Meanwhile, Danny and the rest of the Young Avengers crew were hanging out in their new HQ. The intention was just to do homework, but somewhere along the way, the kids got distracted. Danny and Chase wound up playing Mario Kart on the giant TV, while the others watched and cheered them on. Nathan had really tricked this building out!
Then the gaming session was interrupted by alarms blaring, and the Video Games on the TV screen changed to a large rock creature and a flying man fighting. Danny sighed. He had already dealt with the situation with Hydro Man, now this. Hero work never ends. “Alright guys, suit up. It looks like we have work to do.”
“Wait!” Karolina yelled. “That's near where Caty's working on a project.” Instead of waiting for the others to suit up and ride out she decided to go on ahead. She couldn't leave Caty to deal with all of that by herself. She activated her super form and flew out of the HQ's hangar.
Spider-Woman and the Prowler were working to get civilians out of the area. The two fighters seemed to only be focused on each other so the only danger people were really in was unintentional collateral damage.
Spider-Woman was impressed with the way Prowler worked. Despite not having powers he was actually really good at this. Hobie was both freaking out and having a good time. This was the first time he's actually ever used the costume to help people. Before it was just used to help him with his job, but he felt like he was really meant for this.
The Prowler was taking a young kid to his mother when a large chunk of the ground came flying towards them. Caty swung forward to punch the debris but it caused it to split in pieces still heading towards them.
The two pieces were suddenly shot down by colorful rays of energy crumbling them into dust. “Looks like you two could use a hand. Fortunately for you, the Young Avengers are on the job!”
“If it isn't my guardian angel.” Spider-Woman said, smiling under her mask. “Thank you.”
Danny, Chase, and the others arrived after Karolina did, now fully suited up. “You know, it would make things a lot easier if I could instantly change into my costume…” Danny quipped. “Anyway, what’s the situation? I just got the notice of the rock creature and a flying man fighting. Any ideas of how we’re going to deal with that?”
Iron Knight was surprised by what he was watching. He didn't recognize either of the people in front of them. But the creature. It looked like The Thing! But he was still different. Corrupted and it looked like he had the powers of the rest of the Fantastic Four. Just what the Hell was going on?
“Team this rock monster wields Cosmic Energy. As far as I know he has the powers to stretch, create force fields, use fire, and maybe even turn invisible.” Nathan said.
“How in the hell are we supposed to beat all of that? The guy's one giant cheat code.” Gert exclaimed.
“Doesn't sound like he's immune to magic.” Nico said.
“And he's not the only one who can shoot flames. Maybe he just needs to cool off.”
“But none of us have the power to freeze anyone.” Dagger said.
“Y'all are doing way too much talking. I'm gonna go join that guy in punching him.” Molly said, charging forward.
Spider-Woman swung forward making sure Molly didn't get in over her head. Karolina, Alex, and Nico followed in pursuit. Gert wasn't really sure she and old Lace would be good here. Cloak enveloped Dagger and Nathan to bring them closer to the fight. Cloak didn't see much use for himself here, but he could at least help them maneuver through the battle.
Hobie knew he wasn't ready for this kind of fight yet and continued with the rescue efforts.
“Ok great, you do all of that. I’m going to go talk to the guy punching the rock monster. He obviously knows something we don’t…” Danny said as he swung towards the white haired man. Spider-Man swung into the fight, to the white haired man. Oh my gosh, this guy is handsome ! Danny thought to himself. Focus Danny, you have a boyfriend… Danny shook off the thoughts. “Hey, name’s Spider-Man. Do you mind explaining what you and that thing over there are doing?” Danny asked, gesturing to the rock monster. “You’re causing a lot of collateral damage.”
Noh-Varr was so focused that he didn't realize anyone had shown up to their battle. It wasn't until Spider-Man directly spoke to him that he was able to take a look at all that was happening around them. He sent the Cosmic Man barreling back with another punch before turning to answer Spider-Man. “This monster took everyone and everything I ever loved from me! My family. My girlfriend. My friends… So I'm going to take his life. Do not get in my way.”
