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"Remember to look at the stars not down at your feet." Inspired me ever since. Rest in peace Professor Hawking
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"Whoa whoa." The calm-headed pilot of the Vietnamese squadron gave out a slight bit of uneasiness as he pulled on the yoke and the warplane immediately swirled to dodge the incoming missiles and flaks. Despite the repeated training for these types of armaments, the relentless attack of the Chinese fleet felt a little bit too much if they were to proceed. They did notice particular patterns in both armaments as the squadron was toeing around the range of the carrier strike group.

"We could go through here." Nikolay said, explosions shook the yoke of his entrusted warplane. "There is a noticeable interval in the missile fire there."

"We'll still need to dodge at least another barrage of their nonsense. Is it worth the attacking chances though?" A female pilot commented.

"Weapon check." Cuong ordered. The pilots reported back a few seconds later. The temporary head of the squadron furrowed his brows at what he heard. "We could take down a couple of frigates if we pile up, or damage their carrier. But it's a heavy heavy risk."

"Also, make this as you will comrade, but I heard from some ground forces that there were attacks upon the carriers earlier in the fight, but they appeared to have already fixed that minutes later." The same voice warned. "I don't know the details, but they seem to be able to shrug off some damage pretty easily."

"Ok no then." Cuong quickly decided. This was the Chinese grand opening to a new theatre, and it was not anything new or flashy. Cuong suspected that the PLA was also deploying the same kind of show over in the Philippines as well, but against a more uncoordinated defenders this time. In that case, it simply would just be a waste.

After a couple of rounds just flipping and dodging the Chinese firepower from a relatively safe distance, the six Vietnamese planes backed off and headed back to shore, bringing back with them all 12 aircraft intact, but also not much done aside from wasting the attention of the Chinese fleet. The Chinese seemed to have relied almost solely on the Noble Arms to make progress on the beach, seeing the catastrophic destruction they caused, and to their chagrin, the squadron was not really in a position to attack the guy. They didn't really have the weapons specifically for the task of sniping an individual off the face of the planet. However, given the relatively lack of objectives for them to do, and the fact that these weren't aces for nothing...

"How would you feel if we attack that asshole on the beach instead?" Nikolay said over to his copilot.

"Uh, not good?" Cuong responded. "But given the hedgehog that is the Chinese fleet, I'd take that guy any day."

"That's all I need to hear!" Nikolay stepped over onto the comm and announced. "Alrighty comrades. We will attack that guy fighting on the beach earlier."

"What? Are you serious?" The female pilot spoke again.

"Yes, we are doing the funny run. Lotus 3, you have bombs right?" Cuong asked, to an affirmative response. "Then you go high. Everyone else, ready the cannons and spread out."

The lack of dedicated weaponry hasn't really stopped them before.

One SU-30 perked its nose up and ascended, meanwhile the other five burst out of formation like a blooming flower, approaching the shore all in different directions. Once visibility over the Chinese Noble Arms master was clear, they slowed down a little, before a message was broadcast.

"This is Lotus Squadron. We will soon commence an attack on the target at sector D1. Stay out of his position."

As soon as the broadcast stopped, all aircraft turned simultaneously towards the spearman on the beach, the one SU-30 diving down on his visually estimated position. Very soon, multiple ear-splitting noises of automatic cannon fire rattled the air, stacking on top of one another creating a long chain of auricle-menace, as the sands surrounding Huo Ren burst up in columns. Once the shooting stopped, two explosions reinvigorated the sand column.
Floyd "Flemma" Cloute

His amusement over the fellow's flustering soon shifted over to the dynamic between him and an apparent talking doll. A small body but quite a character. Her explanation also was very on-point and straightforward, unlike the hundreds of lines that no one would bother reading on the associated instruction manual. And thankfully, despite being behind on the technological front, he wasn't that out-of-date; after all he did grow up in the fast-lanes. It took some refreshers, but he figured it out relatively quickly with the doll's instructions.

