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Alright, I hope the backstory is ok. Let me know if there's any issues.

"Aight, see you around!" Ornager waved back casually as he savoured the rest of his drink. Once done, he took out his wallet and paid his drink, with a nice but modest tip for the nice waiter who was willing to accommodate him. Afterwards, he'd bring the two luggage with him back to the tricycle and headed out. @AriiBird

He wandered the area for a little while longer on his trike, enjoying the scenery and letting the wind caress his fur, before finally settling back to the bookstore where he also would be lodging at. He looked around for parking space but there wasn't one close by. It wasn't exactly convenient or nice of him to be asking the owner if he could keep the vehicle inside his dorm, but he couldn't leave it out in the open. Ultimately, Ornager decided to park the trike temporarily outside the door, leaving his luggage while he entered the store, or rather peek in from the door with a wave.

"Eyo! Is there a good parking space nearby for yee ol' me?"


Ornager returned the hospitality with that same smile, one noticeably effective at getting people to loosen up. "Why thank you ladies. I just had a nice lil' exercise from outer town, eating my mornin' chestnuts. It's all good!" He said, appreciative of the comment. It wasn't uncommon to hear, but it's nice nonetheless.

The waiter delivered the water he ordered as the two girls went over to the counter. The beaver requested a straw with him due to his teeth blocking him from sipping water from the cup properly, to which the cafe worker happily provided. Ornager sucked on the straw from the corner of his mouth instead. Hearing both girls introduced themselves as university attendants nearby, his ears perked up. "Phynnia, Areya. Me big big pleasure to meet ya both. My name's Ornager from Pine Glen Grove." He said. "And university nearby eh. Ya don't say it's Gloomminster, do ya? Cause I'm headin' there too, learnin' some magic." If both the girls were to ask if he was staying at Bonnie's, he'd give a grin and a 'Ya gotcha' thumbs up, as he sipped more water from his cup.

Then every timeskip is to a Wednesday lol

The travel from his hometown and here was at least a few hours of biking, and thus he would need to already be up before sunrise. And Ornager would be up before sunrise, to the minute. He took his time taking a nice shower, grinding and cleaning his teeth, putting on the best set of orange plaid shirt, khaki pants and brown gilet that he set out the day before, double checking the suitcase he had prepared, along with a small treated wooden box on top of it, compact with mechanical tools that he could not live without. With a brief goodbye said to his parents, the large beaver slugged the two items he had out of the house and marched towards a tricycle, and indeed it is a tricycle. Sturdily handcrafted almost entirely out of wood except for the chains, tires and wires, with a large basket in front suitable for any bulky personal cargo he had, which would be the two baggage, along with a pump he just casually yanked from the back of the house. His parents already had a spare.

With it, the beaver embarked on his journey. It was quite long, but he was well-built for long journeys. As long as he had his bottle of water with him, a song to hum down the country road, time flew quite fast. Soon, Gloomminster came into sight, neared and finally engulfed the beaver as he strolled along the road, passing by the shops and houses. He saw the lodge he was supposed to stay in, but passed by that to head into a cafe parking lot instead. After making sure that his preciously built tricycle was securely fastened, he slugged his baggage out of the cargo basket and headed inside.

The door opened to a ring of a bell, and emerged a large furry silhouette, a large flat tail slightly skidding off the floor. His lips opened to reveal four long teeth in the middle, as he raised a finger to catch the attention of a cafe worker. "Fur' one please." He spoke, having quite a distinct accent. One cafe worker approached the beaver slightly nervously, which towered over the small lad, who asked if he shook his head, to which Ornager shook his head with a firm "Nai."

The cafe worker looked over it a bit and directed the beaver to sit down at a table nearby. He dragged the luggage over before plopping down on the seat, the tail tucked between his legs, seeing as the chair could not fit putting it behind him. "A gulp of water fur' me. Thank ya." He ordered from a waitress, before inclining back on his chair, having a look at everyone around him. There's a certain lot of personality around, of different kind. The beaver saw two elves sitting close by him. He did log the peculiarity of their physical appearances, as one had what looked like sews on her lips, and the other had eye-covers, but Ornager greeted them the same as he would any other. "Heyo, how's yur mornin' been?" He said, a friendly smile that let the two long upper teeth jutting out, looking a little goofy, as he waved at both of them with a two-fingered salute.

All the while, a blonde haired man was taking a nap in the small corner of the dock, his head pillowed by his own bag of food, clothes, utensils and other essentials, desperately trying to recover from his sleepiness the previous night due to being kicked out of the park. Thanks a lot loitering laws! But to be fair, he was being a little petty with his money. Upon realizing the MILOV was arriving in Kallokain, Bactrie did not want to miss it, and so he quit his job and departed at the eve of the week and crossed the land, taking in all the traffic and potential hiccups along the way. But everything went a little bit too smoothly. The carriage driver that took him there seemed to have a sudden injection of hustling motivation or something, taking him right to his intended destination way sooner than expected. And thus he was sort of stuck in the city waiting for the airship for a night, which to him was a bit too short to worth an inn room, and so the bench it was. Somehow he didn't get found this time.

