Name: Daniel “Danny” Davis
Alias: Spider-Man
Age: 16 (Birthday June 10th)
Gender: Male

Appearance: Danny is a tall and lean young man. He stands at exactly six feet tall. He has a bit of a baby face that he has been teased about. Marked by a round face, large expressive blue eyes, and a small nose. These features give him a rather youthful appearance. He keeps his blonde hair short and spiky. His build is slim and wiry. Since gaining Spider Powers, he gained some muscle definition, including abs. He has a fair skin complexion. Some people have called him cute, but Danny gets embarrassed when people talk about him like that.
Danny doesn't really have much in the way of fashion sense. He dresses how he thinks looks cool. His wardrobe mostly consists mostly of T-shirts, jeans, and sneakers. He always wears pink and purple, his favorite colors. No matter what anyone says, he won’t change that. He currently wears a pink T-shirt with a short sleeved pink and white jacket over it, a pair of purple jeans, and purple and white high top sneakers. He to need glasses for near sightedness. However gaining spider powers corrected his vision. Now he wears non prescription lenses for the aesthetic. He feels naked without glasses.
Danny’s costume is a pink and purple body suit that covers him from head to toe, including his face. It is skintight and made of spandex or something similar. His gloves, boots, mid-section, and mask are pink, the rest of it is purple. Danny designed a web pattern that covers the pink portions of the suit, starting at the mask. The suit also has a black spider in the center of the chest and a larger pink spider on the back, both of different designs. The mask has plastic lenses with a chrome covering that allow Danny to see out, without letting others see in. The lenses also protect Danny’s eyes from dust particles and the glare of the sun while he is swinging through the city. In addition, the mask helps to conceal Danny’s identity by muffling his voice, thus making it unrecognizable to others. He also wears a twin set of web shooters on his wrists under the gloves. A web cartridge belt is also worn under the suit, which has a spider-signal on the buckle.
Personality: Danny is something of a shy introvert. The fact that he was bullied a lot did not help matters. He prefers to keep to himself, only really feeling comfortable around his sister, and his small friend group. He tries hard to be friendly, if only to get people to like him so he won’t be bullied anymore, but a lot of the times ends up just being awkward. He usually perks up when the conversation goes in a direction he’s interested in. When he’s interested in the subject matter, then he keeps talking and talking.
He gets nervous very easily. He really wants to be brave and cool, but he finds being that kind of person difficult. He’s very shy and self conscious, and doesn’t think very highly of himself. He gets particularly nervous around guys he happens to find attractive. At that point, he starts stammering. He’s not good at flirting.
He’s in many ways a complete geek. He loves science, reads a lot, loves computers and the Internet, enjoys playing video games. He also likes cute things, and the color pink. He has a small collection of plushies and dolls at home. It was something he was bullied for in the past. He’s not very good at sports either. That has since changed since gaining Spider powers.
While wearing the Spider-Man costume, Danny is a lot less inhibited. He flirts with attractive guys, he makes jokes and has witty banter with foes, and is much more outgoing. Generally Spider-Man is a lot more confident than Danny
History: David and Denise Davis were a happily married couple who longed for children of their own. They tried many times, but it always resulted in failure. Finally, after years of trying, Denise successfully carried a pregnancy to term. They were expecting a son, but were shocked when a girl came out, followed by the son they were expecting shortly thereafter. The Davises had been blessed with twins!
Danny Davis was born in Queens New York. Growing up, Danny has always been good at academics. He was intelligent, and did very well in school. His favorite subject to study are the sciences (chemistry, physics, biology, etc) He joined the school’s science club, and often performed experiments at home in his free time with his sister. However, he was also introverted and quiet and did not do well socially. He was often picked on by other kids because of it. Not helping the matter was the fact that he liked the color pink as well cute things, and other stuff that was stereotypically girly. He preferred to play with Barbies and stuffed animals while other boys liked playing with Hot Wheels and Football. He also wasn’t very good at sports. While he had a supportive family at home, he had a difficult time making friends at school.
His most consistent bully is a boy named Skyler. At one point, Danny had a crush on him. Danny worked up the nerve to confess his feelings. Of course, those feelings were not mutual. Skyler laughed in his face, and outed him to the whole school. It was embarrassing, and made going to school much more difficult. Now Skyler picked on him regularly. Things often escalated to violence for trivial reasons, like if he got a better grade than him on an exam. His sister Caty did what she could to help, but that often made things worse. He wanted to be cool, brave, and popular, like the superheroes he reads about, or his own sister. No matter how hard he tries, he always has trouble pulling it off.