Noh-Varr charged forward but was stopped suddenly when a small pink cube was thrown into the center of the battle. He recognized that cube. It was his. Suddenly the cube expanded in size before sucking in everyone in the immediate area.
Once inside they'd find themselves on a computer like grid before the world around them transformed. They were seemingly still in New York, but the arena was undamaged and there were no civilians in sight. Oubliette walked in between her father and Noh-Varr. “Enough with putting civilians in danger. You want to end this? End it.”
He seems nice… Danny sarcastically thought to himself before they and the other Avengers were sucked into the cube along with the rock monster, and the white haired pretty boy. “Guys, is everyone alright?”
“We’re good!” Nico replied. “But, what just happened?”
“This place is weird,” Chase muttered. “What is this, some kind of virtual reality?”[/color]
“More like an alternate dimension,” Nathan said, analyzing the surroundings. “We’re still in New York, but we’ve been transported to a different version of it.”
“It's a battlebox.” Noh-Varr spat, annoyed at all of the constant interference. He turned to Oubliette, “How'd you even know how to use it?”
“I'm a genius and I've dealt with strange technology before. But I won't stop your fight. Go.”
Cosmic Man found himself surrounded by a bunch of junior nuisances and his daughter once again betrayed him. He wasn't going to stand for it any longer. While Noh-Varr was distracted he extended his arm out to sucker punch the space boy right in the face sending him hurtling towards the ground. He followed this with a backhand to Oubliette, sending her flying into a nearby building.
He turned his attention to the heroes and sent a torrent of flames at them with both hands trying to torch them and the area. He was going to get out of here or take them all down with him.
“Uh… Scatter!” Danny shouted as the flames approached. The team quickly moved in different directions to avoid it.
Nico immediately began chanting a spell. A jet of water burst from her Staff of One, countering the flames.
Molly, charged straight at Cosmic Man. “Let’s see how you handle this!” she yelled, delivering a powerful punch to the rocky monster. The impact caused Cosmic Man to stagger, but he quickly recovered, retaliating with a swing of his arm, sending Molly flying.
Chase shot a stream of flames from his Fistigons. “You’re not the only one who can shoot fire.”
Cosmic Man growled and absorbed the flames like it was nothing. “You think your toys can match my power?” He sent another torrent of flames towards Chase, who despite the Fistigons, was not fireproof.
Spider-Man swung in, and pulled Chase out of harm’s way. “This is ridiculous. He recovers from everything we throw at him.”
“Thanks, Spidey!” Chase said, catching his breath. “We need a new plan.”[/color]
Alex took the opportunity to test out his own flames against this Cosmic Man. He threw his arms forward shooting forth his own torrent of flames directly at Cosmic Man's to keep him distracted so the others could attack. “I've got his arms covered! Just pile on him!”
Nathan took the opportunity that Alex provided to shoot a repulsor beam Cosmic Man. It made contact and destroyed part of his rock body, but it quickly regenerated. Maybe they could overload it.
Noh-Varr was impressed with their display of teamwork and powers, but they were still getting in the way of his fight. He charged forward flying straight through Cosmic Man's torso sure that this would be enough to kill him, but once he exited the other side he turned to see that he was still regenerating the wound and didn't even seem bothered by it because his flames had not stopped against Alex's.
Caty wasn't sure what she could do, but she had Karolina fly her closer so she could at least keep him busy or distracted enough so Alex could overpower him. Once close enough Caty shot a web directly at Cosmic Man's face, covering it completely.
He yelled out in anger and stopped firing flames in one of his hands just so he could rip the webs off. This was enough to give Alex a bit more of an edge before Cosmic Man recovered and continued his assault.
“Now’s our chance!” Danny yelled. “Everyone, hit him with everything you’ve got!”
Everyone with energy attacks focused their blasts on Cosmic Man. Nico summoned more water from her Staff of One, Karolina fired her beams of light, Nathan unleashed another repulsor beam, and Chase shot his fiery blasts.
Cosmic Man roared in pain and fury as the combined attacks began to overwhelm him. The energy crackled and surged around his rocky form, causing it to crack and shatter. “No! You cannot defeat me!” he shouted.
