget thinking how to make themselves look cool and powerful. On the other hand, you have private companies trying to exert control over the government because of this. That itself is another political sewage water to dig his hands into. And on the other other hand, you have terrorists and rebels - gullible fools attracted to lofty visionaries singing anthems of an egalitarian utopia. Unlike the government or the companies though, the rebels are mere worms in comparison. Easy to squash, and easy to use.

Beep Beep Beep

"Who is that?" Alexander heard the doorbell to his room.

"It's Carina." A female voice went through the intercom. "I brought some new report...and lunch. May I come in?"

"Sure." Alexander pressed the remote on his desk to open the door. Behind it was a woman Alexander entrusted in the helm of his newest weapon - Captain Carina Sansonetti. With her were a tablet held between her arm and torso, and two trays of spliced BBQ beef and mashed potatoes on both hands.

"Uh...should I?" After taking off her shoes, she noticed the pair of lion slippers on the shoe-rack nearby.

"Oh, if you like to. Room's clean anyway."

"Alright thanks" She ignored the slippers anyway and proceeded into the room only with socks. "Is that yours?" Carina was curious though. It was her first time being in a private quarter of her superior and old-time officer academy friend, and that slippers looked a little off for the kind of guy he is.

"What? Oh that." The Grand Admiral chuckled a bit. "Yeah that's mine. It's a gift from someone I know, but I never use it. It looks kinda silly in my opinion."

Yeah, she could figure he would say that.

"Wait..." Alexander looked at the tray Carina put before him. "This again? Haven't we had MRE for like a month now?"

"Yeah, but we're in a bit of a pinch in food supplies right now." Carina replied, also handing Alexander the tablet. "It appears it's not because of annual price increase. Agriculture produce price still continues to rise among the general market. So we'll have to deal with it for now."

"That's curious." Alexander said. "Do we know anything about what happened?"

"No clue. The media has been silent about it."

Prices are rising and the government is staying silent about it?

"Looks like we'll have to take matters into our own hands as well." He shrugged with a sigh. "After our current mission. For now, it's mashed potatoes for another month I guess."

Carina nodded with an amused smile, as she sat down next to another table (with his permission) to enjoy her own lunch, the same meal Alexander and the rest of the ship crew have. By enjoy, she meant tolerate. She'd want to get back to her favorite meal of lemon spiced chicken, but for everybody else, she'd be motivated to having to deal with endless mashed potatoes. If they're gonna suffer, it's equal sufferings. Even the Grand Admiral deals with the same crap a Private has to deal with.

"Say Carina. Do you have any plans next month?" Alexander suddenly asked.

"Hmm...no. Just gonna be here like usual. What's up?"

"Oh, I'm just saying I'm going to take a break after this two missions."

"Oh?" Carina was surprised. Alexander hadn't taken a single day of leave for like what...4 years? "For how long?"

Alexander turned down his mouth. "A month probably. I'm gonna have Faro or Kotaro over to run the fleet in the meantime."

Carina had worked with them before. They are capable men, so she had no problem being under either's command. And while there were still insurgencies to squelch, it wasn't as urgent as it used to be. Alexander did say afterward that the task of handling rebellious activities would temporarily be handed over to someone else, but didn't say who. "So where are you going specifically?"

"Home." Alexander simply replied. If anything, this is the most predictable part about him.

Carina gave a laugh. "Well, tell them I say hi."

Alexander Kherol

"Saxon, this is a bad idea. That wyvern is gonna break him into pieces."

The governor's only response was adjusting his helmet.

"It's not going to stop him. He will have to figure that for himself."

But to send him towards an incredibly hostile creature to humans? No matter how determined or brave they are, no one in the right mind would send a 14-year-old kid to that monster. Saxon was the one sending him to Leon for personal protection. He wanted safety for him, and yet...

"Kids his age are aimless. They play all day and they study all night. And then there is Alexander." The governor looked at the wyvern. "I want to know if something is true."

Meanwhile, Alexander was ready to go in and confront the wyvern.

"Here sir." He handed his Staff Sergeant all his weapons and his ID.

"All of them? What if it attacks you?"

"I'll be dead either ways. Don't worry, just chalk it up as an idiotic daredevil's death if you want to."

At least that would not tarnish his reputation.

"Wait-" He didn't have a chance to finish what he said as Alexander had already walked in. Now, it is a staredown between a man and a beast.

Noticing one particular human suddenly getting too close to its territory, the wyvern's eyes turned red in response. A furious growl echoed, with its bared teeth in full display. Alexander had the instinctive reasons to run, but he was determined. He had set course on his goal, as he took his steps forward towards the wyvern. And another. And another.

"Stay away from me human!" Finally pushed to the point, the wyvern spoke, its voice harrowingly booming.

Alexander wasn't flinched. He opened his palms wide, as he took yet another step.

"I shall not."

His eyes did not once look away from the wyvern's, still glowing red in anger. To the wyvern, this is an unacceptable act of trespassing. By a human nonetheless. The one species that ruined the lives of its ancestors. And here this one subject thought it had the audacity to try and ruin its lives as well. But his arms continued to be wide open. The tool he requested wasn't even in sight. It was just a slim man in two layers of fabric. He looked so defenseless, yet every look in his eyes was an indication that the wyvern was the one defenseless. One small step at a time, Alexander made it to its six toes, each claws on them large, long and sharp enough to pierce through an Ascendancy transport vehicle. He placed his hand on each of them, one at a time.