"Ah it works, thank you thank you. Flemma graciously said, having activated both the PDA and headphones. He put one of them in his pocket and the other over his head, with quite cleverness using only his left hand, before returning the greeting with a nod with the hand on his chest. "A pleasure to meet you both. What's your lady's name, if you don't mind?" He said. "I'm Floyd. Floyd Cloute, but you can call me Flemma." Knowing the rather strange name the green-haired man quickly followed up. "It's an alias from my old job. They call me that too often that I kinda got used to it. Floyd works too if that's a little awkward."

Now that he had some free time, Flemma took a quick glance at his new coworker. Quite a young lad they got for the spot. As far as he could tell, guys like these weren't uncommon, which was strange, considering the relative importance of the job. But hey, young talents were always welcome. They didn't have any shortages of surprises, hell even terror for the relatively experienced fighter like he was.

"So, I assume I can address you as Mr. Milton. How do you end up here with this diverse band of crime fighters?"

Floyd "Flemma" Cloute

Let's just say that Flemma was not really impressed.

Despite the more straightforward demeanor, the introduction still carried a strange corporate feel to it. Mainly due to the weird sense of urgency that the commander was trying to paint this as. And that the commander was well-ay-okay with throwing these bunch of recruits, many of whom bore signs of a unique background, likely not in any ways familiar with security work and such, into combat with barely any training, experience or hell even knowing each other. And he was phrasing this as some sort of test? This is a job. They were offered this position, they don't need to prove they are qualified. Already, the attitude was off-putting to the man, but he would see how that plays out. As far as he was concerned, this was a relatively simple mission. Relatively

"Yeah, this guy has a point." Upon hearing the slim-looking man, the swordsman spoke up frankly. "What do you want us to do with her? Make her pay is vagueness defined. We need better details than that."

And to think this was an elite security unit.

'Whatever' Flemma too followed the new agents into the locker room to prepare himself. He only needed to walk for a couple of blocks before a locker automatically sense his arrival and swung open for him. Inside was just like Nevyn's assistant Alayna said: a suit which he wouldn't use, an Anima which he also already have, a PDA which seemed quite new-generation comparing to what he used like fourteen years ago or so, a headset of similar quality and a holobadge. He only took out the latter three items, meanwhile putting his other stuffs away, and closed the locker. What remained on him for deployment were his belt pockets containing some essentials, the work items, and most importantly his long sword with a weird looking handle hanging in his back.

The three items were a little jumbled together, and Flemma only had one hand to work with, so he simply just carried that whole mess of technology with him to the vehicle. Once he sat down inside next to the kid that spoke up earlier would he begin to untangle the whole thing. It was a little awkward, but his fingers worked well with one another to compensate for the lack of the other arm. After untangling the holobadge, he hooked it on his belt. As for the other two devices...let's just say it made him fumble a bit with it.

"Umm, do you know how to use this?" Flemma looked over to the black-haired man, the two devices in his hands as he said. "I'm a little tech-illiterate."


Locations: Sorian Park
Interactions: Charlotte @princess, Devan @Prosaic

John expected a much more volatile response from that guy, but his courage only extended so far as to not having a knife pointing at his neck. Whether or not that was just a pathetic display of character, or a reasonable response to an unexpected psychotic action was up to debate. John was glad that he, along with these vulturous goons, was leaving the drama scene. It was a little unfortunate that along with it, the girl in pajama too was spooked and fled. She looked fun to talk to.

As for Lorenzo, who was left to confront who seemed to be the very angry (and also very edgy) organizer, he was quick to flee to someone for help. As much as John sympathized with the humiliation he had to endure the previous night, it wasn't necessarily a good look that he ran for help so quickly. He wished the Duke would've stood his grounds more. It was something that the doctor himself learned, being a man of peasantry breaking into the upper social classes. He had always been a soft kid who avoided confrontation, who wanted everyone to live together in harmony, who treated everyone with hospitality, but hospitality would only get you so far as the northern mountains. Sometimes, you have to be more aggressive in face of the vultures.

