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John & Roman & ◆◆◆◆◆ "△△△" ◆◆◆◆◆◆

((Previous Day Collab))

△△△ kept waving in Luz’s direction as Sir Barrios pushed her wheelchair until both figures were swallowed by the crowd. He turned his attention back to where the two other Varians were and approached them. “We meet again, Grand Healer,” △△△ nodded to Dr. Williamson, then to the blacksmith lord, “Lord Ravenwood.”

“Apologies if I am interrupting your mysterious secret conversation, but I was hoping you’d be willing to indulge me with a discussion about a certain mysterious secret party.”

Movement to the corner of his eye alerted Roman to the new presence seemingly wanting to join in on their conversation. “Count Fritz '' he spoke, giving the man a nod of acknowledgement. “Not so much a secret conversation, just discussing the pros and cons of possibly bringing these fried treats and popcorn to the northern territories. We don't know if they would be addictive or possibly some kind of health hazard.” his smile still didn't fade and he sounded just as genuine as he always was around others, “So what is this talk of a secret party?” his voice lowered again.

△△△ sighed and shook his head, “The world couldn’t be crueler… Why do things that are bad for you taste oh so good? It makes no sense.” He smiled and continued as if they were still talking about food. “Why, the secret party that you attended last night, Lord Ravenwood. I heard it was wild! …But also a little concerning since everyone who attended seemed to have mysteriously lost their memories.” He glanced at Dr. Williamson for a moment. “Lady Vikena, Lord Smithwood, and I decided to investigate the matter.”

John raised his eyebrows ”Oh yeah I’ve heard of that. It’s a nightmare for us yesterday.” He shot a glance over at Roman at the mention of Lord Smithwood. Given the almost certainty of magic being used, and their identities unknown, he couldn’t help but be a little worried. Especially when it comes to these two characters, they probably weren’t aware what they were getting into. ”Oh, are yall? What have you uncovered?”

“Not much so far. That’s why I wanted to ask you about the party, Lord Ravenwood.” He paused for a moment, considering how he should phrase the next part in case the lord was not privy to the possibility. “And ask if you have considered my suspicions, Dr. Williamson.”

Listening carefully as he decided on how to respond to the question, this was the first person that personally approached him with just that question in mind. “Last night? Hmm well I've made some inquiries into the event as well. For whatever reason I was not affected as badly as some of the others." That statement was true as he glanced in the direction that Zarai left. “I still don't remember anything aside from who was with us when we left and waking up with a slight headache.”

It was, as △△△ expected, the same testimony repeated by a different person. “As it seems to be more or less the case for the others as well. Which worries me more… My primary concern is what could’ve been done to the attendees during the party. Anything could’ve happened and no one is none the wiser because no one remembers anything.”

Not only considered, but basically confirmed. But the Count didn’t know that. ”I will put that into consideration, yes. But there hasn’t been any evidence beyond speculation, and not a lot of evidence period. If there’s any in favor of your ideas, we would love to hear it.” He shrugged his shoulders and laid his palms bare, as a casual gesture, but one socially-savvy person could tell he was subtly probing the Count if he was willing to give out more information.

A knowing smile slowly appeared across △△△’s face as he stared at Dr. Williamson. Even if the doctor had stumbled upon compelling evidence, he would not disclose it to him so easily. In his role as the esteemed royal physician, Dr. Williamson was duty-bound to safeguard the well-being of the royal family and her subjects. It was inconceivable that he would have neglected to explore the potential influence of magic when the slightest possibility of its presence emerged. The consequences of disregarding it were far too great to be ignored. “You sound like an intelligencer when you say it like that.”

After carefully observing the reactions of the men, he continued. “As you say, I have no evidence, just speculations and rumors. So I am sorry to say that I will be of no use to you, Dr. Williamson.” △△△’s eyes wandered in the direction Luz and her knight went. “However, I am desperate. And I am willing to investigate less reliable leads if I must.” His focus returned to the other two. “I don’t mind if it is mere conjecture, what do you gentlemen think transpired?”