"Are you trying to deceive me into trusting you?" The wyvern bent its neck down to Alexander's level, its voice much deeper than before.

"I don't need to deceive." Alexander replied almost immediately. "You're wounded."

"That's none of your business." It snarled again.

"It's not a business. I am just helping."

"I can do it by myself!"

"But it hurts for you." Alexander now approached the head itself, feeling its bone-numbing freezing breathe down his spine. He removed his right, revealing his bare hand to the wyvern, along with the dark line that sliced through his palm. "There. I have nothing. I also have nothing to ask."

Confusion sowed. Everything just felt surreal to the young wyvern. Everything told it to just snap this human in half, but his touch was so gentle. It wasn't vengeful, nor deceptive. His imitation of the wyvern's usual bonding gesture was also strange, well beyond being amusing. What was he even thinking at this moment in time?





"Are you alright?!"


"You have to let him go with us..."


"You say I have the intellect beyond others. And yet you say I am to sit here helpless?"

The wyvern let out a sudden puff of ice, blowing over the human before it. Carefully, it swirled its wings around, letting them lay on the ground with its wounds exposed. The eyes were still red, but his breathings had slowed down much. Alexander had earned its trusts.

"What is this even?"

As Alexander made his way up there and using his special tool to accelerate wyvern healings on the wounded area, both men were just as astonished as anybody present. The wyvern was literally putting its guards down just for him. The Dragon's Brigade commander wasn't sure if this is something he would ever see again in his life.

"What's your name?" The wyvern's voice suddenly echoed in his head.

"Hmm, I'm sorry?" Alexander was a bit caught back by the Mind Magic use.

"You humans like to use names. What's yours?"

"Alexander." He replied with his thoughts. "What's yours?"

"...I don't have one."

"Oh right, right." He forgot how this young wyvern was already out there by itself. After having finished patching the wing, Alexander, instead of climbing down from there, climbed up onto the wyvern's head instead.

"Athenia. That's what I'll call you."

"Hmph..." It snorted. "I thank you human...no, Alexander. Is every human like this, or are you just one of the good ones?"

"Hmm..." Alexander hummed both in thoughts and outside. "I would like to say they are not, but I'm sure there's something you also feel confused about your own species as well."

"How the hell do you know about it? Your Mind Magic can't be this strong."

"I don't have it. I just know." His thoughts whispered. "How about we set an example?"

"Is it even going to change anything?"

"I don't know, but I will try anyway." Alexander crouched and brush through its fins. "Will you, Athenia?"

This funny little human. Weak, feeble and powerless, yet here speaking about changing the world. To a system deeply rooted in centuries of bloody history. He wished to change that, as someone who probably had never seen a wyvern in his life. And yet Athenia let him. It felt...empowering. It wasn't merely reasons, the empty husk of words and letters often conjured up for a convenient cause. Perhaps they were more similar than it was led to believe. The difference is that he is more courageous. And he'd probably succeed.

That, Athenia shall see for itself.


Its wings, fully healed, opened to its full majestic beauty. Its eyes turned white. It stood up, carrying its companion to tower over everyone else.

"Thank you for trusting me." Alexander said. "Be the flow, Athenia. Let's go!"

It took off.

Carrying the young ambitious Earthling.

Standing firm and proud.

With courage and ambition.

Ambition that would take him to the end of the galaxy.

Courage that guarantees it.

He would succeed. Or die trying.

And it took heed.

That a common soldier was too small a fate.

Two men witnessed his glory.

"He tamed it?!" Leon exclaimed.

The governor saw it differently.

He wasn't a tamer...

He is a leader

@Landaus Five-One
Alexander Kherol

There was something about him that made us feel we could do more than we ever imagine...

Draken'vina, Fehtzaal's Military Base, 2456 AD

"So this is the situation." Various holographic photographs were laid out by the Lieutenant before the Staff Sergeant and the rest of his squad. On his left side's were something coming straight out of a disaster movie. Entire towns frozen in ice, even the tall crops of some poor farmer living there were at the time were frozen it its place, the icicles sideways. On his right was multiple angled view on a huge creature, toweringly soaring through the sky with its gleaming silver blue wings. Its entire body was plastered with uncanny silver fins, with occasional spikes along its spine, ending at its diamond-tipped tail. Unlike a dragon, this beast only had two legs.

"An ice wyvern has been terrorizing towns around the east of the Vanguard Mountain Range. It has destroyed many houses and halted the production of crops of these towns. Luckily, the local militias of the area have been able to evacuate the civilians to safety, so human casualties are minimal. Nevertheless, we are trying to keep the creature dormant, but it is behaving very aggressive and continuously lashing out against intervening soldiers."

The Lieutenant, with an insignia belonging to his clan family, let out a deep sigh.

"So you are tasked with putting it down."

It wasn't at all desirable, but it had to be done. This was supposed to be a paradise planet, or at least the areas where humans live are, and this wyvern is threatening it.

"Lieutenant? How old is the wyvern?"

A voice suddenly came from the ranks. It's that nerdy kid again.