Bactrie gave out a long yawn before looking around for any time indications. It looked like it was probably about time. Hopefully he was sober enough for his new employment, not only to create good impressions, but also that he was hired probably because he was to help pilot the ship. There's no way a sleepy pilot is a good one.

The atmosphere of the docking bay was much busier than in the inner city, surprisingly enough. But it made sense. This was a window to the world, and the world is more interconnected than it used to be centuries ago, so people were just doing things that were natural. But naturally it dynamically partitioned the dock into pretty recognizable groups. Upon swinging around eavesdropping near each group made it clear why they were there, one in particular were two individuals sitting in a wagon nearby. One older gentleman and a goblin girl. He tried to not pay attention to their bantering, but upon hearing that she was getting up there, the blonde man turned around in curiosity.

"Hi there you two." Bactrie waved at them with a friendly smile. "Are you here for MILOV, may I ask?"

Alright posted. Also, realized halfway through writing my post that David reminds me of someone...

David Liang

"It's alright, my...well I'm not exactly an exciting person either...forgetting what you saw." David tried to give a laugh as he consciously stumbled over which words he should say it, almost blurting out that he was a boring person as well, which could have some unpleasant implications, especially in front of Rowan. She was a pleasant person to be around with, despite having not interacted much with.


Thankfully, the child they needed to escort was of the Hoar's family, and knowing their position among the town, and their role in the festival, it was not difficult to locate them out of the growing crowds that were attracted by. David followed Rowan to the point where the Hoar patriarch waved for her to come forward with Stig, at which point David simply enjoyed the comfortable position in the crowd to watch the performance. It is not the first time he had participated in this...ritual of sort, but he never got tired of the spectacles. The cane slam to unleash a dome of sky lanterns to create something that could easily be engraved in myths and legends, weaving with the
highways of stars above and below them. It was mesmerizing, just as much as the dance being performed on the raft by Freyja.

For a time, he felt his troubles and worries slowly exorcised from his body, as the cool chilly air blew on his face, the stars and moon illuminated him, the sound of the gone washing away the cobwebs. David's eyes closed as to bask in the moment, as the final gong sounded before everything quiet down...

It was not long before David realized that the tranquil had gone on for a bit too long. He opened his eyes again only to realize that the lanterns had frozen still. He looked around to see everyone also remained still, as if time had stopped. But the lake continued to waltz. It would have been just a weird anomaly, until Freyja's panic alerted David that it was not an illusion, not long before a column of water engulfed her whole.

A cacophony of trepidation mixed with a strange sense of curiosity surged within him. His first instinct was to immediately step back, but he couldn't. The lake surface had risen to his ankle, and around each were vortexes that sucked his feet firmly in place. As David struggled in vain to get out, he was forced to witness what was happening. It was not a horrifying experience that he expected, but a genuinely beautiful display of luminescence to the tune of a song. He could not determine where the voice was coming from, seemingly like it was all around him, if such a phenomena was even possible. It was in neither his second language nor his mother's tongue, yet he could understand it perfectly.

His last sight in the realm of the physical was a glimpse of an otherworldly place: a city on water, both upside down and downside up, shining in a momentarily calm water before it began to animate again with tendrils bearing down on the stone-bearing witnesses. One tendril immediately headed for David, as he raised both hands bracing for the force that knocked him out cold.

By the time he was awake, he was no longer in the warm place he called home, but as the air rushed through his nostrils, a surge of life coursed through his veins...or what his veins equivalated to. Colours overwhelmed his sensors, him sluggish to register what he had never seen before in him, and also what had become of his body. As his chest laid flat in the shallow surface of the lake, it came to a shock that he could not hear his heartbeat anymore. Was he dead?

But he could still feel his limbs, to some extent. It was a weird sensation though, indescribable to his current state. As he opened his eyes and sat up above the water level, he saw the dizzying island that humbled an insignificant being like himself, before noticing what he had become. His clothes changed for certain, now he donned a dark blue tunic covering all but his foot, hand and head, layered behind a white wide-shouldered half coat with gold outlines. But the most dramatic change was his body. His hand was covered in a weird amalgamation of treated wood, tin and metal. The wood covered most of his palms and fingers on the front side, while the tin covered the backside, along with the joints also made of metal. And were there springs beneath the tin layer he saw?