Staying quiet for a moment to let the two talk, He pondered how to go about this conversation without revealing too much information but still giving this man a tail to chase. “Well go over some of the more well known information, we were all royals or nobles from the three kingdoms, i haven't heard of anyone losing jewelry or money, most of us came out of the night rather unharmed.” he glanced at the direction the zarai had disappeared. “Most of us… no missing organs or anyone mis-shapen in any way. What could we all have that could benefit someone?”

He shifted his stance and straightened his back with a sigh, “but I do press caution for you Leo and charlotte. If this person or persons would use something that affected the nobility and royalty from multiple kingdoms in such a way, then it's not too much of a stretch to come to the conclusion that they might harm or kill anyone looking into it…” his brow furrowed for a moment at his words, Fritz could very well be putting the others in danger thus making his job harder. “So again be careful who you talk to and what questions you ask. You could inadvertently get them hurt as well.”

Guilt and sadness for a loss yet to come gripped △△△. “It may already be too late for that.” He whispered as he closed his eyes.

△△△ took in a deep breath. He noted how both men were avoiding directly answering his questions, which led him to consider the possibility that either they were withholding information or that they were involved in the investigation in some capacity. “Lady Lesdeman believes that the party attendees were drugged. Were you able to find anything in their system to support this possibility?”

”There’s a lot of alcohol in their system, that’s for sure.” John crossed his arms, giving his thoughts a second scan before actually command his vocal chord to materialize them. He really did not want to give the Count information here, but giving him less would just alert him even more, hearing how he thought John was more of a spy than doctor. It’s pretty clear he had to give him something. And his quick thoughts provided him that something.

”But within the alcohol we also find something rather…troublesome. It’s a substance called bihydrat hydroxyd.” With a completely straight face, John explained the situation. ”The substance is, and I hope you will be discreet with this information, used in anesthesia. It is also a component of acid rain and pesticide used by farmers. Now, it isn’t inherently toxic, and since everyone seems to be fine the day after, it’s likely not poisonous. But keep an eye out for any dangerous symptoms.” The doctor looked at Roman with slight efforted reassurance, but his tone otherwise was eloquent before turning back to Fritz. ”To answer your question, yes, if they were drugged, using alcohol with added substance would be a good vector of attack, seeing how it is odorless and colorless, so blends in really well with drinks. However, as much as we have used them in our medical field, none of our patients have experienced memory loss, so there are still unanswered questions.”

△△△’s eyes grew wide and his mouth became slightly agape, unable to find the right words to articulate his emotions. Bihydrat hydroxyd. Bi. Hydrat. Hydroxyd. His body began to tremble, starting with a barely noticeable quiver that grew into uncontrollable shakes. Until, finally, △△△ erupted into laughter. “Oh, Doctor! I’d be greatly concerned if they didn’t have a drop of bihydrat hydroxyd in them!” Pausing momentarily to catch his breath, he playfully added, “Would you please be so kind as to fetch me a cup of water? I’m starting to feel rather parched.”

”Ah.” John tapped the side of his head once. It didn’t fool him. Usually that would have worked. ”Sure, have some.” He grabbed a bottle from his pocket, containing water he saved from Sadie’s party. Whether or not that came off as genuine or an elaborate ploy was up to Fritz, he was just glad that the Count saw through the ruse. Now he knew what to expect.

Wiping away the tears that had gathered at the corners of his eyes, △△△ inquired, sparing Lord Ravenwood the briefest of glances. “So, Agent… or Agents, who issued the directive to conceal the involvement of magic in this affair—His or Her Majesty, or V.R.I.S.?” ... A mysterious third party?

”Hmm, who do you think did so, Count ‘Hendrix’?” John asked the mysterious noble. ”You know, since you asked me quite a lot despite being quite aware of the transpiring situation.”

“Much less than you suspect, unfortunately. I wasn’t lying when I said I didn’t have evidence.” △△△ gave Dr. Williamson’s first question careful thought. “Based on past dealings, I wouldn’t be surprised if either gave the order.” As Crosswinds Tradings merchants, his family had the privilege of working with both parties, supplying them with an extensive range of ingredients, materials, and items sourced from far and wide—some of which possessed extraordinary properties by Northern Kingdom standards.