Things changed after one fateful school trip to Oscorp. Then, everything changed when we took a field trip to Oscorp. Danny was fascinated by the work they were doing. He paid very close attention to everything. Then came the discussion of the genetically modified spiders. Danny was still interested, but still found spiders to be creepy. Then one of the spiders got out. Danny wanted to get out of there with everyone else, but Caty stayed behind to look for it, and Danny stayed behind to make sure Caty was ok.
Caty did in fact find the spider. It bit her first, then flung it away and it bit Danny. Danny didn’t feel too good after that, and when he got home, He passed out.
Things got weird the next day. First, he woke up and put on his glasses and his vision was blurry. He took off his glasses, and his vision was clear. Weird, a person’s vision doesn’t suddenly improve overnight. Then, he went to get dressed, and saw his reflection in the mirror. He was still slender, but he had grown some muscle, including abs. Ok, that was nice, but definitely weird. His sister had also demonstrated the ability to stick to walls, and communicate with spiders. They both came to the conclusion that they had gained the abilities of a spider
After spending some time flexing his newfound muscles in the mirror, he had to go to school. Skyler was up to his usual shenanigans. Skyler tried to punch him. That wouldn’t happen this time. He felt a tingling sensation before he reflexively slid out of the way. It didn’t take long for a fight to break out. Skyler tried to punch him, and somehow Danny was able to dodge his punches. Then Skyler egged him on, and Danny threw a punch that sent Skyler flying. After that, Danny got more respect from the other students.
Wanting to test his newfound abilities further, He put together a pink and purple costume, and entered a wrestling competition to earn some extra money. No one took the guy in the pink and purple costume seriously. He had the audience on his side when he made a fool out of that macho wrestler.
The fight promoter cheated him out of his prize money. So Danny didn’t think it was any of his business when the guy was robbed shortly thereafter. He was feeling spiteful at that moment.
Turned out, it was his business. His house was surrounded by police cars, caution tape, and his mother crying hysterically. It turned out, his father had been shot and murdered. This wasn’t fair. His father did nothing wrong. He supported his love of science, and didn’t mind that he was gay. Why did he have to die like this? In a rage, Danny took off, changing into his costume, determined to catch his father’s killer.
Caty joined up with him, and they found the killer in an abandoned warehouse nearby. It was the exact same guy he caught robbing fight promoter earlier. He knew then if he had stopped him, his dad would still be alive. He wanted to kill the guy right then and there, but couldn’t bring himself to do it. That was the moment Spider-Man was born. He wanted to make sure something like this doesn’t happen again.
More happens after this, but I don’t feel like writing all of it. It’s late. I’ll continue the story later.
Powers, Gadgets, and Skills:
Enhanced Strength: Danny has strength proportional to that of a spider, and can lift 173 times his own weight.
Enhanced Speed: He’s not the Flash levels of speed, but he does move fast than the average human
Enhanced Reflexes and Agility: He is extraordinarily limber and can perform various gymnastic feats.
Enhanced Balance: Danny has an enhanced sense of balance or equilibrium. He is able to stand perfectly still on almost any surface
Enhanced Healing Factor: He can heal from injuries faster than the average human
Enhanced Duribility: He’s tougher and can take a beating better than a regular human. That said, he prefers to dodge things.
Enhanced Immune System: Due to his accelerated metabolism, Spider-Man has a higher tolerance for drugs and diseases than normal humans, and he can recover from the effects of larger doses rapidly.
Enhanced Metabolism: He can eat a lot without gaining weight, and he has a bigger appetite.
Wall Crawling: He can cling to walls and surfaces.
Spider Sense: Danny possesses a precognitive danger or "spider" sense which warns him of potential or immediate danger by the manifestation of a tingling sensation in the back of his skull. It works with his superhuman reflexes to help him dodge most dangerous situations.
Webs (The webs are not organic. He make his own brand of spider silk that he can shoot out of web shooters worn on his wrists. The silk is a tough flexible fiber with adhesive qualities. It is strong enough to support his weight, and can use it to swing. The webs disolve into powder two hours after being exposed to air for easy cleanin! He can make different variations of the web for different purposes. His normal webs are pink, but Danny can also make them different colors. Including rainbow web for Pride! Danny wishes he could figure out a way to get a patent on this without giving away their secret identity)
High Intelligence (His favorite subjects are the sciences such as biology, chemistry, computer science, and physics. He’s also interested in robotics and engineering but isn’t an expert in those fields)
Fluent in Spanish, French, and Italian (Speak, Read & Write) He likes romance languages. What of it?