Beneath his hands were his reflection. David's face had also been covered in tin, his hair solidified, but thankfully the facial features still looked just like the original David. His right eye had turned sapphire blue, the iris turned into a four-pointed star. It did not seem to affect anything with his vision, as he was still seeing just normally, but it was still quite a change. He was not the only one as well, everybody else seemed to be scattered but within proximity of one another.

David finally was comfortable enough to stand up, the clanking sound of rudimentary mechanical work still rattled him a bit. Nearby was Freyja, who now also had antlers and furs. Odaya too, a weird combination of crows and humans. And in the distance were the familiar faces of his school friends.

As Freyja also awakened, the now robotic-like David gave her a helping hand up. Despite the impression that everybody was engulfed by the beastly water, not everybody was here. "Everybody alright?" He asked, his voice seemed to still be normal, though a lot clearer. "Who are we missing?"

@Fading Memory

The Varian doctor smiled at Mina's sudden return kiss, but it was not enough to calm his worries yet. His stomach was still turning inside out at the thought of what could be happening right now. But like he tried to instill in her, there is hope somewhere. After the rain, the sun will rise.

His hailstorm of thoughts were immediately cut off and suppressed the moment Shehzadi Munir arrived. While Mina quickly snapped back to her normal public self, Munir was rather less so. He was a very courteous he would not deny it, but there's something hidden in the formality that John could read, like black lines in the middle of a classified documents. What could that be about?

"Your Highness, Lady Blackwood is alright now. She just needs some rest." John stood up and crossed his arms behind his back formally, maintaining the professional image that he was very accustomed to towards the royals. "I will take that into consideration, thank you." He nodded to Mina as he took the blood sample from her hands. Then the two of them left back to Mina's quarter, but not before the Shehzadi giving him a few words of appreciation.

"It is my pleasure to serve. I am glad to see Mina has a calm and caring friend to look after her." Was it intentional that he addressed Lady Blackwood that way, it was difficult to know.

He left the room shortly afterwards as well, letting the servants do their thing. His mind now turned to the blood sample that he had on hand. Drop of similar substance huh? Well to actually take a look and do that, he would need a microscope, and not many were bringing them along in this trip, including himself as well. He did not expect this to be such a weird trip already from day two. The only people whom he knew would bring microscopes were the senior councils that were already getting ready to leave for Varian in the evening, as they tended to bring their research with them. Thankfully, there was one particular person who would not be going back to Varian, at least for the time being.

"Alina?" John knocked on the door, and a quiet sound of chair sliding slightly on the floor was heard. Not long after, the door opened to a brown curly haired woman of over half a decade older than he was.

"Ah John, come in." Alina, or rather Dr. Alina Zinchenko, politely invited him into her room, which seemed to be custom configured more like a hybrid between her office and a bedroom. "What has brought you over today?"

"I need a microscope." John stated, holding the blood sample in his hand clearly for her to see.

"Hmm alright. Who is that for?" She replied, raising her head a little.

"It's for Lady Blackwood, but I can't really say much else. She requested discretion." John replied.

"Well, if it's from you, then I suppose it should be alright." Alina said, as she reached her hands over to grab the microscope, then stood up from her chair. "Let me know when it's done ok?" She said concisely then walked over to the door and closed it. The Kolonivkan doctor gently bowed before sitting down on the chair with the blood sample. As per procedures, he used a tube to take a small sample out into a flat pane of glass before putting it beneath the lens.

His eyes neared the sample. And hitting him was a rather worrisome scene.

The red blood cells. They're dying. Fast.

That explained a lot about his ailments, sickness and fatigue he had been having recently. There was nothing to carry the nutrients around. But why? It was not really something too special of a conclusion, what he wanted to know more would be what could be causing all this. How was his diet, sanitary conditions, or what kind of illnesses he had before all this happened. Because if this isn't fixed soon enough, there is a likely chance he would succumb shortly.

He would make a note to inquire Mina more on that, but there was one more thing that she mentioned: to put other blood in his blood. It's a little awkward to be doing this, but he'd have to steal a little from Alina. He saw the other blood sample tray that she had and took a clean tube and extracted a tiny tiny bit, unnoticeable without measurements, and dropped them onto the sample under the lens.

"What the hell..."

Already, the blood sample turned a shade of red brighter than before. Noticeably too, which is eyebrow raising to say the began to multiply. It was actually multiplying. 'Wait, multiply?' How was that even possible?! From another person's blood?!

His head stumped on his hands. "What kind of vampiric nonsense is this?" He muttered out upon the discovery. In the years he had worked with medicine, this was the first time ever he had seen two blood samples combining to generate red blood cells. This under anyone would have been an incredible thing to witness as any researcher would pound on this opportunity to study this weird effect. Perhaps it would be revolutionary even. Potential cure of blood cell production by simply transplanting? However, he remembered his promise to Mina to keep this discreet, so he would keep this under the rug for now.

But really, what the hell did he just saw?

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