Again roman stayed quiet as the two talked, the count saying something under his breath and the Dr. making a joke of some kind related to a chemical he didn't quite pick up on. Apparently the punch line was for water or some other beverage he wasn't sure. He knew chemicals when it came to certain subjects like acid etching and the right components to mix for certain creations. Nevertheless it did not seem like the count was being swayed to the notion that the two of them didn't know anything more.

“I'm not sure what you mean by agent, I am a craftsman and the head of my family's craftsman and trading guild.” Roman wasn't sure what that third party was but only let bewilderment escape his facial features. “Magic is a dangerous thing, to both one's life and political standing. I Would tread carefully with your next words, Count Fritz Hendrix.” his voice changed slightly to a subtle accusatory tone.

“To start a rumor that the Crown was aware of the use of magic on its nobles on foreign soil and did not do anything about it while telling everyone that knew to keep it quiet… could very easily be misinterpreted as treason.” his voice didn't shift or quiver and his body language didn't change either. The people of the northern Varian territories were known to be very loyal to the crown to the point that many thought of them as zealots. Taking any perceived question or rumor as a possible threat to them. Most of those rumors held true.

The difference in the responses between the two Varians revealed a lot. The reaction to △△△’s audacious assertions, regardless of their veracity, told him even more.

Appearing unflappable or innocently oblivious to Lord Ravenwood’s warning, the count clasped his hands together. “Excellent! Does this mean you will rectify my terrible misunderstanding by sharing more of what you know?” Though the question was directed at the lord there was an unspoken invitation to the doctor to do the same, whether in front of the other Varian or in private, if need be.

John sighed; Fritz really is persistent. Roman’s response seemed to only push his buttons even further. The doctor exchanged a glance towards the northern blacksmith, tilting his head as a silent gesture to let him take the lead, and also for permission.

John was no Varian northsman of utmost loyalty, nor was he a Caesonian of grandeur. He was born into both, combined with a unique but cruelly attained perspective that really defined him as neither. He was John Harling Williamson, a scientist, epidemiologist, a healer and protector of people.

”I’ll let you in…you know what, let me tell you a story instead.” John began. ”There are a number of villages in the north, those that suffered a devastating plague not long ago. The biggest one: Alestal. It was a horrific time, entire families wiped out, generations dented with trauma.” He kept calm in his speech, but then reached into his chest pocket for a small fountain pen, covered in milk white paint and golden engravings, handing it to Fritz with gentle care.

”I was there in its darkest hours, as their salvation, and eventually I delivered it to them.” He said, without any hint of pride or sense of accomplishment, rather pity and anger. ”But I did not do any of that. She did.”

Visible on the side of the pen was a word engraved, a name: Hania.

”A local doctor from Alestal. Initially we found ourselves at odds, but in time, we considered each other partners…even friends.” A smile appeared on his face again, overriding a monument of melancholy. But soon, that smile disappeared as painful memories resurfaced. ”She’s the one who figured out the cause of the plague, the thing that so-called ‘men like you’ are so fascinated by, and fought it with itself.”

“Yes, she is a witch, and she saved that village. But.” John gave Count Fritz Hendrix an austere look, and what could be considered a desperate final warning. ”The village knew of her identity, and there was no going back. I will spare the details, but she had become so immaterial to this world that it would be difficult to even know if she ever lived at all. And that is a good ending compared to what could have been.”

John took a long deep breath, before finally relaxed, knowing he had just revealed quite a bit more than desired. But the truth was still there, and he shuddered to think of the possibility of those who failed to see it. ”How much of that was the decree of the king and queen, do you think? How much of that was the V.R.I.S deciding what is forbidden?”