"Corporal Kherol. I have not given the authority to speak." The Staff Sergeant barked, visibly annoyed. He had been fed up with this 4-eyed kid for quite a while, ever since he transferred to this unit. He had been asking so many questions and so freely that it is making people think he couldn't control his men.

"Permission granted." The Lieutenant overruled the Staff Sergeant instead, curious to see the kid noticing this detail. "It's relatively young. If I'm going to give an analogy, it's probably around your age in dragon's lifespan."

Wyverns do grow quite fast, so under untrained eyes they might not be able to differentiate between an adult wyvern and a young one.

"Hmm, thank you Lieutenant."

"You are to deploy your squad quickly. We have cornered the dragon now and we do not want it to lash out anytime soon and ruin all of our work."

Strangely enough, the wyvern wasn't in a cave or something that could encapsulate it like Alexander initially thought. It was rather in front of a massive vertical mountainside. Soldiers donning both the militia and the Ascendancy's military uniform were swarming the increasingly agitated wyvern, as its standing ground was getting smaller and smaller. But occasionally, Alexander could see the wyvern covering its mouth with the upper-side of its right wing. Why such a thing? That is unnatural posture for a wyvern, and why would it do such a thing that could leave it vulnerable to attacks from the soldiers.

Once he was on the ground with his fire squad, however, it became clear to him what was going on. There was a huge gaping slash wound on its right wing. That explained why the wyvern felt the need to cover its mouth by it: it was actually licking it. As Alexander approached the other men who were keeping the wyvern in place, he could have a closer look at the wound itself. It looked messy, as if something coarse had inflicted upon it. It probably meant that this was not inflicted by a sword by a human being. It also explained why the creature is behaving so aggressively. Well, they behave aggressively on a daily basis against humans anyway, but wyverns don't tend to lash out in his previous sorties against them.

"I didn't expect you here sir. 3rd Platoon reporting in."

The Lieutenant saluted two men Alexander recognized. The first one he had met a couple of times but never spoke to. The commander of the Dragon's Brigade, Leon. Alexander already heard of him through stories, but he personally didn't find those stories particularly entertaining, as they seemed to be packed with so much aggrandizing that it does not sound realistic, but he overall found him to be a decent guy. The other man he knew particularly well though.

"Hey Alexander." He also recognized the young Corporal just as soon, giving him a handshake even when Alexander was still standing in formation. "I was supposed to come to base to visit, but me and Leon also came across this. Sorry that we have to meet right here."

Governor Saxon of Earth. He was the one taking in Alexander after he left his parents and got him into the military in the first place. He also arranged him to Draken'vina as a trainee soldier, and hopefully be a part of the Dragon's Brigade as well, or at least having a post here, where things were relatively peaceful. It might sound cruel to be sending a kid into the military, but this is the Ascendancy they're dealing with.

"That's ok. We can't help it." Alexander replied, his eyes more interested in Leon and the wyvern. "Can I speak to Mr Leon?"

"Sure, I guess." Saxon called the man in question over, followed by the Lieutenant.

"Is there something you want to say to me young man?" Leon politely asked as he gave Alexander a handshake as well.

"Yes sir. I want to know if the wyvern was attacked. I saw a big wound on its right wing"

"Well, I don't know for sure, but all I know it's already there when I had my men deal with it. Good observation." He nodded.

"It may be aggravated by the wound, causing it to rampage. Is there any ways we can heal its wounds?"

"We have special tools to seal it at least, but good luck calming it down. You can't reason with wyverns."

Can they? That was exactly what he was taught, as well as any books he could lay his hands on about this place. Intelligent beings but lonely and never hunt in packs. But they hated humans. To their very guts. They came to the planet and chased them out of their habitats, so in turn they hunt humans. They don't even speak like humans even though they can. Reasonings to them are weaknesses, natural instincts triumphs everything. Smart for a species, but primitive compared to human beings. That is the reason why they are not meant to be reasoned with. You just force them to be dormant or kill them. But is it truly so? It was all but a trend, a trend unbroken, but it is a trend.

Alexander observed the wyvern carefully. Its right wing twitching slightly, still threatening to soar from the humans grasp at any moment. Its breathings surprisingly slow, while its eyes trailed the soldiers back and forth.

"Please get it for me, Mr Leon. I'll calm it down."

Leon was obviously not convinced. "Are you crazy? It's gonna kill you. It won't listen to humans."

"Yes it can." Alexander pointed firmly. "To me."

"What will we do then if it lashes out again? If it kills someone here because of it." He sternly doubled down. "It's not something I will take from a 14-year old."

"I will take full responsibility if that's the case. Prosecute me, court martial me or however you handle things here, like adults to adults."

Alexander also wouldn't back down. His eyes trailed over to the governor, who were also a bit surprised that he would raise his voice to the Dragon's Brigade commander. Luckily, this is Leon he's talking to, not some self-endorsing vain captain of the Ascendancy.

"Let him be." Saxon intervened.

"What? Are you serious Saxon?"

"If there's any danger, get back immediately, ok?"

As if Alexander would let it stop him anyway...

Acion Nakamiji

"Charging in from the sun, that's..." Actually he hadn't thought about that kind of tactics before. Probably because he had been trained more for those standardized testings that are available at UA rather than actual practical situations, so that might actually work...probably...

