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"And my thank you for the recognition." Tillius nodded graciously towards Carnatia. He was pleasantly surprised with a little nod here and there. While the Westernant military was a well-renowned organization consisting of both noble knights and citizen soldiers, they were looked upon with more fear and awe than respect like this. "If you'll excuse me though, I shall check up on our...'discontented' member of the group."

He left his shield and helmet down in a corner somewhere on the first floor, but still kept his gladius with him as he ascended the stairs, just before Vesemir came down from it.

"You're disgruntled." Tillius stated, once he saw the elf sulking on the table near the window. "I can't say it's unjustified, but it's not the best start to the journey." He said, being as frank as possible while trying not to frame her as petulant, which deep inside, it was true. Huffing away from slight insults weren't the most mature responses a person can have.

"I'd like to understand why."


"Not bad. A thousand thanks..." His eyebrows lifted seeing the man in black armor and wearing a peculiar mask (seriously, how many masked individuals are here) sparked the fire without the need for wood. 'Very convenient.', Tillius remarked to himself. It might prove very useful in the future, but for now, Tillius was just content with not having to deal with gathering wood.

As the exploration dragged on, and everyone introduced himself, it soon became clear the mood of the group wasn't exactly clicking with Roxas. Neither was Tillius too, but not for the reason Roxas eventually stood up and left in a huff: it was rowdy. He did not know who this Gray Flame guy was, nor his background, but just from his words alone, Tillius could see he wasn't exactly adept when it comes to authority, while Vesemir seemed quite hands-off, which is...fair. He's advertised as an archeologist, and that's what he's supposed to be.

Back to the introduction. Tillius was trying to stay in the background and listened, as people began to reintroduce themselves. From the jolly Engelbert, to the noble-looking fencer named Carnatia, to this hulk of a man, even taller than Tillius himself, a status he had the rarity of enjoying. He was an Oni apparently, which wasn't a surprise. He could count on his fingers the race that is that gigantic. And then this barbarian who spoke weird things about spirits and a hot bath, to which Tillius just ignored as rambling.

The introduction continued with these two ladies. One also a magic user and a fencer, a different flavour of Carnatia, more eager to prove himself. The other an artificer, this one he had already seen back in camp. Quite young, quite passionate, and just as eager to prove herself too. But the orc paid quite a bit more attention to her words, more than other demonstrations earlier. It was useful knowledge, and Evelyn herself seemed to know what she was talking about, and it showed.

There was also Roxas's introduction, but Tillius already knew her.

He continued to stay in the background observing, noting Roxas's huffing herself back upstairs. He'd check on her once everything was done here. Seeing the few final introductions, and the attention slowly getting to him, and also this bath guy too, Tillius knew his turn was up.

"For me, I am Tillius Battakka." Tillius spoke, his tone seemed normal if not a bit low for an orc, but it carried underneath a gravitas befitting his status. "Unfortunately, I do not bring with me magic or technological marvels, only strength and techniques." He paused and laid a hand on his gladius to briefly indicate the gear he was using. "I was an officer in the Westernant Army, but in case you worry, I am now retired, and is merely an adventurer, just like everyone else. I am more than confident and honored to be serving with you brave comrades into the unknown."

Tillius left it as such, as he took a step back. His weird intonation the last sentencemight seem a bit out of place for an otherwise normal introduction. Maybe it was just orc speak, or military speak. But the Gray Flame might notice a glance to him from the orc afterwards.

@Mas Bagus @A5G @Valkon @Remuri v2 @Randomguy @Visyn @Deide @Randomness @Izurich

What a charm it was. A thunderstorm soon befell the expedition, and man oh man was it bad. Initially the shield would be good shelter against the pummeling thunderstorm, but it was soon clear it didn't matter. He'd still be soaked anyway, might as well let it wash away any dirt and mud Tillius accumulated back in the camps. It was hard to see in front of him, but not the worst thing he had seen. As long as he simply put his feet in front of the other, he'd make it there or the rain would stop before then.

Soon, the expedition found what seemed to be an empty house in the midst of the forest. The group was eager to check it out, as it would be the only shelter they could find in the immediate vicinity, and he wouldn't blame them for it. It was perhaps too small for this group, but a shelter under rain is better than none.

As Tillius stood inside near the door, making sure no water was built up somewhere in his armor, the group went their way exploring the house. He was not exactly in a mood to be poking his head around in the house, not yet anyway. Another latecomer to the expedition seemed to have the same sentiment as well.

"If there is none, we might have to use wet wood outside." Tillius sighed. It would be a pain to sleep without a fire, but using rain soaked wood wouldn't be a guarantee to start a fire, and if it did, it could easily generate obnoxious toxic smoke. Tillius knew, he had tried that himself before. It wasn't fun.

She didn't answer his question, but he could always assume that yes she indeed was. What else could she be here for. She seemed a lot more drawn to his height, which wasn't the first time someone had ever said that to him. Orcs with less of their usual anger tended to get that kind of view. Eventually, Tillius learned to cater to the short-types, as he lowered himself to Roxas's level

But what really dazzled Tillius about this elven woman was her deciding to carve him a gift right then and there. Not just any gifts, a downsized wooden copy of the shield, down to the very detail of the scratch marks that lined the shield. Funny thing was that it's not actually his shield, it's likely some lad that retired and left it behind. And at the center of it all was the carved flower in the middle.