Roman scoffed and stepped back folding his arms. He didn't like that he had to play the fool with political intrigue but he still had to hold some of his cards. He looked like he was going to say something when the doctor began to speak with his own warning. As he started, Roman looked towards the others for a moment then back at the count. He knew this story, there were several mysterious illnesses spreading among tight nit villages at the time. He was sent to maintain the quarantine with his men and persuade any against trying to escape or trying to get in. He did not envy John for what he and the other doctors had to do and see there.

△△△ traced the intricate engraving etched onto the surface. A hero whose name would never grace the pages of any history book. His hands cradled the priceless pen, drawing it closer to his chest, while his eyes closed in an effort to carve the name into his own memory. Dr. Hania of Alestal, Savior of Krasivaya. Each letter possessed a weighty significance, an untold tale of valor and sacrifice.

With a sense of reverence, △△△ extended his hand, offering the memento back to Dr. Williamson. “Thank you for telling me about Dr. Hania. I am honored to be one of the few to know her accomplishments. She deserved better… I am sorry you had to carry such a burden, John. It must’ve been a heavy load to bear.”

Rather than answering the doctor’s question, △△△ recounted him with the abridged version of another tale. “Within this very nation, there was a noble house that vanished inexplicably from the face of Eromora. On a day like any other day, the small town they lived in had been reduced to rubble and the denizens were found as a pile of burnt bodies—some dismembered, one tied to a stake. Such a horrific incident should’ve warranted some kind of record, but instead, every trace of their existence has been systematically eradicated. No book or official document has their name, no map shows the town, and no painting depicts their image. They were being expunged, in every sense of the word. All that remains of them now is a blighted land where the town once stood, vague recollections from those who knew of the place before it was cursed, and people too scared to reveal the truth for fear of losing something precious to them. What is unsettling… is that this isn’t an isolated event.”

The story came to an abrupt end as the previously gentle and easygoing countenance vanished, and a striking sternness that he had concealed until that moment, dominated his demeanor. “Your warnings have not fallen on deaf ears, and I assure you I do not take what either of you have told me lightly. I appreciate the concern both of you have shown me. However, I’m well aware of what happens to people entangled in magic or who pose a threat to those of considerable influence.”

The count placed his hand over his chest and nodded in gratitude. “Thank you, for telling me as much as you could despite… regulations. I apologize if I have ruffled your feathers, gentlemen. But this party… may be part of something far more nefarious.”

John knew that, it wasn’t a surprising conclusion, but what he was surprised and glad about was that he managed to get the Count to open up. Soon, the hostile countenance began to subside to a more compassionate and gentle responding bow in return.

“I lack evidence of any sort,” he stressed, “however… Let’s say, hypothetically, you’ve been keeping track of the number of attendants each Varian guest brought along, and you are aware that I brought three with me from Erwynn. If any of them or I were to disappear…” He stared directly at Lord Ravenwood, “You’ll know that your fears were correct.” △△△ leaned in so that both could hear him whisper, “And that Black Rose may be involved.”

”If you insist on getting involved then, Count Hendrix. ” John replied. ”I will not stop you, but I hope you handle Leo and Charlotte well. The Lord for obvious reasons, but Charlotte…she’s a good girl. I don’t want the abyss to look at her in any shape or form.” Knowing the two of them, with their own separate wounds to heal from, and a concerning level of determination to any tasks, they may end up in serious trouble.

“I cannot promise that no harm will come to them.” Especially if something larger lurked in the shadows. “What I can promise is that I will be there for them so that they don’t have to face the abyss alone.” The three Varians exchanged a wordless pause until Dr. Williamson finally spoke, breaking the silence.

”And also, you can’t drop the name Black Rose like that and not give us any context.”

“I can’t?” △△△ shrugged in an exaggerated manner. “Well then, I suppose I have no choice.” His fingers beckoned the men to come closer.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: River
Interactions: Rowan @GingerBobOh
Mentions: None
Equipment: Longsword and Plate Armor

Barrock yanked his fishing pole after Rowan made his stone toss, a fish hooked to the bait. The man's attempt to ruin the meal did not really work, but his cohorts may, knowing the intensity a fight could rise to. But then again, they were here first. But he wanted more food. Ugh.