"I like it. I'm gonna give it a go, if I can." He gave Carol the thumbs-up. Depending on the starting position, he might be able to try it. "And...is that a real crime?" Acion scratched his head over Carol's 'ripping the tags from the mattress' thingy. Now that he thought about it, the tag was always on the mattress whenever he saw one. Damn, now it's gonna stick around in his head. He needed to know the truth.

Then comes the topic of combat effectiveness that Acion brought up. Carol seemed to be pretty reserved when she went on about fighting dirty. To be fair, it was something usually frowned upon by some people. His family frowned upon it. Hell, Acion, to some degree, frowned on playing dirty. It was...unhero like, let's put it. But that was before that one camping trip he had. It really hit him that once he was on the ground being punched, all pretenses of playing fair went out the windows.

"I usually try not to play dirty, but I did have to break it once. It was a life or dea-" He realized mid-sentence that may be awkward for him to talk about. "Nevermind what I said. But if playing dirty is inevitable...I don't see what's wrong with it."

He was about to go into his own combat effectiveness, but another someone showed up before the villain team. He didn't recognize her from yesterday, but he did see a strange name on his team. "Hey. I'm Acion Nakamiji. It's nice to have you joining today. And no, you're not late, we're just hanging around waiting for Mako-sensei to start us. We haven't really grouped up anyway." Acion said as he peered over to Dulga, Yukari and Kouji, who were just doing their own warm-ups.

And just as he said that, Mako began the exercise. The rules for him was just getting the gold briefcases and bringing it back to the starting point. Seems pretty much like 'Capturing the Flag' to him, at least on the villain's side. But he didn't know where the briefcases were to be exact. If they are all inside the buildings, then that's gonna change a lot of what tactic he would use.

They weren't given any time at all for strategy meetings though, and Dulga seemed to prefer having the head start instead. Well, that sucked. Acion generally wanted to be a bit more careful, but since Dulga's gone, he'd probably have to try to work around that, or just let her do her own thing. It's a bit annoying planning around your ally who wasn't there.

"Well, I don't think divide and conquer is necessarily a bad thing. We do have the number advantage for now. But then again, I don't know what your quirk does, Emi-san, since you weren't here yesterday." Acion turned to Emiho. "I feel like we should familiarize our quirks first before doing anything else. For me, it's pretty simple." He creeked his six wings for everybody else to see, most of them already witnessed its grand sizes already. Hopefully after this they could finalize some sort of battleplan, even if it might just be simple guidelines to how to approach this exercise, and quickly.

"I'm perfectly fine operating on my own or with someone else. If anyone feels like they need assistance, I am willing to serve. But for now..." Regardless of plannings, he was going to do this anyway. He wanted information, and if he was optimistic, he could probably snatch a briefcase back to base before the heroes could react in time. "I am going to have a quick glance at the buildings. I'll let you guys know if something's interesting."

After Dulga, Acion now let his wings wide as he made another vertical takeoff like during the demonstration the day before. The lift of all his wings lifted him up high into the sky, before falling down just enough distance to build himself some speed, gliding towards the center buildings. He made a quick dance of weaving around the buildings as he surveyed the buildings from the outside. They were either not directly visible there or the glasses weren't transparent for him to see.

'Seems like I can't just do a hit and run then.'

He'd have to break into them by force.
Alexander Kherol

Collab Post between @Letter Bee, @Conscripts, and @Landaus Five-One

Nevivsky Kremlin, OGLE-2005-BGL-390Lb, Headquarter of Ascendancy’s 1st Fleet

Windsor had kept his promise, and there has been no trouble among the planet’s civilian population since the incident of a year and five months ago. However, new potential problems were about to arrive when an encrypted communications message was sent to Alexander’s personal office: Dragon’s Fleet has been dissolved. Converge with Admiral Laguna on the Dragon’s Headquarters to enforce the division of the Fleet and their troops among your forces. You can have the personnel while the Ms. Laguna have the vessels themselves.

The intent was clear: Emmanuel intended to saddle Kherol’s fleet with over-idealistic, over-honorable ‘liabilities’ while keeping the cutting-edge technology and ships for his ‘pet’ Admiral. Transparent, but at this stage, there was little that can be done without resorting to overt treason.

That doesn’t look like disbanding to him

What it really appeared was the President was just taking the ships for himself and handed the ‘troublemakers’, to him at least, to someone who could handle them. If the core units of the Brigade remained intact, then it would just remain almost exactly the same as before. Ships could be replaced, rebuilt and even improved. In fact, now that the war had just ended, with the Ascendancy ravaged by war, and a crippled military forces having to cooperate with local militias to keep the peace, while also fending off potential treaty violators, building new ships were among his priorities. Having a bit more ships in the queue were not that big of an issue for him.

But would he be able to rein them in anyway?

That’s a question he was more interested in than finding it problematic. They are great soldiers, well-trained and extremely deadly. He’d be more than willing to entrust a weak flank in a battle to them and they wouldn’t simply stop the enemy but annihilate them before the other flanks could finish the job. He’d take them over any other units in the Admiralty, but the problem was more of their attitude. He remembered the time they refused to chase down the remnant of a battered fleet after a major battle only because they thought it was so-called ‘dishonorable’ to cut down fleeing enemies. That remnant contained dreadnoughts and supercarriers. Needless to say they were like the gum ulcers on his tongue for a few months or so.

