"Whoa whoa." The calm-headed pilot of the Vietnamese squadron gave out a slight bit of uneasiness as he pulled on the yoke and the warplane immediately swirled to dodge the incoming missiles and flaks. Despite the repeated training for these types of armaments, the relentless attack of the Chinese fleet felt a little bit too much if they were to proceed. They did notice particular patterns in both armaments as the squadron was toeing around the range of the carrier strike group.
"We could go through here." Nikolay said, explosions shook the yoke of his entrusted warplane. "There is a noticeable interval in the missile fire there."
"We'll still need to dodge at least another barrage of their nonsense. Is it worth the attacking chances though?" A female pilot commented.
"Weapon check." Cuong ordered. The pilots reported back a few seconds later. The temporary head of the squadron furrowed his brows at what he heard. "We could take down a couple of frigates if we pile up, or damage their carrier. But it's a heavy heavy risk."
"Also, make this as you will comrade, but I heard from some ground forces that there were attacks upon the carriers earlier in the fight, but they appeared to have already fixed that minutes later." The same voice warned. "I don't know the details, but they seem to be able to shrug off some damage pretty easily."
"Ok no then." Cuong quickly decided. This was the Chinese grand opening to a new theatre, and it was not anything new or flashy. Cuong suspected that the PLA was also deploying the same kind of show over in the Philippines as well, but against a more uncoordinated defenders this time. In that case, it simply would just be a waste.
After a couple of rounds just flipping and dodging the Chinese firepower from a relatively safe distance, the six Vietnamese planes backed off and headed back to shore, bringing back with them all 12 aircraft intact, but also not much done aside from wasting the attention of the Chinese fleet. The Chinese seemed to have relied almost solely on the Noble Arms to make progress on the beach, seeing the catastrophic destruction they caused, and to their chagrin, the squadron was not really in a position to attack the guy. They didn't really have the weapons specifically for the task of sniping an individual off the face of the planet. However, given the relatively lack of objectives for them to do, and the fact that these weren't aces for nothing...
"How would you feel if we attack that asshole on the beach instead?" Nikolay said over to his copilot.
"Uh, not good?" Cuong responded. "But given the hedgehog that is the Chinese fleet, I'd take that guy any day."
"That's all I need to hear!" Nikolay stepped over onto the comm and announced. "Alrighty comrades. We will attack that guy fighting on the beach earlier."
"What? Are you serious?" The female pilot spoke again.
"Yes, we are doing the funny run. Lotus 3, you have bombs right?" Cuong asked, to an affirmative response. "Then you go high. Everyone else, ready the cannons and spread out."
The lack of dedicated weaponry hasn't really stopped them before.
One SU-30 perked its nose up and ascended, meanwhile the other five burst out of formation like a blooming flower, approaching the shore all in different directions. Once visibility over the Chinese Noble Arms master was clear, they slowed down a little, before a message was broadcast.
"This is Lotus Squadron. We will soon commence an attack on the target at sector D1. Stay out of his position."
As soon as the broadcast stopped, all aircraft turned simultaneously towards the spearman on the beach, the one SU-30 diving down on his visually estimated position. Very soon, multiple ear-splitting noises of automatic cannon fire rattled the air, stacking on top of one another creating a long chain of auricle-menace, as the sands surrounding Huo Ren burst up in columns. Once the shooting stopped, two explosions reinvigorated the sand column.