"No need to leave." Barrock said to the elf, firm and resolute. "You were here first, I shall just sit it through, cook my fish. You would need to not mind me observing."

When mentioned of the Dark Elf back in the town, the orc got visibly angrier, with veins popping on his temple and his eyes narrowing to a slit, but very soon after, they closed and Barrock let out a long sigh.

"A disgraceful trait I try to break away from. And besides, he is just a naive idiot. And naive idiots are no threats."

After a few moments, the orc's curiosity got the better of him, again. "The name's Barrock. What is your name?"
Steffen Gravinir

After some minutes of recollection, Steffen gathered what was necessary to approach the main group. And he promptly lost it again once the deceased man were dropped in front of the group, but this time for the opposite reason. The tidal wave of emotions that he tried hard to keep down and away slowly slid back into the ocean, leaving a cold raised eyebrows in response to the corpse.

It's these folks. It's these beyond the pale folks. The Golden Boars. Infamous for being nature's mistake. It wasn't enough that there were essentially no redeeming quality to these cults disguised as a mercenary company, but Steffen had the horrible misfortune of being on the other end of their blade, and having once helplessly seen their sickening deeds towards his own compatriots back in the dark days, he felt a dull but altering burning sensation in his chest, but the Ingvarr kept it within himself as he looked at the colorful group of mercenaries.

"Where did you find this man?" He looked at Alette, but directed the question at no one mercenary in particular. "If they're responsible for this mess, they might not have gone too far."

Or they might still even be in the vicinity, hiding, listening. If so, good. He wanted to kill every single one of them, and his only disappointment would be he could only do it once.

Irian Sinewell

Any joy he had when the doll's torso burst open from his shot was snuffed out when it got into a desperate but deadly frenzy with whatever limbs it could salvage from its dead comrades, creating a wicked eldritch of a creature, or...thing. Combined with the witch's excited congratulations, it pissed him off. This was some sort of game? Messing around with people's livelihood for fun? The wood elf wanted to shoot that woman dead where she stood before his own rationale calmed the ego that she was much stronger than he was, and such act would just doom everyone involved. But a long sigh still escaped his lips nonetheless.

That audible exhale seemed to disappear once the doll continued its warpath, and the eyes of the far forest zeroed in on its torso. An assembly of porcelain still in one piece despite suffering such catastrophic damage, held together by seemingly nothing. An empty void. But was it actually empty? Regardless, whatever that is in there, if it hadn't collapsed to his explosive arrows by now, maybe it would need more explosive arrows.

Standing from a further distance than the other melee-oriented combatants, Irian took more time with his few aims, aiming for the cracks and holes created by his own handiwork seconds prior, loosening the arrows only when he felt a bullseye would be certain.
John & Roman

Being the middle of the conversation with Sir Mathias didn’t snap John out of his usual watchful and observant gaze, and it soon detected the beholding of the northern blacksmith. A wordless message that doesn't need translation to a familiar acquaintance.

John flattened his palm against one another in front of his chest as he addressed Mathias. ”I’m sorry there’s someone I need to talk to. Hope to continue the catch up at a later time, Sir Mathias!”

He gave Mathias a last wave, a happier and more exciting one to Lukas before heading over to Roman, but circled around him a bit so that both of them were sideways to the crowd.

”You probably already knew what this was gonna be about.” John crossed his arms. ”The lady that just left, Violet. I have some reservations about her.” He said, looking at his compatriot, occasionally glancing back at the crowd, knowing some certain individual there being a little nosy with his business. ”Though I want to check with you first, how much do you know about her?”

Roman made sure they were just far enough away from the others as not to be rude but also not to be heard. Greeting his friend with his usual smile and happy demeanor. John was a trustworthy friend and a good logical advisor when he asked for his council on matters that were out of his ability.

