Avatar of Crimson Flame


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1 hr ago
Current My interest check brings all the RPers to the thread. They’re like, it’s better than yours. Damn right it’s better than yours.
10 hrs ago
I tried asking after a week of no contact, and I got scolded. I’m waiting the full month.
1 day ago
Why not both?
1 like
1 day ago
No I would not love you if you were a worm.
7 days ago
I’d prefer a fatherfucker


Gay, he/him, Autistic

I’m Crimson Flame and I’m addicted to RPing. But sometimes ADHD kicks in, and it takes me longer to reply to things than it should. If I’m taking too long to respond, feel free to say something. Just don’t be rude about it.

There are a bunch of RPs I like. Pokémon, Digimon, Fantasy, Superhero, it would take too long to list them all. I’m not a fan of Horror or Apocalypse settings though.

I have a particular type of character I like making. Look through my Character Sheet thread, and see if you notice what a lot of my characters have in common.

Most Recent Posts

I made the first post. I’ll send you all the discord link later.

André was in his room on his private jet he took from the Unova Region. He was busy studying his reflection in the bathroom mirror, making sure he was presentable before he stepped off the plane. He had to look good at all times, because he never knew where there will be someone with a camera who wants to take his picture. He couldn't afford to have a bad hair day, or else that picture would end up in a magazine, and the tabloids would rip him to shreds. Such is the life of a star. In the end, it was all worth it for the fame and fortune.

Once he finished brushing his blonde hair, he adjusted his necklace like it was a tie, and checked the mirror one last time. "C'est magnifique!" He exclaimed once he was satisfied, he sprayed on some lavender scented perfume, and put on his pink beret. He completed the look by grabbing a pair of pink sunglasses, and putting them top of his head. Just in time too, because the plane landed just in time, they had arrived at the Vanville airport. André grabbed his pink bag, which had a pink satin bow on it. If you didn't know better, it was easy to assume that it was a girl's bag. He went through the contents of his bag, pulled out a Pokeball, and called out the Pokemon inside. Jolie, come!"

In a flash of light a Cleffa with a large pink bow on her head, and a diamond studded collar around her neck appeared at Andre's feet. The small, pink, Fairy type stretched her stubby little arms, and yawned as if she had been awoken from a nap.

"Très bien!" He put the sunglasses over his eyes, took Jolie into his arms, and stepped off the plane.

As soon as André set foot in Kalos, he was surrounded by photographers and screaming fans. Word travels fast that a famous movie star would arriving in a small town, and people clamored to see him.

André was more than happy to take pictures and sign autographs for his fans while he waited for his friends to get here. He was a star, he had to give the people what they wanted. "Merci beaucoup!” The young movie star exclaimed as he dramatically threw a pink rose into the crowd for them to catch. “You are a wonderful audience, je t'aime”

Danny quietly cheered when the ball of webs hit the Spider-Monkey in the chest. It felt good to not be the one having to dodge balls for once… Then, the creature was harassed by Arachnid’s Nano-Spiders before being put to sleep by his sister’s lullaby. Danny giggled. He had been joking about her being the Disney Princess of Spiders before.

Now there was the question of what they were going to do with this beast. They did not have to think about that for long, because the question answered itself. The Spider-Monkey, along with all the other Spider people present were sucked through a portal that appeared beneath them. All Danny could do was let out a high pitched “Eep!”


The next thing Danny became aware of, he was no longer in New York, but in the middle of a giant web. Amongst the web were what looked like windows into other worlds. Some looked familiar, and some looked radically different. Danny didn’t have time to question this. He had to talk to the green suited Spider that made his presence known.

Danny followed his lead, and unmasked himself. “Uh… Anansi sir. Hi, Danny Davis… Um, I have so many questions, but let’s start with the one that’s bugging me the most. What do you mean by your Spider-Totems?”
I like Digimon, so tentatively interested.
Nikola is the only girl.

But André is the most feminine one here.
@InnerFlame Beau is Accepted But that shouldn’t be a surprise anyone.

If you thought one André was bad, now you have to deal with two.

Once @CrispyCryptid gets their character up, I’ll start the RP.

In the meantime, how do you all feel about Discord?

André is a Fairy type specialist.
Hello!! Would you mind if i joined with my ghost-type trainer character?

Go ahead.
Finally, the whole group had gotten together and they could finally get to the point of this meeting. They briefly discussed Dr. Gate’s escape fiasco, but the real reason they were gathered here was that they were going to have more freedom. As if that mattered, at the end of the day they were still prisoners. All of his powers were suppressed in one form or another. What was even the point? Unless that freedom also included the ability to pursue a romantic relationship with Ryan Darwin the day guard, it really didn’t matter.

There was also the fact that they were now going to get paid for their services as Hounds. He wasn’t expecting to get paid at all so this was a surprise. As Sabriel bluntly pointed out, this came with implication that they were effectively free labor until now. There had to be a legal violation there. No doubt someone here was going to be angry about that. “Oh wonderful. Are you going to take us to the mall to go on a shopping spree?” Dr. Pine’s tone was dripping with sarcasm. “Honestly, this is just a cold comfort.”
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