Glancing to his right was Charlotte, along with a fellow he hadn't met. Apparently, she knew him, so that's good. She also was gesturing both he and John to finally move away from this incident completely, now that the guy with the cane decided to let the Duke go. The doctor had no hesitation in doing so. It was not a fun event, not for the already irritated John, but he figured it was much worse for Charlotte, whom was perhaps the victim of so much humiliation and stress in the last few days. He couldn't help but catch up to her once she distanced away from the whole situation.

"I'm sorry that had to happen." John said softly as soon as he got her attention. "How are you feeling right now?"

Remembering the tears streaking down her exhausted face earlier, he offered his handkerchief if she wanted it. Or if she wanted some food, she could also have some of his waffles, which he was still holding in his other hand. But he also remembered that she wanted a peaceful time with Lorenzo, have some quality tea with him and her friends.

"Do you want to check up on your father?" He said. "We can still have tea together."
Floyd "Flemma" Cloute

He had his alarms set in case, but he was already wide awake by the time it sounded. Unlike many of his to-be-met members, he was already prepared for this trip. His belongings already packed, not that there were much to begin with, his teeth brushed, his body showered, his breakfast ready the night before, and most importantly, his weapon well-sharpened. Today was the big day.

Flemma took a brief glance at his watch. He still had quite a bit of time before the first train arrived at his nearest station, so he took this time to get himself a smoke, knowing that the moment he hopped on that train, it would be a no-go until he reached the tower, hell even after it too knowing Soma. He reached out for the pack in his lime-green jacket hanging on the wall, opened it and singled out a cigarette by firmly holding down the rest with his thumb. He jerked his arm upward, shooting the cigarette up in the air before catching it elegantly with the same hand, inbetween his middle finger and the cigarette pack. After placing it inbetween his teeth and put away the pack, he grabbed his sword lying on the table in its scabbard, pointing the handle at the tip, letting a stream of purplish flame ignite the cigarette. His last moment of total freedom, he should enjoy it.

Once the cigarette was finished, he promptly snuffed out the flames and tossed it into the bin. With that behind him, he grabbed everything he needed, making sure his travel passes were there, and made his way to the nearest train station. It would take a couple line transfer, but he should be transported right through the heart of the 2nd Pillar. The train would stop right by his destination as well, so no need for fancy GPS nonsense to guide his way there.

One of the reasons Flemma was prepared for this trip was that they reached out to him quite early on. Not a two-day notice, but rather almost two weeks. He was initially quite reluctant to be returning, even under the promise of a comfy quality of life. That was actually exactly what those Solitas recruiters said to him many so years ago. 'Work for us, we're like a family. We will provide for you'. And what do you know. So he wasn't exactly smitten with this idea. Sure, he was living in a tiny cabin in the mountains, living each day by hunting and trading with the nearby villages, but there's a certain sense of freedom and peace that he craved after toiling for so long and so much in the fast lanes of Fortuna. It was only when the guy brought up a certain benefit would the former 'gladiator' be convinced to be back in this life.

What better ways to be welcomed back to city-life than the cheerfully depressing sight of advertisement. Of all sorts. From the most fanciest vehicles to the most mundane of things like a water bottle. Everything with a fancy looking price tag and a tinsy bit of discount to make it look cheaper than it practically is. Sandwiching the transit map above the train door were two ads. Stepping out of the train you had a decent chance to be harassed by those sales officials. On the buildings in the distances were ads. It was everywhere, and Flemma'd be lucky to find a holographic screen that wasn't one of those thirsty corporate products. He did eventually find one with a less depressing sight: the murder of 36 individuals in an attack the day before.

The former FAC fighter stopped in the stream of commuters after exiting his last train to check out the news. Ignoring the funny notion that 36 people dying would just taint the reputation of the area, the fact that this was some political assassination was an interesting detail. It wasn't rare or anything, even back when he was still around, but it coincided with the mentioning that criminal activities were rising throughout the 2nd Pillar, indicating something big was going on in the background. He suspected it would probably just die down after a couple of months of investigations and back-and-forth condemnations but who knows. For sure though, he would be going in during the hot period, and he'd be curious to what he'd end up doing with these individuals.