His tone however, was flat and did not match the smile he kept on his face, “Lady Violet Damien, Mid twenties, eldest daughter of Count Damien who deals in secrets. Hobbies mostly include reading books and trying to avoid social situations that are forced upon her. Attacked by some manner of beast in her early childhood that gave her the scars on her chest.”

he sighed but still motioned towards some of the stalls below them that were selling and making food for the evening. “That was last night. Now she is cold, distant, monotone voice, pale skin, shaky on her feet and requiring a cane… the most worrying being her change in eye color from silver to red and the new scar across her face.” Roman knew what he was going to say next would have been seen as absolute insanity to anyone else, but not the Dr.

“In my professional opinion on the battlefield injuries I have seen… she was most likely killed sometime within the last 24 hours… you can't hide a scar like that and she wasn't wearing any makeup last night. Yet again more evidence of heavy uses of magic in and around this city." He was blunt to the point and there was an underlying tone of being pissed off in his voice but his face did not show it.

”Astute observation.” Returned a plain but frank compliment from John. He expected much from his old friend, but his competence continued to vault over it. A faint satisfied smile formed, but his countenance soon matched Roman’s, his tone of voice lowered. ”The first part is confirmed, albeit it is still a secret at the moment, at the behest of Count Damien.”

Taking a deep breathe, John prepared for a rather lengthy explanation. ”How did it all come to this? I stumbled onto Violet later at night after the ball near the library. At that point, she was already dead with an axe to the face.” He instinctively hesitated at the gruesome detail, especially considering Roman’s more affectionate attitude towards her, but knew he could not and should not lie at this moment and time, even how white it might have been. ”So I let the guards know. Then Count Damien knew. And then even the prince knew. Arrest warrants issued.” Things escalated a bit beyond his initial expectation, but it was the royals. They had boners to pick with everyone.

”That’s basically what happened last night. Now, given that her body was in their custody for the whole night, I suspect the Damiens themselves having something to do with it.”

The lord listened intently while still holding the smile and occasionally glancing out at the festivities. The information given was indeed interesting and he would need to go over it more clearly later that evening with Erik to get a better summary of events from the other reports. he did not flinch at the mention of Violet's demise as it was what he figured had happened and appreciated the dr.’s honesty. Yet having a suspicion and actually hearing the facts was a whole different story, this only made his blood boil more at the confirmation.

“More than likely to be the mother more than the father on the actual act of it. The count said that Violet and her mother left early in the morning to return to their home elsewhere. I advise that we both exercise caution, I will continue to pursue Violet. This way I can gauge whether her condition is dangerous to the rest of us.” he paused for a moment to think again before he spoke. “With how her father operates they will likely come out with some cover story and either pay off or kill the witnesses if they can't be influenced in other ways. Be careful John, my duties are to the protection of the royals and nobility but it also extends to you as well.”

John did not know the mother, but from his brief experience with the Count, it seemed typical. The doctor would be quite interested in seeing what Calbert would be acting out in response to this, given how predictable he could be, but he refrained the morbid curiosity given how hard Roman worked to ensure their safety.

The mother though. It’s an unknown variable that could grow dangerous just from the simple fact that they attempted necromancy to begin with. He better hope that once they got their precious daughter back, they’d stop. But the thing with magic is that it takes a lot of discipline to resist the temptation. Once you got something right, the rush of power and ego would be enormous. But it only takes one failure for even a whole kingdom to be brought down. That’s the dangerous part.

Again he paused and looked back at the others on the hill, he smiled at Sadie suddenly realizing he still had that flower to give her before returning his gaze to his friend. “Do you have any information about the prince? I was told he would have been leaving tonight with the queen and king.” Roman didn't mind changing the subject but that information did bother him. “I do not enjoy being miss informed about my charges.”

John let out a noticeable sigh upon the mention of the prince. ”I got a notice to take charge of the Corp of Physician because our royals departed and we have no one to take else, and now he suddenly decided not to go, so I’m overseeing more work for little reasons.”

Looking over to the silhouette of Prince Felix in the distance, he maintained a cordial smile in case they looked over. ”I have no idea what he is up to. He said in a letter that he wanted to spend time away from his fiancee here, but then he decided to remain the next day. I don’t know if he has any schemes, or if he is just being mopey.”