’Ayyy…’ Alexander sighed a little.

If worst comes to shove, he could just assign them the appropriate roles. The dirty work could be left to someone else. Hey, shifting responsibilities were already too common around the Admiralty anyway.

”Grand Admiral Kherol to Captain Sansonetti.” Alexander pressed the intercom button on his desk. ”Inform Kotaro I am leaving for Draken’vina, Vell Station HQ of the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet, under the President’s order. Set course and leave when ready.”

Vell Station, Dragon’s Brigade Fleet Headquarters in orbit of Draken’vina

Nikolas was in his office on the station looking over the request forms of transferring his fleet by the President’s orders. He had always known this was going to come to pass, it was obvious as day, after the war the Ascendancy had been decimated. If anything, this was basically to make Laguna’s fleet stronger by the overwhelming firepower the Black Ops Ships held. However, the one guy he respected in the military’s admiralty was also coming for his soldiers.

’Ugh… Knew this day would come but it makes it a bit ironic that it would happen now of all things. Nikolas sighed and rubbed his forehead.

If anything, his soldiers were extremely loyal to him and wouldn’t want to be separated from him. It was like the Battle of Proxima was a set up, felt a bit stupid to believe they could win that battle. And least of all the Child soldier underneath his command was captured by the enemy, which was his goddaughter. It frustrated him a bit but his frustrations showed a weakness that not many people saw in him.

”Alexander and Laguna. As usual, the ‘dog’ of the President would be coming here. Pleasantries are better to greet them with instead of the opposite.” Nikolas looked up and pushed a button, it was to Vienna. ”Vienna Stoutfield, can you please welcome the Admirals with open arms, when they arrive at our station. Thank you for serving me well.” It was pleasantries required for Ms. Laguna and Alexander when they arrive at the station.

Admiral Laguna had brought her entire fleet, not trusting Nikolas to give her his ships freely. With her were the last few Dreadnoughts of the Ascendancy Military, as well as a few Carriers of her own. Accompanying those were an array of cruisers and frigates, corvettes and supply ships. A sight meant to overawe, but also conveyed the increasing paranoia of the Ascendancy.

Nevertheless, the Admiral had consented to go to the station with her security detail, with instructions to her fleet to begin an engagement at the slightest sign of trouble.

If Nikolas attempted some form of treachery, she’ll be there to deal with him. In fact, considering the fact that Kherol was there, she might even try and start an incident forcing the two to fight each other… No. That would backfire. She had common sense.

The final guest of the station arrived in the exact opposite manner.

The only capital ship to show up was the Manfred von Richthofen. The first of the class, its sheer size were a monstrosity compared to the other ships among Laguna’s fleet. It couldn’t simply be called a carrier. It couldn’t simply be called a dreadnought either. It is a heavy supercarrier. Constructions were repeatedly delayed during the war by the Admiralty, but by the time most of them were wiped out as the war progressed, funds were quickly diverted to this project. Flight hangars were numerous, but the amount of guns sticking out of the hull was even more terrifying, challenging even the toughest of heavy cruisers in any fleet to embark on a hunting trip against it, but at the cost of its shield protection systems. As if its improved dreadnought armor scheme needed them anyway.

And finally on the tail fin displayed 6 circles in a circular chain with the seventh ring on top of it all. A proud insignia of the 1st Fleet.

Following along the ship were two light cruisers and five auxiliary transport ships. They were well-prepared for their newest members of the 1st Fleet. And a lot of them today. Docking right close by to Laguna’s dreadnoughts, once the authorization was to be cleared, a small ship made its way from the flight hangar of the supercarrier to the Vell Station.

Emerged from the shuttle gate were three men, two in their dark red signature coat of the Ascendancy’s 1st Fleet, flanking around the man in his usual pitch black battle officer uniform, his eyes unnervingly unseen from the outside as he greeted the Brigade’s soldier assigned to him.

He knew the Brigade wouldn’t lash out. They knew their code of conduct, and Alexander knew they knew. The Richthofen’s appearance was not meant for them.

Coming across Laguna along with her own tight security team, the Grand Admiral gave a quick yet seemingly more casual salute, along with a sly smile

”Good day, Ms Laguna. It has been a while since we last met.”

The Grand Admiral nodded, knowing who to envy and fear at the same time.

Vienna approached Ms. Laguna and the Grand Admiral Alexander, with a gentle smile to the two in question. If anything, she knows what is going to happen since she is the leader of the Honor guard that protects Nikolas. She was wearing her usual honor guard uniform, which had an obvious logo of such on her shoulder. If anything, the fact she wasn’t equipped with the usual honor guard’s sword showed she means no harm to either Admiral.

”Ah, I must say welcome to Vell Station, Admirals. Ms. Laguna and Grand Admiral Alexander, Nikolas are waiting for you in his office. He told me to greet you with open arms and escort you to his office. Since this station is a bit confusing to non-brigade officers. However, I think this is your third visit to the station Alexander.”