In one last ditch effort the Cosmic Man fueled the power of his flames with his rage. The once blue light in his body turned a fiery red, but before he could fully realize his plan an arrow shot him directly in the chest surprising everyone present. Hawkeye!?
The arrow opened up releasing a torrent of fire dousing foam putting out his flames for good. Everyone turned to the direction the arrow was fired and saw a girl around their age wearing a purple costume similar to Hawkeye's. “Thought you guys could use some help and an archer. Can't be the Young Avengers without one.”

Before they could find out anymore about this mystery archer a gunshot rang out catching all of their attention. They turned to see Oubliette with her gun aimed towards her father, now turned into a golden statue.
Noh-Varr descended to the ground and walked around the Golden Cosmic Man to look at him from the front. Oubliette approached him. “Is he dead?” Noh-Varr asked.
“Yes.” She said calmly.
“He was mine to kill. You said you wouldn't interfere with the fight.” Noh-Varr responded with fury in his tone.
“You're not the only one he took everything away from. I didn't. He lost. This kill was just as much mine as it was yours. And now that his empire belongs to me, you can have the rest of what he stole from you. Your ship and your weapons. I don't need either.”
Noh-Varr sighed. What was done was done. He almost lost himself completely here. “Battle Over.”
Suddenly everyone except for the lifeless statue was ejected from the Battlebox and back in the Bronx.
The Prowler had been waiting for them outside after making sure everyone else was okay. He tried to find a way into the box or get it to open, but it was locked completely. He was glad they were all okay. “Thank you all for helping save the Bronx. The Young Avengers are good here anytime.”
“Maybe the Prowler will join us one of these days.” Spider-Woman mused.
“Maybe, but I'm still a little green. But if you guys need help you know where to find me.” He took that opportunity to spring off and check on his family.
Meanwhile the mysterious archer silently approached the group. “If that open offer extends to me, I'd gladly take it.”
Noh-Varr stepped forward as well. “I apologize for causing such chaos on your world. I was captured and tortured by that man after he killed everyone I had ever loved. I lost a bit of myself. I also would like to join this Young Avengers and help Avenge those that have been wronged.”
“Wait. Is that why they're called the Avengers?” Molly asked, just now getting it. Everyone laughed.
“Let’s go home and talk this over.” Nathan said to everyone.
Noh-Varr turned to find Oubliette to see if she'd join as well, but she was already gone.
Gert was kind of disappointed when she noticed she was gone. “Man. She really fit our Runaways team with her evil ass dad.”
The team was now back at the Baxter Building. Caty decided to head back with the others instead of continuing her night at Hobie's. They still had a month to complete their project. They all sat around the living room while Noh-Varr and the mysterious Archer stood in the middle ready to introduce themselves. The latter spoke up first.
“Okay, hi! I'm Katherine Bishop but everyone calls me Kate and if it's cool with the OG I want to be Hawkeye. I've been a huge fan of his ever since the Avengers formed to save New York and you guys after seeing you all against Ultron's bots. I had already been training hard, but I knew I had to find the perfect opportunity to impress you.”
“So that's how you ended up in the Battlebox with us. You're gutsy. I like you. I'm Caty by the way. We have the same name.”
Kate squealed in excitement. She was really going to be an Avenger and her other favorite superhero was right in front of her and they shared the same name! This couldn't be real. She had a feeling Spider-Woman and Spider-Man were teenagers, but seeing them on the Young Avengers team confirmed it.
Noh-Varr cleared his throat. “I'm Noh-Varr. I'm from the Kree Empire of an alternate reality. I was trained and genetically modified to be a peacekeeping super soldier between the Kree and Skrull Empires. My designation was Ensign Marvel or Marvel Boy. My crew, my loved ones and I were stranded in the Multiverse and on our way back home we ended up here and attacked by Dr. Midas.”
“So you're sorta like Captain America and Captain Marvel rolled into one.” Karolina said.
“And a bit of Nathan too.” Alex added pointing to their leader. “Except alternate timeline instead of alternate reality. Though that may just be semantics.”
“You have a Captain Mar-Vell here?” Noh-Varr asked, surprised.