Flemma arrived at the Tower a few minutes earlier than expected. So he waited a bit outside before entering just before the designated time, guided by security to the proper elevator. His arrival would be within seconds before the clock hits 10 AM, accompanied by a rather casual mischievous wave.

"Hello hello. How precise would you rate my punctuality?" The one-armed individual happily greeted the two as he approached the conference area, as well as whoever was around.

"Roger." Cuong answered the order from Noel, ending the transmission before a grumble escaped his lips. "Alright, we heard him."

"An NA user with a fancy spear, I wonder who that could be." The Russian sitting behind the pilot gave a grinned remark. These NAs are the Chinese's wet dreams. There were no going anywhere in the military circles without hearing one of these guy's names. And given these people's tendencies to go showing off who they were and their accomplishment, Nikolay was fairly confident that they would be able to spot him fairly quickly. Chances are he'd freely give away his position very soon with his Noble Arms power, given that the battlefield had died down to the point of literally no sights of gunfire was found. His comrades, however, wasn't exactly thrilled.

"Spotting a tiny tiny pixel and then rocketing him blind?" One pilot complained. "Does the guy know we're like a thousand meters in the air?"

"I mean, I doubt little kids know that we track machines, not humans." Another responded. "We can descend low enough for visual identification. It's not too big of a deal"

"You sure? If he wears what he does in those posters, then it might be more difficult to verify." A female voice joined. Unlike the vast majority of those chuuni Noble Arms, this guy was at least somewhat practical with his outfit. The brown and black outfit made him blend in with the earth, and while it might not be difficult to find him on the ground, when he's simply a small dot from above, it would prove quite difficult.

"Not to mention his potential powers as well. Nope, I am NOT getting down there." The first pilot said. However, considering that they might want to spot the guy before he did any shenanigans to the ground Filipino troops, it seemed like that was just inevitable.

"Well we wanna get low anyway. There's no pleasantries around anymore, so might as well get the front row seat for the opera." Cuong, now the acting commander of Lotus, overrided the pilots' grumbling. "I will do the visual ID. You can standby at a safe distance."

"Sure." The pilots simply responded along the lines, complying without much resistance. Their skepticism temporarily suppressed by their confidence in their skills and adherence to their sense of duty. As the other SU-30s descended and levelled off, the one lone aircraft continued its descent, getting dangerously close to ground fire range, the roar of engine alerted anyone close to it.

"Lower. I still can't see shit." Nikolay demanded, but his co-pilot wouldn't go any further and levelled the plane off.

"I know you can, Nikolay." Cuong said. "Any lower than this and you're just asking for the daring devil."

"I mean the dude wants concussive force right? What better concussion than a supersonic jet flyby?" Nikolay reasoned dryly, but the tone was pretty clear. However, Cuong was not impressed.

"If that kid hears this, he'd think that's a good idea and tell us to do it for real." He said. "Enough screwing around, let's look for the guy."

It didn't take them long. Upon flying by the hills and into the beach area, the target was not that hard to spot. Tall, brown outfit, brandishing a spear. It's got to be him. Just in time for the update request from Noel.

"Well, he's right on the beach at sector D1, if you haven't spotted him already." The Vietnamese pilot responded, just as the earth began to roar and shake. Instead of turning towards Huo Ren position and attacking him as ordered, the jet simply perked up and flew away, rejoining their squadron in the air. Perhaps attacking that carrier over there might have been a better plan than this guy.

Locations: Sorian Park
Interactions: Charlotte @princess, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy, Ruby @SausagePat

"I'm doing...wonderful, thanks for asking." John smiled brightly, concealing his exhaustion from last night and the irritation this morning that still lingered. He was in the presence of some pleasant people, so he wouldn't want that to sour the conversation. However, he'd not enjoy this for long though, as there was a guy, a blonde guy, who were perhaps a little too impatient for the waffles. To be fair, John and those three were mulling around the table, blockading the line, so it was partially his fault too.

"Yeah we should move. People want their share too." He responded to Charlotte's request, but that was pretty much the last cordial thing to happen in this waffle table. From this point on, it would be chaos.