Vienna had a more familiarity to Alexander since he did visit the Vell Station a few times before the war. However, she definitely had an accent of someone who was born on a far flung station in the Ascendancy’s borders. In terms of everything, she looked at the Brigade soldier, which was assigned to Alexander and basically showed she’ll take them the rest of the way. The Vell Station was machine greatly oiled by their commanding officer, Nikolas. The Brigade Soldier, bowed to Vienna and gracely saluted Alexander and Ms. Laguna and went on their way to the task they had to do. She turned around from where the two were and walked in the opposite direction towards The Dragon’s Office on the station.

With a sigh, Laguna followed the frontier-born soldier to the Dragon’s office, all the while finding this business too easy. Did he install some sort of electronic traps inside his vessels? If so, she’d have to contact Conner about it. In fact, maybe she should bring up Conner in Nikolas’ presence - With Alexander around, she can get away with such a provocation, and if ‘The Dragon’ acted violently… More advantage to her.

Smiling tightly at the thought, she walked beside Alexander, not wishing to present herself as his inferior…

”Indeed I do, Ms Stoutfield.” Alexander nodded, having known her before, pointing his thumb over to the porcelain sculpture of Nikolas. ”Though I don’t remember that one little statue over there, do I? Unless my memory serves me incorrectly~”

It was actually there at the time, but it wasn’t Alexander misremembering. His eyes glanced over beneath his glasses to the seemingly quiet Laguna walking right beside him trying to keep pace.

”Anyway, I hope everything is proceeding well for your Brigade. It’s a rough time to be in the army right now.”

Vienna expected as much as who would be talking since Alexander is one of those men who would rather chat instead of assumptions. She had known that much of Alexander during Nikolas chats with the Grand Admiral. If anything, Vienna wasn’t surprised at all. The only thing that surprised her was the fact Ms. Laguna wasn’t speaking, she did hear her sigh. However, she looked over to the porcelain sculpture Alexander pointed out.

”If anything, Alexander, it has been slightly altered since the last time you came over, to hold his sword in a stance fitting our Engaged Sword Techniques.”

She had always been enjoying informing others of the changes to their station. Even though, this point of time it's a bit of a sobering experience since no one from the Dragon’s Brigade will be here anymore. On the subject of what Alexander brought up, she sighed a bit. It’s only because if it wasn’t for Nikolas’ she would never have been a part of the military and done her own thing on the Station her family owns.

”It is, proceeding according to Nikolas R. Zahrin’s Orders. It is obvious why you two have come, Alexander and Ms. Laguna. At least you are both showing a common courtesy to Nikolas’ legacy as a Commanding Officer.”

She always was grateful to Nikolas R. Zahrin’s family in the Brigade. The expectations to become a part of the Brigade were not that high since Nikolas saw much potential in every single person he had come to know in the Brigade. But it was time for that past to become something more even though the nostalgia of being a part of something that felt good and truly bound by the rules of engagement. Nikolas never cut corners, in anything he did for the Ascendancy’s Military. It didn’t take long, which felt like not that long of a trip through the Station, they finally reached the Dragon’s Office.

”Here you are. Nikolas R. Zahrin is waiting inside the office. I will be standing outside. I do hope you have a wonderful chat with Nikolas.”

Vienna turned around and bowed to Alexander Kherol and Ms. Laguna and smiled at them. With an understanding of everything happening to the Brigade, it is Nikolas R. Zahrin’s pride and joy. Even though it is a bit prideful of him having statues of himself all over the station. Everyone in the Brigade sees their commanding officer more as a surrogate father figure.

Grand Admiral Laguna entered the office alongside Kherol, feeling more isolated than ever. It was clear that the Dragon’s Fleet and associated brigades loved their commander, and she felt some pity, some empathy, for that. But it mattered not - Emmanuel’s plan needed to be implemented and Nikolas was a danger to it.

Confronting the man in question, all Grand Admiral Laguna can blurt out was, “I am glad you are accepting your ‘retirement’ with the same honor you show in battle. I and Mr. Hadley will take good care of your ships.”

Nikolas looked up from his desk, when the two Grand Admirals walked into his office. When Ms. Laguna sat down first then Alexander. While he raised his eyebrow when Ms. Laguna blurted out specifically what she wanted to say. It was blatantly obvious what she was trying to do, get a rise out of him. It was nothing out of the ordinary since he does hate the way the Gravia Military Company conducts themselves but he learned his mistakes from that meeting all those years ago.

”Aha, so that’s what your plan is? Trying to get a rise out of me just by the mentioning of Conner’s last name. Laguna should be trying with more substance over the past. But I suppose you are here to help with Conner’s ego. Since he did say something about it. He would get me back for what I did. However, Orders are orders and the Fleet is yours, there’s no tricks. But, I am honor bound to do what I must to help the Ascendancy. It means, there’s no tricks in those ships you humbly saw on your way here next to the Station in their docks.”

Alexander heard Laguna being non-specific with her statement, while also triggering Nikolas with the mentioning of him. Ah, that guy. What was that company supposed to do even? If anything, it just convinced Alexander that the Ascendancy didn’t need more of private and well-armed corporations. And for Laguna and Mr Hadley...worth-noticing.

”For your personnel, I will ensure they fit into our culture. As you may know, we are not...shall we say...the same as yours in terms of codes of conduct.” Alexander rolled his eyes over his outburst. ”But I also know you live and die by your code of honor. I am most curious by such discipline. So if I may ask, I would like to have a read through it. Maybe we can learn something from it.”