“No idea who Mar-Vell is, but yeah. She's this super badass spacewoman.” Karolina responded.
Noh-Varr was confused, but interested in finding this woman and finding out what the Kree Empire was like here. “I'd like to meet her.”
“She's away at the moment.” Nathan said. “But she'll return in time. But while we wait, make yourselves at home Young Avengers.”
Kate couldn't contain her excitement. The girls ran up to her to congratulate her as well as introduce themselves respectively.
Noh-Varr was starting to feel like he hadn't lost everything after all.
After the introductions and initial conversations, the boys decided to properly welcome Noh-Varr into the group.
Danny, now out of his Spider-Man costume and back in casual clothes, approached Noh-Varr with a friendly smile. “Hey, Noh-Varr, welcome to the team.”
Noh-Varr nodded. “Thank you. It’s good to meet all of you properly.”
“We’re a pretty tight-knit team, and it looks like you’ll fit right in. If there’s anything you need or if you want to share more about your world, we’re all ears.” Chase said
Noh-Varr looked around at the group of young heroes, feeling a sense of camaraderie he hadn’t felt in a long time. “Thank you all. I’ve lost a lot, but being here, with you, it feels like a new beginning.”
Danny, sensing the need for a lighter mood, said, “So, Noh-Varr, ever played Mario Kart? It’s kind of a tradition around here.”
Noh-Varr looked curious. “Mario Kart? I’m not familiar with it.”
Chase’s eyes lit up. “You’re in for a treat. It’s a racing game. We usually play to unwind. Come on, we’ll show you.”
The boys set up the game, and soon enough, they were all sitting around the giant TV, controllers in hand. Danny and Chase took the time to explain the basics to Noh-Varr, who picked up quickly.
As they played, the atmosphere became more relaxed and jovial, the tension from the battle fading away. Noh-Varr even managed to win a few races, much to everyone’s surprise and delight.
“Not bad for a first-timer,” Alex said, laughing.
Noh-Varr smiled, genuinely enjoying the moment. “Thank you. This is… fun. I needed this.”
Nathan nodded, happy to see their new teammate fitting in. “Well, get used to it. We work hard, but we also know how to have fun. Welcome to the Young Avengers, Noh-Varr.”
Then the gaming session was interrupted by alarms blaring, and the Video Games on the TV screen changed to a large rock creature and a flying man fighting. Danny sighed. He had already dealt with the situation with Hydro Man, now this. Hero work never ends. “Alright guys, suit up. It looks like we have work to do.”
“Wait!” Karolina yelled. “That's near where Caty's working on a project.” Instead of waiting for the others to suit up and ride out she decided to go on ahead. She couldn't leave Caty to deal with all of that by herself. She activated her super form and flew out of the HQ's hangar.
Spider-Woman and the Prowler were working to get civilians out of the area. The two fighters seemed to only be focused on each other so the only danger people were really in was unintentional collateral damage.
Spider-Woman was impressed with the way Prowler worked. Despite not having powers he was actually really good at this. Hobie was both freaking out and having a good time. This was the first time he's actually ever used the costume to help people. Before it was just used to help him with his job, but he felt like he was really meant for this.
The Prowler was taking a young kid to his mother when a large chunk of the ground came flying towards them. Caty swung forward to punch the debris but it caused it to split in pieces still heading towards them.
The two pieces were suddenly shot down by colorful rays of energy crumbling them into dust. “Looks like you two could use a hand. Fortunately for you, the Young Avengers are on the job!”
“If it isn't my guardian angel.” Spider-Woman said, smiling under her mask. “Thank you.”
Danny, Chase, and the others arrived after Karolina did, now fully suited up. “You know, it would make things a lot easier if I could instantly change into my costume…” Danny quipped. “Anyway, what’s the situation? I just got the notice of the rock creature and a flying man fighting. Any ideas of how we’re going to deal with that?”
Iron Knight was surprised by what he was watching. He didn't recognize either of the people in front of them. But the creature. It looked like The Thing! But he was still different. Corrupted and it looked like he had the powers of the rest of the Fantastic Four. Just what the Hell was going on?
