Avatar of Crimson Flame


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2 hrs ago
Current Why not both?
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4 hrs ago
No I would not love you if you were a worm.
6 days ago
I’d prefer a fatherfucker
7 days ago
Marvel vs Capcom Fighting Collection!
12 days ago
You need to get doused in chemicals if you’re hoping to become Daredevil.
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Gay, he/him, Autistic

I’m Crimson Flame and I’m addicted to RPing. But sometimes ADHD kicks in, and it takes me longer to reply to things than it should. If I’m taking too long to respond, feel free to say something. Just don’t be rude about it.

There are a bunch of RPs I like. Pokémon, Digimon, Fantasy, Superhero, it would take too long to list them all. I’m not a fan of Horror or Apocalypse settings though.

I have a particular type of character I like making. Look through my Character Sheet thread, and see if you notice what a lot of my characters have in common.

Most Recent Posts

Banned for not giving a reason for banning the above user.
I can make it work either way.
Should I have Niko not run?
What do you think?

DC/Marvel Characters Used: Beast Boy and Iceman
Name: Garfield “Gary” Drake
Alias: Ice Beast
Age: 21

Icy Shapeshifting: Ice Beast has the power to transform into any animal he has ever come in contact with. The twist is, those animals are composed of ice and/or snow giving him enhanced durability.

Cryokinesis: In his animal forms, Ice Beast can manipulate ice and cold in various ways.

Enhanced regeneration: In his Icy forms, he can regenerate when damaged, allowing for quicker recovery.

Weaknesses: Heat and Fire: His is susceptible to high temperatures and fire which can weaken his ice forms and reduce his effectiveness.

Emotional stress: Strong emotional stress can cause him to lose control of his powers.

Team Affiliation: Titan X
Personality: Playful, Brave, Loyal, Cocky, Energetic

(Picture isn’t accurate, but you get the general idea)

Appearance: Gary has a lean, athletic build with light blue-green skin. His hair is icy white, spiky, and resembles frosted icicles. His eyes are the same blue-green as his skin. He has pointed ears, and noticebly sharper canine teeth. He often wears a sleek, form-fitting suit made of a material that appears to be a mix of icy elements, and flexible fabric, in a deep blue with green accents. The emblem on his chest is a combination of a paw print, and a snowflake. He accessorizes with fingerless gloves and boots designed for traction on icy surfaces.

BRIEF Bio: Garfield “Gary” Drake was born to wealthy parents in Jump City. His father, a scientist named Mark Drake, and his mother, a socialite named Madeline Logan-Drake, provided him with a comfortable but somewhat lonely upbringing. As a child, Gary contracted a rare illness while on an expedition with his parents. To save him, his father used an experimental treatment involving the DNA of various animals, unknowingly awakening Gary’s latent mutant genes inherited from his mother’s side. This treatment not only saved his life but also gave him the ability to shapeshift into any animal, with each form exhibiting icy properties. Of course, he didn’t know that at the time.

Gary’s powers first manifested when he was a teenager. That was when his skin turned the blue-green shade it is today. He found himself able to transform into ice-formed versions of animals, capable of manipulating ice and cold. Initially frightened and confused by his abilities, he struggled to control them. However, with practice, he learned to embrace his powers.

After the death of his parents in a boating accident, he would be taken in by friends of the family Rita Jones, and Luke Dayton. He would join their superhero team the Doom Defenders. The Doom Defenders had many adventures until they seemingly died on a mission.

Gary spent many years alone until he was recruited by Night Vision to join the Titans X, where he’s been ever since.

Supporting cast/characters:

Rita Jones/Elasti-Woman (Jessica Jones and Rita Farr) Deceased?

Luke Dayton/Power Mento (Luke Cage and Steve Dayton/Mento) Deceased?

Doom Defenders (Members of Doom Patrol + The Defenders)

Amalgam Universe Notes: He’s gay because of the Iceman half of him. :P
There, I kicked it up. Lol
After school finally finished for the day, Niko decided to visit his favorite arcade in Shibuya before heading home. The arcade is filled with the sounds of beeping machines, cheerful music, and the excited chatter of gamers. Niko heads towards a claw machine filled with adorable plushies, hoping to win one for his little sister.