Tillius was aware what this implied, but still, it was weird instead of a normal sculptured flower, or a mini-sized sword. That's a common choice he had seen.

"Uh...I guess thank you?" He scratched his bald head. "Would you want to keep it for your use though?"

From the distant corner, he heard his elf employer deliver a grand speech towards the adventurers. His fluff and bullshit filters simply tuned out the rest until he got the gist of the message, that they were here to uncover some truth, whatever the hell that meant, and they were departing, the only important information in that speech.

"Well, we're breaking up camps. I'm helping those caravan lads." Tillius replied. Whether or not she wanted to come and help him too was totally up to her. "What is your name if I may ask? I am Tillius from Westernant."

He offered Roxas what seemed to be a regular handshake, but his hand would grip and interlock with her lower arm instead of palm. A less transactional handshake more commonly seen among soldiers.


Soldiers being soldiers, Tillius never really fell into deep sleep if he is not on a comfy bed, albeit he learned to tune out the casual chatters of others in the distance. However, the sound of carving behind him was too strange for him to not be alarmed. His red eyes shot open, holding onto his shield to stand up. He was ready to unsheathe his sword as well, but held back his instinct until he learned who or what this was. This was no longer a battlefield against rebels after all.

To his maybe surprise, maybe confusion, maybe relief, maybe a combination of all three, it was just an elf carving something. His alerted posture relaxed considerably, as he let out his breathe. And in case he had caused any unpleasant surprises, he held up a palm in apologies, and/or to show that he didn't mean any harm.

"Are you one of Vesemir's people?" He asked the elf, retracted his palm, and stepped out from the trees, revealing himself fully.


Before the crossing into Varenheim territory, Tillius had one person he wanted to visit. It so happened that he was in charge of the border.

"Ah, Tillius!" Emerged from the camp was a middle-aged man, with short black hair, in military uniform beneath a red finely-cut robe. "How long has it been? Five, six years?"

"Around that time, sir." The orc replied with reverence, but his tone of voice lightened.

"No need for formalities anymore, you're no longer my soldier. Call me Marcus." The officer, despite having known this orc for decades, was still at awe at the shadow he cast when he stood in front of the sun. Warmly, he invited the orc into his tent for some catch up.

"It's like a proper house in here." Tillius remarked, being gestured towards the desk in which Marcus would sit the opposite of, the seat of a guest versus the seat of power.

"Yes, if they have nothing better to do than sending us to this speck of rock to catch smugglers like spearing fishes in the shore, we better make this as comfortable of a stay as possible, otherwise they get lonely, restless, discontent." Marcus replied, adjusting his robe as he sat down. "That brings me to you...what are you doing here? I don't suppose you make all the trip here just to see me, do you? This cold little hellhole."

"No." Tillius replied. "I want a crossing into Varenheim."

"Ahh, hmmm." Marcus nodded slowly. "I suppose I should ask the purpose of your trip for the sake of paperwork, but I already know what you're going to do over there."

"If that is the case, then may I?" Tillius asked.

"Hmph, sure." Marcus approval, a little bit too quickly for Tillius's liking. "What, you want some money too?"

"Is that it? You're not going to inquire why an orc is going into elven territory, or even try to stop me?"

"Couldn't stop you from not abandoning Curio eight years ago, why do you think I can stop you now?" Marcus shrugged. "You do whatever you want over there, it's not my business to attend to personal matter."

"Then you can provide me the appropriate paper for the crossing." Tillius continued

"That will be done." Marcus said. "Also, if you're going into Varenheim, feel free to make use of your old gear. I can find you a spare if you don't have any. Let people know who you are."

His last parting word was vague, but if it was something he was lent for free, Tillius wasn't going to reject it. It was a trip to the Twilight land after all. Saved him a lot of money getting his own gear.

A few days passed and several long marches that wasn't necessarily out of the ordinary back when he was still in service, Tillius arrived at Vesemir's camp, where it was publicized they would be forming up. He seemed to be one of the earlier ones, or that there wasn't that many who heeded the call. Nevertheless, once he gave the man in question the travel papers and the poster he sent across the region to the Adventurer's Guild, they let him in.

He sat down by a tree, and seeing how he would just be waiting for other adventurers to arrive, Tillius sat down by a nearby tree to try and catch some quick 'Z', having to be vigilant of some wildlife and thus lacked adequate sleep the night before. It wasn't long until the sun intensified, and his sleep undermined, so he proceeded to use his large shield as a makeshift cover, letting it lean on him. From afar, it didn't seem like anyone was there, only a large chunk of metal board laid against an old tree.

Alright, moving it over here for review thus far. Leaving that 4th active skill out for now, since I had a 3rd passive.

I'm still not sure of the 4th skill yet, but had a 3rd passive since I see a couple people having more than 2. Putting this up for review thus far, and can readjust if needed.

Hey there. This looks interesting to me. I'm into the orc archetype, but more of the 'civilized' type. How's the orc civilization doing in this world in general? Depending on the setting, I can choose either a banished orc who intermingled with humans more or a veteran soldier turned adventurer. But of course, I can be flexible beyond it if needed.
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