“NO MORE! The only fool that’ll be in the damned newspaper is you, the waffle bitch, the fucker in the green, yes you! And your whore of daughter!”

"Sorry..." John hung his head low as he nudged Lorenzo and the girl in pajamas. "Come on, let's just move."

“The ‘Whore of Veirmont’ is bound to surpass her father and hop on every single Alidasht-shezzy-prince cock, you rat-faced son of a bitch!”

Ok, that was totally unnecessary. They were already moving. Why would this guy find the need to insult the two of them? If they wanted the waffle, they could just go around him now. Or heck, just ask cordially, like a normal human being would.

Unsurprisingly, Charlotte already sprung up in anger. The chaos continued to escalate, even as she pulled John and the other girl out of harm's way, as the patron get thrown into the waffle table, not exactly sure because Lorenzo shoved him or he just threw himself into the table by accident, but regardless the waffles were ruined, but the hyenas were still swarming those fallen waffles.

Like, what the fuck?

He gets that blocking the line was a rude behavior, but their behavior were still unacceptable. Calling someone a whore, a murderer was just heartless. It was too much for Charlotte, and he wouldn't blame her. And not only that, it's fucking stupid. In some alternate reality, the guy could just say nicely that the four of them were blocking the path, could he get some waffles, and they'd comply unconditionally. It's insanely unnecessary, and yet, he wasn't surprised. This was the Caesonia he knew. The Caesonia with that crab mentality of pulling anyone with a modicum chances of success through the mud. The Caesonia that would berate literally anyone on the flimsiest of excuses. A rumour, a class status, a lifestyle choice, whatever doesn't matter. All to satisfy an empty husk with no sense of empathy.

His irritation did not help John in this case. He was ticked earlier, and after seeing what happened, he decided to step forward to the blonde guy who were trying to get up from the waffle table.

"Are you alright?" John showed concerned for that man, lending a hand for him to get up. But the guy slapped his hands away instead, refusing to see senses.

"How fucking dare you?! You're lucky I haven't beaten you to a pulp already." He was already back on his feet and angrily shouted at the doctor.

"Look, we did ruin your breakfast. It's our fault." He was surprisingly cordial before the rage of this man. However, his expression didn't necessarily read guilt nor apologetic either. His voice was neutral. "Look, I took quite a few waffles. You can have a few of them for compensation. Which one would you like?"

"You motherf-" That only seemed to enrage the guy even more. "Who do you think you are to put terms to me, huh?! You are no saint! You ruined this for us too along with those cunts! Give me that plate and I might let you get away with it!" With that, he lunged at the doctor, or rather the waffle plate in his hand. However, the plate was quickly swapped to the other hand, and what remained was a dinner knife, one just as sharp and deadly.

John swung his arms up, taking advantage of the patron not prepared for a doormat like this green fellow to actually respond, putting the knife pressing right on his throat. All the while, John's expression did not change. "I said..." Not even his voice. "Which one would you like?" He presented the waffle plate to the patron, who was barely able to glance down with a knife on the throat.

"Would you like some sauce with it too?" The doctor calmly and cordially asked with a casual smile, at the same time as he pressed the knife harder onto the man's throat, moving it just slightly. The patron could feel the knife digging into his skin, and that was enough to strip down all the man in him.

"N-N-No...thank you!" The patron immediately pulled back and ran away from the scene. John gave a rather oblivious look of surprise before turning to the patrons who were salvaging the waffles on the ground.

"Feel free to take one. It's not good to eat dirt." He said, all the while still holding that dinner knife, albeit non-threateningly. None of them were having it, they just backed away.

This guy's crazy.

Locations: Guesthouse -> Sorian Park
Interactions: Charlotte @princess, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy, Ruby @SausagePat

For a long long time that is '30 minutes ago', the good Varian doctor was in a state of personal hell, or 'heck' he would call it. He was sleepy. He found himself dozing off on his arms multiple times, only to jolt back up when that innate sense of danger kicked in that told him he'd smash his face somewhere. Keeping himself busy was no excuse anymore, the only task there was waiting for Thea. He'd read books on normal days, but each line of text was a cradle, each chapter a lullaby. He'd collapse before he even knew it. Screw hellfire, he'd rather burn for a good night's sleep.