Alias: Spider-Man
Age: 16 (Birthday June 10th)
Gender: Male

Appearance: Danny is a tall and lean young man. He stands at exactly six feet tall. He has a bit of a baby face that he has been teased about. Marked by a round face, large expressive blue eyes, and a small nose. These features give him a rather youthful appearance. He keeps his blonde hair short and spiky. His build is slim and wiry. Since gaining Spider Powers, he gained some muscle definition, including abs. He has a fair skin complexion. Some people have called him cute, but Danny gets embarrassed when people talk about him like that.
Danny doesn't really have much in the way of fashion sense. He dresses how he thinks looks cool. His wardrobe mostly consists mostly of T-shirts, jeans, and sneakers. He always wears pink and purple, his favorite colors. No matter what anyone says, he won’t change that. He currently wears a pink T-shirt with a short sleeved pink and white jacket over it, a pair of purple jeans, and purple and white high top sneakers. He to need glasses for near sightedness. However gaining spider powers corrected his vision. Now he wears non prescription lenses for the aesthetic. He feels naked without glasses.
Danny’s costume is a pink and purple body suit that covers him from head to toe, including his face. It is skintight and made of spandex or something similar. His gloves, boots, mid-section, and mask are pink, the rest of it is purple. Danny designed a web pattern that covers the pink portions of the suit, starting at the mask. The suit also has a black spider in the center of the chest and a larger pink spider on the back, both of different designs. The mask has plastic lenses with a chrome covering that allow Danny to see out, without letting others see in. The lenses also protect Danny’s eyes from dust particles and the glare of the sun while he is swinging through the city. In addition, the mask helps to conceal Danny’s identity by muffling his voice, thus making it unrecognizable to others. He also wears a twin set of web shooters on his wrists under the gloves. A web cartridge belt is also worn under the suit, which has a spider-signal on the buckle.
Personality: Danny is something of a shy introvert. The fact that he was bullied a lot did not help matters. He prefers to keep to himself, only really feeling comfortable around his sister, and his small friend group. He tries hard to be friendly, if only to get people to like him so he won’t be bullied anymore, but a lot of the times ends up just being awkward. He usually perks up when the conversation goes in a direction he’s interested in. When he’s interested in the subject matter, then he keeps talking and talking.
He gets nervous very easily. He really wants to be brave and cool, but he finds being that kind of person difficult. He’s very shy and self conscious, and doesn’t think very highly of himself. He gets particularly nervous around guys he happens to find attractive. At that point, he starts stammering. He’s not good at flirting.
He’s in many ways a complete geek. He loves science, reads a lot, loves computers and the Internet, enjoys playing video games. He also likes cute things, and the color pink. He has a small collection of plushies and dolls at home. It was something he was bullied for in the past. He’s not very good at sports either. That has since changed since gaining Spider powers.
While wearing the Spider-Man costume, Danny is a lot less inhibited. He flirts with attractive guys, he makes jokes and has witty banter with foes, and is much more outgoing. Generally Spider-Man is a lot more confident than Danny
History: David and Denise Davis were a happily married couple who longed for children of their own. They tried many times, but it always resulted in failure. Finally, after years of trying, Denise successfully carried a pregnancy to term. They were expecting a son, but were shocked when a girl came out, followed by the son they were expecting shortly thereafter. The Davises had been blessed with twins!
Danny Davis was born in Queens New York. Growing up, Danny has always been good at academics. He was intelligent, and did very well in school. His favorite subject to study are the sciences (chemistry, physics, biology, etc) He joined the school’s science club, and often performed experiments at home in his free time with his sister. However, he was also introverted and quiet and did not do well socially. He was often picked on by other kids because of it. Not helping the matter was the fact that he liked the color pink as well cute things, and other stuff that was stereotypically girly. He preferred to play with Barbies and stuffed animals while other boys liked playing with Hot Wheels and Football. He also wasn’t very good at sports. While he had a supportive family at home, he had a difficult time making friends at school.
His most consistent bully is a boy named Skyler. At one point, Danny had a crush on him. Danny worked up the nerve to confess his feelings. Of course, those feelings were not mutual. Skyler laughed in his face, and outed him to the whole school. It was embarrassing, and made going to school much more difficult. Now Skyler picked on him regularly. Things often escalated to violence for trivial reasons, like if he got a better grade than him on an exam. His sister Caty did what she could to help, but that often made things worse. He wanted to be cool, brave, and popular, like the superheroes he reads about, or his own sister. No matter how hard he tries, he always has trouble pulling it off.