Given the prince Felix that he knew, it’s probably the latter.

Speaking of if anyone has any schemes, Fritz.

”How about Count Hendrix? He’s been rather cautious around me today.” John stroked his chin, his eyes occasionally glancing around to see if he was being listened to.

Roman nodded with his words, that did sound like the prince and his antics. "I’m sure we will see what comes of that tomorrow." He glanced at the count at the mention of their name, "I haven't really seen much of him so far this trip, I’m sure he’s working towards something. Do you have any other concerns?"

John looked up and around, noticing the Count in the distance, deciding to drop the subject instead of bringing up the encounter he had this morning.

”Not really, other than general unease I guess.” The doctor shrugged his shoulders, a sigh escaped his lips. ”But it’s fine, I’ve had much worse actual unease than this. Thank you for listening though.”
Irian Sinewell

While some dolls fell where they stood, others had different ideas. Despite having half its torso blown out by an air burst arrow, the smaller doll rose from the cold ground to have at the wood elf, its cold lifeless eyes reflected his own. Only through a last second block using a combat dagger on one hand and his own bow on the other would Irian avoid a bloody spill.

He could feel the doll's strength pressing against his own, as evident as he edged his eyes closer to it's.

"How're you doing, eh?" He gave the doll a sneer, before gaining the strength to push the doll away from him. His hand quickly sheathed his knife, drew an arrow endowed in his homebrewn magic power and loosed an easy shot onto its head. This one should kill it for good.

Turning to the larger doll, his allies' efforts had bore fruits. Quite good ones in fact, having disabled one of its limbs, and sharks are smelling blood in the water. Kayliss's own handiwork also bore results in the form of a crack in its arms. Anticipating a full break in the arm, Irian drew another one of his air burst type arrow and drew it to standby if that arm were to sever. Such an arrow right to its torso from the broken rift that generated from its arms could severely damage its body.
Steffen Gravinir

Scenes of mass fatalities weren't necessarily new to him, being a war veteran himself and having at least some experience with cleaning up grisly sight that would shaken the most hardened of observers. The shock factor of the mangled corpses, tangled together in blackened blobs, bloated and rotting in tropical weather of Thaln were relatively quick to dissipate. That was not the wrenching part that Steffen was afraid of.

Seeing Lein and his allies examined the remains of what were strong and capable soldiers of the kingdom, to see what had turned such souls into something Steffen wouldn't wish upon his enemies, the Ingvarr searched what these soldiers had. Not just weapons, many of which thrust and remained firm in another's body, but also any belongings they might have had on them that survived the massacre. Flasks, to see if any of them might have been poisoned. Letters and correspondences, to see if there might have been foul play involved. Anything that could shine more light on the haunting mystery that befell an otherwise unremarkable fort.

And that is when the feared emotions settled in, slowly and insidiously. Examining a body was just that: a body, lifeless just like many others. But examining their belongings was more personal and intimate, one that gave him windows to a life: what they might have liked in happier times, who their loved ones were, what their aspirations may have been. Compassion may not be of use here in an investigation, but it was impossible to feel detached from a victim when looking at a small woven doll soaked in the blood of its owner.

The information retrieved was overshadowed by an overwhelming sense of sorrow, and Steffen quietly just stood up and padded elsewhere inside the fort. He noted the woman by the main group, but didn't bother joining. There were already too many prying for information from her, and given her mannerism thus far, he trusted the former mercenaries to do the talking. Now, he just needed a few minutes.

Planting the spear onto the ground, his now two free hands crossed one another, but his palms grasped on his upper arms in a self-hug. He observed the bloody scene from a distance, as well as his knights and the strange blue-haired lady. She seemed to have a history with both Gerard and Fionn, but otherwise quite aloof to the questioning. Steffen didn't really expect faithful cooperation from her either. Maybe the friendly relationship between her and Fionn then could lead to something fruitful.

Seeing Amy coming in from outside the fort, having just passed her earlier and remembering the state of panic she was in when he passed in a hurry, Steffen formed a weak smile and waved at her. It was pretty clear he was in low spirit, a quiet and suppressed one, but dispirited nonetheless.