“Team this rock monster wields Cosmic Energy. As far as I know he has the powers to stretch, create force fields, use fire, and maybe even turn invisible.” Nathan said.
“How in the hell are we supposed to beat all of that? The guy's one giant cheat code.” Gert exclaimed.
“Doesn't sound like he's immune to magic.” Nico said.
“And he's not the only one who can shoot flames. Maybe he just needs to cool off.”
“But none of us have the power to freeze anyone.” Dagger said.
“Y'all are doing way too much talking. I'm gonna go join that guy in punching him.” Molly said, charging forward.
Spider-Woman swung forward making sure Molly didn't get in over her head. Karolina, Alex, and Nico followed in pursuit. Gert wasn't really sure she and old Lace would be good here. Cloak enveloped Dagger and Nathan to bring them closer to the fight. Cloak didn't see much use for himself here, but he could at least help them maneuver through the battle.
Hobie knew he wasn't ready for this kind of fight yet and continued with the rescue efforts.
“Ok great, you do all of that. I’m going to go talk to the guy punching the rock monster. He obviously knows something we don’t…” Danny said as he swung towards the white haired man. Spider-Man swung into the fight, to the white haired man. Oh my gosh, this guy is handsome ! Danny thought to himself. Focus Danny, you have a boyfriend… Danny shook off the thoughts. “Hey, name’s Spider-Man. Do you mind explaining what you and that thing over there are doing?” Danny asked, gesturing to the rock monster. “You’re causing a lot of collateral damage.”
Noh-Varr was so focused that he didn't realize anyone had shown up to their battle. It wasn't until Spider-Man directly spoke to him that he was able to take a look at all that was happening around them. He sent the Cosmic Man barreling back with another punch before turning to answer Spider-Man. “This monster took everyone and everything I ever loved from me! My family. My girlfriend. My friends… So I'm going to take his life. Do not get in my way.”
Noh-Varr charged forward but was stopped suddenly when a small pink cube was thrown into the center of the battle. He recognized that cube. It was his. Suddenly the cube expanded in size before sucking in everyone in the immediate area.
Once inside they'd find themselves on a computer like grid before the world around them transformed. They were seemingly still in New York, but the arena was undamaged and there were no civilians in sight. Oubliette walked in between her father and Noh-Varr. “Enough with putting civilians in danger. You want to end this? End it.”
He seems nice… Danny sarcastically thought to himself before they and the other Avengers were sucked into the cube along with the rock monster, and the white haired pretty boy. “Guys, is everyone alright?”
“We’re good!” Nico replied. “But, what just happened?”
“This place is weird,” Chase muttered. “What is this, some kind of virtual reality?”[/color]
“More like an alternate dimension,” Nathan said, analyzing the surroundings. “We’re still in New York, but we’ve been transported to a different version of it.”
“It's a battlebox.” Noh-Varr spat, annoyed at all of the constant interference. He turned to Oubliette, “How'd you even know how to use it?”
“I'm a genius and I've dealt with strange technology before. But I won't stop your fight. Go.”
Cosmic Man found himself surrounded by a bunch of junior nuisances and his daughter once again betrayed him. He wasn't going to stand for it any longer. While Noh-Varr was distracted he extended his arm out to sucker punch the space boy right in the face sending him hurtling towards the ground. He followed this with a backhand to Oubliette, sending her flying into a nearby building.
He turned his attention to the heroes and sent a torrent of flames at them with both hands trying to torch them and the area. He was going to get out of here or take them all down with him.
“Uh… Scatter!” Danny shouted as the flames approached. The team quickly moved in different directions to avoid it.
Nico immediately began chanting a spell. A jet of water burst from her Staff of One, countering the flames.
Molly, charged straight at Cosmic Man. “Let’s see how you handle this!” she yelled, delivering a powerful punch to the rocky monster. The impact caused Cosmic Man to stagger, but he quickly recovered, retaliating with a swing of his arm, sending Molly flying.
Chase shot a stream of flames from his Fistigons. “You’re not the only one who can shoot fire.”
Cosmic Man growled and absorbed the flames like it was nothing. “You think your toys can match my power?” He sent another torrent of flames towards Chase, who despite the Fistigons, was not fireproof.