Things changed after one fateful school trip to Oscorp. Then, everything changed when we took a field trip to Oscorp. Danny was fascinated by the work they were doing. He paid very close attention to everything. Then came the discussion of the genetically modified spiders. Danny was still interested, but still found spiders to be creepy. Then one of the spiders got out. Danny wanted to get out of there with everyone else, but Caty stayed behind to look for it, and Danny stayed behind to make sure Caty was ok.
Caty did in fact find the spider. It bit her first, then flung it away and it bit Danny. Danny didn’t feel too good after that, and when he got home, He passed out.
Things got weird the next day. First, he woke up and put on his glasses and his vision was blurry. He took off his glasses, and his vision was clear. Weird, a person’s vision doesn’t suddenly improve overnight. Then, he went to get dressed, and saw his reflection in the mirror. He was still slender, but he had grown some muscle, including abs. Ok, that was nice, but definitely weird. His sister had also demonstrated the ability to stick to walls, and communicate with spiders. They both came to the conclusion that they had gained the abilities of a spider
After spending some time flexing his newfound muscles in the mirror, he had to go to school. Skyler was up to his usual shenanigans. Skyler tried to punch him. That wouldn’t happen this time. He felt a tingling sensation before he reflexively slid out of the way. It didn’t take long for a fight to break out. Skyler tried to punch him, and somehow Danny was able to dodge his punches. Then Skyler egged him on, and Danny threw a punch that sent Skyler flying. After that, Danny got more respect from the other students.
Wanting to test his newfound abilities further, He put together a pink and purple costume, and entered a wrestling competition to earn some extra money. No one took the guy in the pink and purple costume seriously. He had the audience on his side when he made a fool out of that macho wrestler.
The fight promoter cheated him out of his prize money. So Danny didn’t think it was any of his business when the guy was robbed shortly thereafter. He was feeling spiteful at that moment.
Turned out, it was his business. His house was surrounded by police cars, caution tape, and his mother crying hysterically. It turned out, his father had been shot and murdered. This wasn’t fair. His father did nothing wrong. He supported his love of science, and didn’t mind that he was gay. Why did he have to die like this? In a rage, Danny took off, changing into his costume, determined to catch his father’s killer.
Caty joined up with him, and they found the killer in an abandoned warehouse nearby. It was the exact same guy he caught robbing fight promoter earlier. He knew then if he had stopped him, his dad would still be alive. He wanted to kill the guy right then and there, but couldn’t bring himself to do it. That was the moment Spider-Man was born. He wanted to make sure something like this doesn’t happen again.
More happens after this, but I don’t feel like writing all of it. It’s late. I’ll continue the story later.
Powers, Gadgets, and Skills:
Enhanced Strength: Danny has strength proportional to that of a spider, and can lift 173 times his own weight.
Enhanced Speed: He’s not the Flash levels of speed, but he does move fast than the average human
Enhanced Reflexes and Agility: He is extraordinarily limber and can perform various gymnastic feats.
Enhanced Balance: Danny has an enhanced sense of balance or equilibrium. He is able to stand perfectly still on almost any surface
Enhanced Healing Factor: He can heal from injuries faster than the average human
Enhanced Duribility: He’s tougher and can take a beating better than a regular human. That said, he prefers to dodge things.
Enhanced Immune System: Due to his accelerated metabolism, Spider-Man has a higher tolerance for drugs and diseases than normal humans, and he can recover from the effects of larger doses rapidly.
Enhanced Metabolism: He can eat a lot without gaining weight, and he has a bigger appetite.
Wall Crawling: He can cling to walls and surfaces.
Spider Sense: Danny possesses a precognitive danger or "spider" sense which warns him of potential or immediate danger by the manifestation of a tingling sensation in the back of his skull. It works with his superhuman reflexes to help him dodge most dangerous situations.
Webs (The webs are not organic. He make his own brand of spider silk that he can shoot out of web shooters worn on his wrists. The silk is a tough flexible fiber with adhesive qualities. It is strong enough to support his weight, and can use it to swing. The webs disolve into powder two hours after being exposed to air for easy cleanin! He can make different variations of the web for different purposes. His normal webs are pink, but Danny can also make them different colors. Including rainbow web for Pride! Danny wishes he could figure out a way to get a patent on this without giving away their secret identity)
High Intelligence (His favorite subjects are the sciences such as biology, chemistry, computer science, and physics. He’s also interested in robotics and engineering but isn’t an expert in those fields)
Fluent in Spanish, French, and Italian (Speak, Read & Write) He likes romance languages. What of it?