"How are you feeling, Dame Amy?" He said, crossing his arms again. "You don't have to look if you don't need to. We basically got whatever we could from there." His eyes perking up at Serenity just behind her. "We're just seeing if that lady over there has anything to do with this. You can try your hands, but I don't know how much it'll help at this point."

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: River
Interactions: Rowan @GingerBobOh
Mentions: None
Equipment: Longsword and Plate Armor

Well, peace and quiet lasted so long.

Barrock's eyes slid open to a menacing blood red hue, the lost black dot swimming through the blood making its way to lock vision with the man who just arrived, a light elf. He wasn't particularly hostile, which was a first and a plus to release tension from his eyes. But still, someone was taking this place? He hadn't heard of this since the last time he came here.


His eyes closed to conceal the eye roll. It irked him quite a bit that someone were to be here, but after some thoughts, Barrock was technically irregular, and if they were to have used it for training purposes in the time he hadn't been here, they had more claims to stay.

It's not like he couldn't just be forceful about it.

"We can wait. For now." Barrock replied, his eyes looking towards the river then back to Rowan. "What is this...training that I have not heard of?"

But instead, he wanted to learn a bit more about it. A conversation wouldn't hurt, aside from maybe a slight temper.
Steffen Gravinir

A picturesque scene of blossoming red and gold were better served with calm and serenity, and the area outside the fort was meant so. Going from house to house, door to door, Steffen treated every moment with caution. They might still be in the building, any incursions from the outside this successful would have been incredibly dangerous to deal with, especially as he was basically walking into their home turf. But there were none of them. In fact, the building interiors were neat as far as neatness goes, no sign of violence nor ransack. Skimping the tip of his finger on a table, there was a little bit of dust; the building was not even touched.

Leaving the building as in tact as when he arrived, Steffen looked around to see if Sir Renar had finished his own search. It was a shame he couldn't enjoy this serene evening.

"Nothing." Steffen gave Renar a headshake as soon as he saw him. "There's still a few over there, but I doubt we're gonna find anything more."

There had been nothing that indicated anyone being here that wasn't one of the fort garrisons. The fort's remote location, of relatively unimportant significance, also wouldn't seem like an attractive place to attack. Not a lot of questions were answered, all this seemed to prove is that this incident was more complicated than expected.

Heading back to outside the fort, beneath the walls, Steffen looked to see if Lein was still on the wall keeping watch, giving waves for the Hundi's attention.

"Anything noteworthy, Lein?"

@PigeonOfAstora@Psyker Landshark
Steffen Gravinir

A weird coincidence how an urgent crisis that demanded an immediate sortie had happened twice in a row, but it was part of the job. The messenger died in a lunatic state, a horrific way to go, but it left the knights with almost no information to work with other than Fort Daelantine requiring urgent support, and Steffen with many wonders and worries to what could be causing the messenger to even arrive at such a state to begin with. Having anticipated an attack from an outside force the entire route, he was even more unsettled when the fort looked completely fine from afar. No destruction, no signs of damage, no signs of human activity even. This put him on high alert way before most.

"There's going to be a lot of bodies."

"Like death hath come to dwell on earth, and made it's home here..."

And the two basically confirmed the worst, just from senses alone. A tightness gripped his heart, but he simply bit his lips to proceed forward, dismounting from his horse with his trusty steel spear, a large crescent shield and a shortsword on the shield's backside.

"You alright?" Steffen gently asked Amy as he passed by her, seeing her waiting for others to come in. "It's your first few assignments, right? Don't worry, we'll make sure you're safe."

Arriving into the interior, some in the group began to split up, and one of Sir Renar suggested the same for him and Lein, back outside in fact.

"Alright. The buildings are awfully close to the fort. Maybe some bodies found in there too." Steffen gave a nod to Sir Renar, taking a step forward but turned around to look at Lein, that he would not leave the Hundi behind unless refused.

@Psyker Landshark@PigeonOfAstora@6slyboy6
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