Eight hours of rest seemed good, though that meant they were messing with their circadian rhythm, and night march was a more serious than many would initially imagine. But fine, it's nothing this group shouldn't be able to take. Tillius once was reassured, he would retreat back to the newly-built camp to rest.
Time passed, the clock hit the top, the group went ahead with the Lasse exploration as planned, the floating lantern in the distance the only anchor from the abyss. Quite literally. The abyss took the form of the relics of a bloodied past looking to smear the group with it. It's even worse for anyone who only glazed past the embellished version of history, one whose rough edges had been smoothened out for a nicer viewing for the more ignorant masses who were unwilling to put themselves in discomfort. The atrocities at its rawest form began to assault Tillius's mind.
'Stay vigilant.'
If not for Gray Flame and Vesemir's advice, he might have reacted differently and worse. But knowing that these were phantoms and not to be interacted with anyway, Tillius continued going, a foot ahead of the other. Scenes of mass deaths did little to phase him anymore, and one more screaming elf hanging on a tree wasn't going to stop him from rejoining the group.
But a frozen and scared elf does. The real one.
Tillius bumped into Roxas as he kept his head down. He flinched, having thought that the phantoms had manifested, but it turned out it was just her, frozen in place.
"Tch." The orc growled, looking around if anyone too was also caught in this. He could simply side-step the elf and continued moving towards the light, but what is to happen to them if he just ignored them. One was clearly ensnared by the phantom, many more could have as well. But how could he get them to break off? His quick-thinking, pressured by the current situation, fired off one solution.
"Heads down, fall in." Tillius gave as short and concise of an instruction as possible for Roxas and anyone in view. He squeezed past the elf and stepped in front of her, hoping to cover her vision of the five butcher-soldiers, his shield raised above his face, hoping to cover even the vision of the people behind him who might be tempted to have a staredown with the abyss.