Spider-Man swung in, and pulled Chase out of harm’s way. “This is ridiculous. He recovers from everything we throw at him.”
“Thanks, Spidey!” Chase said, catching his breath. “We need a new plan.”[/color]
Alex took the opportunity to test out his own flames against this Cosmic Man. He threw his arms forward shooting forth his own torrent of flames directly at Cosmic Man's to keep him distracted so the others could attack. “I've got his arms covered! Just pile on him!”
Nathan took the opportunity that Alex provided to shoot a repulsor beam Cosmic Man. It made contact and destroyed part of his rock body, but it quickly regenerated. Maybe they could overload it.
Noh-Varr was impressed with their display of teamwork and powers, but they were still getting in the way of his fight. He charged forward flying straight through Cosmic Man's torso sure that this would be enough to kill him, but once he exited the other side he turned to see that he was still regenerating the wound and didn't even seem bothered by it because his flames had not stopped against Alex's.
Caty wasn't sure what she could do, but she had Karolina fly her closer so she could at least keep him busy or distracted enough so Alex could overpower him. Once close enough Caty shot a web directly at Cosmic Man's face, covering it completely.
He yelled out in anger and stopped firing flames in one of his hands just so he could rip the webs off. This was enough to give Alex a bit more of an edge before Cosmic Man recovered and continued his assault.
“Now’s our chance!” Danny yelled. “Everyone, hit him with everything you’ve got!”
Everyone with energy attacks focused their blasts on Cosmic Man. Nico summoned more water from her Staff of One, Karolina fired her beams of light, Nathan unleashed another repulsor beam, and Chase shot his fiery blasts.
Cosmic Man roared in pain and fury as the combined attacks began to overwhelm him. The energy crackled and surged around his rocky form, causing it to crack and shatter. “No! You cannot defeat me!” he shouted.
In one last ditch effort the Cosmic Man fueled the power of his flames with his rage. The once blue light in his body turned a fiery red, but before he could fully realize his plan an arrow shot him directly in the chest surprising everyone present. Hawkeye!?
The arrow opened up releasing a torrent of fire dousing foam putting out his flames for good. Everyone turned to the direction the arrow was fired and saw a girl around their age wearing a purple costume similar to Hawkeye's. “Thought you guys could use some help and an archer. Can't be the Young Avengers without one.”

Before they could find out anymore about this mystery archer a gunshot rang out catching all of their attention. They turned to see Oubliette with her gun aimed towards her father, now turned into a golden statue.
Noh-Varr descended to the ground and walked around the Golden Cosmic Man to look at him from the front. Oubliette approached him. “Is he dead?” Noh-Varr asked.
“Yes.” She said calmly.
“He was mine to kill. You said you wouldn't interfere with the fight.” Noh-Varr responded with fury in his tone.
“You're not the only one he took everything away from. I didn't. He lost. This kill was just as much mine as it was yours. And now that his empire belongs to me, you can have the rest of what he stole from you. Your ship and your weapons. I don't need either.”
Noh-Varr sighed. What was done was done. He almost lost himself completely here. “Battle Over.”
Suddenly everyone except for the lifeless statue was ejected from the Battlebox and back in the Bronx.
The Prowler had been waiting for them outside after making sure everyone else was okay. He tried to find a way into the box or get it to open, but it was locked completely. He was glad they were all okay. “Thank you all for helping save the Bronx. The Young Avengers are good here anytime.”
“Maybe the Prowler will join us one of these days.” Spider-Woman mused.
“Maybe, but I'm still a little green. But if you guys need help you know where to find me.” He took that opportunity to spring off and check on his family.
Meanwhile the mysterious archer silently approached the group. “If that open offer extends to me, I'd gladly take it.”
Noh-Varr stepped forward as well. “I apologize for causing such chaos on your world. I was captured and tortured by that man after he killed everyone I had ever loved. I lost a bit of myself. I also would like to join this Young Avengers and help Avenge those that have been wronged.”
“Wait. Is that why they're called the Avengers?” Molly asked, just now getting it. Everyone laughed.