Nikolas didn’t forget Alexander since he was also in the room. He was grateful that all the Grand Admiral’s Alexander was different. The Dragon smiled graciously towards Alexander.

”Alexander, I must say it’s good to see you in these troubling times. I did see your Flagship when it jumped into the system. It’s impressive nature would make anyone going against it tremble in fear. Also, yeah I do know of the differences between our two fleets. The culture of mine is more of a family, while yours is different.” In terms of Nikolas he had always been pretty defensive to his family no matter what. He was a chill fellow as long as you try not to get a rise out of him. ”Yes, I do live and die by my code of honor. The discipline I trained in my brigade is the reason why the Rau’ve feared it. But you know of it very well. I’ve written the very conduct of my brigade. Now where was it?”

Nikolas opened his bottom drawer of his desk and brought out a monstrosity of the code of conduct for the Brigade. He sat it down on the desk, which kinda looked a bit heavy in the traditional sense. The Code of Conduct looked more like a novel than the regulation codes in the military. Alexander is a super genius, since his tactics were great.

”I must say, sorry if that hurt your ears when the book landed on my desk. But it's a monster. The Title of the Book is the Honor Code of the Dragon. Even though it was much easier to teach them the code over forcing them to read it. Because some of them didn’t want to read something so massive. In terms of everything, I do hope you enjoy the source material, Alexander. Good luck, since I am basically retired as Laguna said...”

Nikolas does have a sense of humor. Even though, his sense of humor is a bit much even for some people. Including the Super Genius, Alexander.

He did expect a long read, since their discipline were something else. But to see this much...reminded him of his officer days where he would cram for nights on perfecting the art of war. Ascendancy tactics were sometimes repetitive, and that would be the worst place to be so.

”Oh boy…” Alexander moved his glasses down away from his eyes instinctively for a very brief second, as he stared at the sheer amount of information he expected to read for the Brigade’s integration. They’re meticulously written, very detailedly elaborated upon, with examples and non-examples all covered. And in a book no less. At this day and age, he thought it would be on a flash-drive or something. But the one thing he’d complain about would be that: couldn’t this be written any shorter? Technical writing is a real thing in the computing world, if Alexander didn’t have to find himself in the military.

Grand Admiral Laguna rolled her eyes, saying, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say that you’re running your Fleet as your private fiefdom, Nikolas. Don’t forget whose coffers paid for your ‘private culture’.”

A frown as she said, “Nevertheless, I can appreciate the sense of togetherness and community you fostered in your fleet.”

Appreciate the danger it presented to the Ascendancy and the President-for-Life’s goals.

A quip, “You know, elections for Congress are still half-free. Why don’t you spend your retirement trying to wrangle a seat in the Ascendancy House of Representatives?”

Do take it seriously - You’d be better off there than planning treason.

Nikolas noticed Alexander’s eyes, for the very brief second they were shown. He did laugh at Alexander’s words of oh boy. However, Grand Admiral Laguna was still trying to get a rise out of him but in a different way. If anything, Laguna is on the side of the president definitely with how she tried to say Conner’s last name. Not much of a surprise there to him, he always knew Conner had more friends in the Admiralty than just Berkeley. Even though it would have been better if Conner wasn’t involved at all in anything since his private military company was also a danger, but it fully supported the President.

”I know who paid for my culture, it’s the government who wanted me to defend themselves from the unknown. I did my duty to the letter, Ms. Laguna. I was as privileged as the other Core Worlders but I didn’t let the core world’s biases get in my way. It's the reason why the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet was feared in the galaxy. But the good times must end. Like all things in this galaxy.”

He knew from the get go that Laguna only wanted one thing in the whole world was to end him with anything she could get on him. However, he smiled when she said togetherness and community. However, the quip to become a politician just made him laugh.

”I do appreciate the men and women under my command. I’d have to honestly decline becoming a representative in the government. It would be better for me to retire and live on Draken’vina, my homeworld with my family. Over dealing with the day to day politics of the Ascendancy. I promise to you, Laguna. On my code of honor I won’t be planning any treason against the Ascendancy. Even if you don’t feel like you can trust me, you have Alexander here to tell you that the word of mine is much greater than anything. When I bound myself to my honor. Hope that helps your weary soul, Grand Admiral Laguna and you can tell the President for Life and Conner the good news. That they don’t have to worry about Nikolas Richard Zahrin, the Dragon leaving his homeworld.”

Nikolas had a smile towards Laguna. He put his own honor on the line, like he always would during this exchange to show he has truly learned his lesson with what he almost did with Conner. Conner fears Nikolas and that’s much is obvious. He looked directly at Alexander to see what Alexander would say in addition to what he said. Because Alexander knows Nikolas too well to back down on his honor, what is honor if anything but nothing if he breaks his honor oath.

It was both a little amusing to find himself being the third wheel in a quarrel like this. But seeing it unfold like this, it was kinda obvious how both sides like apples and oranges and they’re not accepting the other one’s.

”Well, we all know people lie all the time. They say they swear by the oath, but they would turn their backs at the moment you don’t expect them to. That applies to Nikolas, me and even the President himself...” Alexander simply shrugged as he was asked about Nikolas’s credibility, his tongue growing slow and sly as he mentioned President Emmanuel. ”At the end of the day, it’s how much leap of faith you’re willing to take.”