As he tries his luck with the claw machine, but much to his disappointment, he didn’t win anything. He didn’t dwell on that for long though. He notices one of the arcade’s old game cabinets flickering out of the corner of his eye. The screen shows static and strange symbols, Niko walks over to the cabinet, just as the screen glows brightly and the machine starts to emit a thick, swirling fog.

The fog condenses and swirls around Niko. Suddenly, a small, cream colored puppy-like creature materializes from the fog, landing gently on the floor in front of him. an unfamiliar egg shaped object follows, settling beside the creature. It was white, with wings, and an upside down heart on it.

Upon seeing Niko, the puppy excitedly spoke up. "Hello! My name is Salamon. I've been waiting for you, Niko."

Niko is initially startled, but soon, a grin forms on his face. He may not have won anything from the claw machine, but it was obvious he got something better. “Oh my gosh! You’re so cute!” The pink haired boy picked up Salamon, and squeezed her tightly. He wasn’t bothered at all by the strangeness of this situation, or how this creature knew his name. He found a cute puppy!

Then, the arcade’s lights flicker, and the game cabinet glows ominously. Another creature leaps out of the screen. This one was gray, and also dog like, but this creature wasn’t as friendly as Salamon. "Oh how cute, a human and Digimon coming together. Too bad it won't last long!"

Niko’s eyes widened with shock. "Salamon, what do we do?"

Salamon jumped out of Niko’s arms, and stood in front of him. "We need to stand our ground, Niko. I won’t let Gazimon harm you."

Niko was not expecting to watch a literal dog fight today. He had just met Salamon today, and he was already worried for her safety. At that moment, the Digi-Egg begins to glow, and a Digivice materializes in Niko’s hand. "Whoa, what is this?"

"That's your Digivice! It's a symbol of your status as a Digidestined, and the fact that we’re friends! With that, we can do anything together!”

Niko squeezed the Digivice tightly, as Salamon fought off Gazimon

"Puppy Howling!" Salamon lets out a high-pitched howl, disorienting Gazimon and causing it to stumble. Using the momentary advantage, Salamon delivered a Petit Punch, to knock towards the game cabinet, then a with a final Sledge Crash, she knocked him back into the Digital world.

The fog soon dissipated, and the arcade returned to normal. Niko and Salamon find a quiet corner in the arcade to catch their breath. Niko looks at his new friend. "Thank you, Salamon. I don’t know what’s happening, but I’m glad you’re here!"

"And I’m glad to be here with you, Niko. We both have a lot to learn, and many adventures ahead, but as long as we’re together, we can do anything!"
No Pink this time? Disappointment. But I’m already in a Rangers RP with a Pink Ranger so it’s fine.

Tentative interest regardless.

@Damo021 I’ll reserve judgement. Nothing wrong with 2 divas in the group though.
One idea to have a chronological meeting point for everyone is to say they all joined an afterschool club for anime, comics, video games, or whatever. Maybe earlier in the Summer they all pitched in so their club could go to Anime Expo or San Diego Comic-Con or something. That could be the first time they all really got to know each other as a group outside of school, and they've been hanging out ever since.

Ryan would be the type that enjoys Cosplay. 🤔

And just like that, Danny was sucked through a portal, and sent to another world.

The New York they landed was different. The skyscrapers looked familiar, but the atmosphere was clean and cheerful, almost eerily so. His Spider-Sense wasn’t going off, but something felt off about the whole place. He studied his surroundings, and picked up on the Fisk International Billboards. “I haven’t dealt with him myself, but I’ve heard stories…”

And then the noise caught Danny’s attention. “What the…?” Danny muttered as he witnessed the brutal fight unfolding in front of him. The whole thing made his stomach churn. They needed a plan. They couldn’t just waltz in.

And then Sam took off, and did just that. “Hey, wait!” But she had already confronted Spider-Fisk. Danny sighed, put his mask on, and went after her. His webshooters also alerted him to being low on web fluid. Great…

Danny stood next to Sam. “Oh, uh, don’t mind us. We’re just a couple of friendly neighborhood spiders from a different neighborhood!” Danny laughed nervously. He may have been making jokes, but he was quaking in his boots on the inside.

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