“Let’s go home and talk this over.” Nathan said to everyone.
Noh-Varr turned to find Oubliette to see if she'd join as well, but she was already gone.
Gert was kind of disappointed when she noticed she was gone. “Man. She really fit our Runaways team with her evil ass dad.”
The team was now back at the Baxter Building. Caty decided to head back with the others instead of continuing her night at Hobie's. They still had a month to complete their project. They all sat around the living room while Noh-Varr and the mysterious Archer stood in the middle ready to introduce themselves. The latter spoke up first.
“Okay, hi! I'm Katherine Bishop but everyone calls me Kate and if it's cool with the OG I want to be Hawkeye. I've been a huge fan of his ever since the Avengers formed to save New York and you guys after seeing you all against Ultron's bots. I had already been training hard, but I knew I had to find the perfect opportunity to impress you.”
“So that's how you ended up in the Battlebox with us. You're gutsy. I like you. I'm Caty by the way. We have the same name.”
Kate squealed in excitement. She was really going to be an Avenger and her other favorite superhero was right in front of her and they shared the same name! This couldn't be real. She had a feeling Spider-Woman and Spider-Man were teenagers, but seeing them on the Young Avengers team confirmed it.
Noh-Varr cleared his throat. “I'm Noh-Varr. I'm from the Kree Empire of an alternate reality. I was trained and genetically modified to be a peacekeeping super soldier between the Kree and Skrull Empires. My designation was Ensign Marvel or Marvel Boy. My crew, my loved ones and I were stranded in the Multiverse and on our way back home we ended up here and attacked by Dr. Midas.”
“So you're sorta like Captain America and Captain Marvel rolled into one.” Karolina said.
“And a bit of Nathan too.” Alex added pointing to their leader. “Except alternate timeline instead of alternate reality. Though that may just be semantics.”
“You have a Captain Mar-Vell here?” Noh-Varr asked, surprised.
“No idea who Mar-Vell is, but yeah. She's this super badass spacewoman.” Karolina responded.
Noh-Varr was confused, but interested in finding this woman and finding out what the Kree Empire was like here. “I'd like to meet her.”
“She's away at the moment.” Nathan said. “But she'll return in time. But while we wait, make yourselves at home Young Avengers.”
Kate couldn't contain her excitement. The girls ran up to her to congratulate her as well as introduce themselves respectively.
Noh-Varr was starting to feel like he hadn't lost everything after all.
After the introductions and initial conversations, the boys decided to properly welcome Noh-Varr into the group.
Danny, now out of his Spider-Man costume and back in casual clothes, approached Noh-Varr with a friendly smile. “Hey, Noh-Varr, welcome to the team.”
Noh-Varr nodded. “Thank you. It’s good to meet all of you properly.”
“We’re a pretty tight-knit team, and it looks like you’ll fit right in. If there’s anything you need or if you want to share more about your world, we’re all ears.” Chase said
Noh-Varr looked around at the group of young heroes, feeling a sense of camaraderie he hadn’t felt in a long time. “Thank you all. I’ve lost a lot, but being here, with you, it feels like a new beginning.”
Danny, sensing the need for a lighter mood, said, “So, Noh-Varr, ever played Mario Kart? It’s kind of a tradition around here.”
Noh-Varr looked curious. “Mario Kart? I’m not familiar with it.”
Chase’s eyes lit up. “You’re in for a treat. It’s a racing game. We usually play to unwind. Come on, we’ll show you.”
The boys set up the game, and soon enough, they were all sitting around the giant TV, controllers in hand. Danny and Chase took the time to explain the basics to Noh-Varr, who picked up quickly.
As they played, the atmosphere became more relaxed and jovial, the tension from the battle fading away. Noh-Varr even managed to win a few races, much to everyone’s surprise and delight.
“Not bad for a first-timer,” Alex said, laughing.
Noh-Varr smiled, genuinely enjoying the moment. “Thank you. This is… fun. I needed this.”
Nathan nodded, happy to see their new teammate fitting in. “Well, get used to it. We work hard, but we also know how to have fun. Welcome to the Young Avengers, Noh-Varr.”