The knock on the door finally came, and John's response had never been faster. He wanted not just to get this over with and he could occupy himself outside, but that it had also been a while since he did this checkup with her. However, it wasn't Thea. It was the Smithwood servant he sent earlier instead, along with another similarly dressed individual, presumably also a servant for the Smithwoods. Upon seeing the doctor's tired face emerge from behind the door, both ladies glanced at each other nervously.

"Dr. Williamson?" John merely nodded this time. "...We're sorry but your appointment with Lady Thea would have to be postponed."


"...Will have to what?" His voice was rather neutral. Both servants weren't sure if he was being rhetorical or not. The servant that spoke up, the same one he sent to Thea, looked over to the other one, expecting something.

"S-She said you need not worry about her, and that she'll come to you later." The other servant stuttered. Both of them could hear the gust of air blowing after that statement. This just meant 'never', doesn't it?

"Uhh, Dr. Williamson?" One of the servant called out to John, waving her hands in front of the doctor after a rather lengthy silence. "Are you alright? Do you have any questions for us?"

His eyes nearly rolled out of his head before his usual casual friendliness that both the servants came to knew him for returned.
"I'm alright, thank you. I have a couple of questions, actually." Both servants nodded. "You two saw Thea earlier. What does she look like?"

"What does she look like?" They pondered the question. Considering it was from a doctor, "She was...unsteady, one would say. She almost fell." the servant replied.

"Does she look exhausted?"

"I'm not sure, I don't think so. She is still going around by herself."

John gave yet another sigh. "Hmm, okay. One last question." His voice was still quite amicable. "Do you see anything on her arms and legs?"

"Umm...no?" The servants replied in confusion. "Why do you need to know that?"

"Oh good. Don't worry about it~. I just wanna make sure she won't be DEAD in the next few days." The doctor replied with a very appreciative smile on his face. "Thank you you two, have a great rest of your day."

The door was then slammed shut.

Well, so at least she'll be fine for now. But that still did not alleviate John's annoyance much. In a way, it's kinda sad. Through some insider's information, he knew a little bit of her situation. And he'd be honest, it's fucked up. Not even just a lost father, but a claustrophobic and molded family situation. Give anyone a poor and homeless childhood anytime, but not a dysfunctional one. Now her father's gone, her mother's been focusing on her own happiness, her brother...well who knows what her brother had been up to. And a fiance that if he were to guess out of so many typical stories, she didn't get to pick. Who was genuinely there for her really?

John pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. He was too tired to be mulling over this nonsense. He wanted to get out for once and actually get to enjoy things for a bit. It's a beautiful day, and he's in one of the best cities of Caesonia. And thus he got himself dressed, though not too differently from what he wore at the ball the day before just with different colors. A man always on duty, like usual.

The morning newspapers were full of nonsense, but the events section does give quite a bit of activities for him to decide. As much as the interesting stuffs like the Self-Defense basics or the Hat Shop, the doctor was hungry. And that wouldn't sit. He'd have something in his stomach and no one would stop him. 'Pancakes at the Park.' Which is the reason why he didn't hesitate when he read that bullet point. With only half an hour left for this pancake event, he went straight for the waiting line, ignoring everyone if they weren't also waiting for their turn.

"Ah yes, YES." Like a couple of individuals around here, John wasn't the only one excited for the waffles. He didn't even bother sitting down or finding a seat, but would have his ticket back to heaven as he walked. Soon, some colors returned to his face and irritations began to evaporate. It was then that he began to recognize some of the park-goers here. It was very much difficult not to.

"Hello again, Duke Vikena." John gave the duke a two-fingered salute rather than the bow that he would to other nobles. "Food really does blind us eh?" He said, jabbing subtly and lightheartedly at both the duke and himself, who were until a moment ago were quite hypnotized. "Nice to see you, Lady Charlotte. You as well, miss."
Here of course
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