”With the fleet number and the personal security personnels you’re willing to take out there, I don’t think even my words would count.” He said. ”But you have done this before right, Ms Laguna? The battle for Masser Primus. I’m sure you have enough leap of faith in you.”

Admiral Laguna gave a thin smile, “Yes, I have enough faith in myself to continue advancing the Ascendancy’s future…”

”Perfect. Now we can proceed with settling in.” Alexander smiled as he declared. ”Orders are already out to my auxiliary transport ships to dock. Your men and women can begin the transfer to our carrier.”

The male Grand Admiral stood up straight, with a firm hand extended to Nikolas, the other holding the book he received.

”Hope you have a good retirement with your family.”

When would that day come?

Nikolas shook Alexander’s hand and smiled towards him. If anything, this last exchange felt right to him. Even though he planned this for a long time coming, he always was wanting to retire from the military anyways.

”I thank you Alexander, for this last exchange between us. It was always an honor to fight along with you in these wars we had. Even though my last war would always be this one that the Ascendancy lost terribly. I had everything pre-planned even before this day actually came, I do know you will take care of my soldiers better than anyone. As well, Ms. Laguna hopefully you will enjoy the Black Ops Ships in my fleet to be added to yours. I do know you will remove all designations of my fleet after they had a refit to fully be integrated into yours, it’s not rocket science.” He was content and played her little game to show he was truly grateful to the military for what he wanted. If anything, it’s better this way.

”A little word of wisdom. Hopefully you will never come face to face with a true Dragon. Like I have. Since they are truly terrifying creatures. But majestic at the same time. It is the reason why I absolutely told my soldiers to avoid the Kaisoken, they reminded me of the Dragons on my homeworld.” He was a bit odd to say that, but then his eyes turned into Dragon’s Eyes because of his Biotech Upgrade. But they returned to normal afterwards since he was always a bit nostalgic for certain things.
Alexander's EX Skills:

- The Mind of a Genius (Exceptional Intelligence x5): An unexplainable inhuman intelligence, Alexander is capable of understanding layers of complexities that can take years to fully understand in a few explanations, and quickly coming up with solutions that can go beyond the grasp of even a smart person.
- Leadership is Two-way (Exceptional Leadership): There is a difference between just dying for the Ascendancy and willing to die for the Ascendancy
- Never Interrupt Your Blundering Enemy (Exceptional Generalship x3): In war, he knows exactly what to do when there is both something and nothing to do.
- House of Cards (Exceptional Politics): It takes a lot to keep himself within the Ascendancy High Command without being ousted. It's not just sheer intelligence and tactical ability
- Eagle's Eyes (Exceptional Attention to Detail): Even the smallest detail that occur during the most chaotic time can be caught under his thick glasses.
- Be Like Water (Exceptional Martial Arts (Hand to Hand)): Physical exercise and mental intelligence goes hand in hand. It clears the mind, shifts your focuses, and sometimes can bring out subconscious ideas that you never think of. Alexander has always followed these principles during his early military training, and after the war he proceeds to expand his scope of cultural understanding by studying other different martial arts as well.

Acion Nakamiji

Being one of the early bird to the scene, as he stood by and waited for his teammates to arrive. During the meantime, he took the time to stretch his limbs and warm himself up, including all six of his wings. It did look sort of unique to see Acion bend his wings one by one as a warm-up exercise, but it was his anatomy, what could he do?

As his classmates trickled in after finishing their changing, Acion began to seriously consider the team roster. On the one hand, he had to deal with Alice, who would probably be his primary opponent, considering Donny probably didn't have much power to deter Acion's aerial attacks. Nadeko could probably do some crazy metal gymnastics with her magnetic hand, but if he paid close attention it would probably not be a big deal. Alice's silent flight could be cause of concern, but Acion was confident he could disengage if things go sour. On the other hand, he had Dulga on his team, who had one impressive display the day before of strength and precision. It felt a little bit relieving to be on her team for the first combat. It would be scary having to deal with her when he didn't know what her combat style was. Kouji was also there, but he is more talk than walk at this point to have any sort of opinions on his capability.

And there was Carol. She arrived just in time when he was thinking about her.

"Oh hey." He turned around as soon as he heard her. "Yeah...I guess so. Well, I can't do ambushes of course, because...just look at me."

Though the easier it is to ambush the enemy team, the easier it is they can do the same towards his team. But information is key to any successful ambush. Being a flyer in a team fight, Acion felt like it's a good thing to provide for the rest of the team. He might not be able to perform the ambush, but helping creating a perfect ambush could be something he could definitely do.

"I'm not sure what we're supposed to do in this exercise anyway, so I can't think of a concrete 'evil' plan, let's say." Acion laughed at that part. Hey, they were acting like the villain after all. "I guess what we can discuss for now is how do you usually fight? Or what do you think what is effective? For me personally, I'm like that...you know that creature in that blocky building game. I think it's called Phantom. But yeah, I just swoop down on people from heights then go back up."

Depending on what they're allowed to bring in for this exercise, this could be devastating.

"How about you...uhh...Tennebalm-san, if you don't mind me calling you that? What are you good at?"
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