Avatar of Crimson Flame


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Get a Pizza, and then go to the movies!


Gay, he/him, Autistic

I’m Crimson Flame and I’m addicted to RPing. But sometimes ADHD kicks in, and it takes me longer to reply to things than it should. If I’m taking too long to respond, feel free to say something. Just don’t be rude about it.

There are a bunch of RPs I like. Pokémon, Digimon, Fantasy, Superhero, it would take too long to list them all. I’m not a fan of Horror or Apocalypse settings though.

I have a particular type of character I like making. Look through my Character Sheet thread, and see if you notice what a lot of my characters have in common.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by BurningCold>

Huh. I mean, I was kind of hoping for a bit more actual inclusion since I made an effort to actually talk to another character...
What's actually left for the rest of us to do...

@Rhona W You would have also heard the crash of metal and the burning smell of concrete as Ethan shot his group up to the roof. So you can run to the roof as well.

A potential Poison Ivy Oak and Iron (Wo)man matchup could be fun.

Zach fidgeted in his seat as the briefing occurred. Finally, he leaned forward, his hands resting on the table, and spoke up. “Yeah, I’ll say something.” Zach began. “Nymph and Rain pretty much hit the nail on the head with everything that happened. We were outplayed, outmatched, out everything. Deathstroke knew what we would do before we even set foot in that swamp. That’s kind of terrifying, not gonna lie. But I have the utmost confidence we’ll get KJ back.”

Zach leaned back in his seat, tapping his fingers on the edge of the table, debating whether to bring it up. After a moment, he sighed and sat forward again, “I went up against this meta. Blonde guy, cocky as hell. His powers were… weird to say the least. He wasn’t just hitting me physically—he was messing with my head. Like… planting doubts. Every time he hit me, I felt like I wasn’t good enough, like I didn’t belong on the team. It wasn’t just trash talk. It was more than that. It almost worked. But I managed to punch the guy out. And I’m so proud of myself!” He clapped his hands excitedly. Then, he cleared his throat and regained his composure. “Anyway, I don’t know what his name is, or what his deal was, but can we keep him on our radar? I don’t like having someone mess with my head like that, and if Deathstroke has someone like that working for him, well, who knows what could happen.”

Zach paused, then smirked. ”Also, for the record, next time we’re in a swamp, I’m bringing a mosquito repellent. That place was hell.”

And now, I have a plan to get Lucian out of there, and progress his story. :)
Lucian followed Merlin into the small broom closet, exchanging a confused glance with Morgan before the wizard spoke a few words and the space around them shifted in a flash of light. The next moment, they were somewhere else entirely. A dark hall, lit by torches as Merlin waved his wand.

Lucian’s eyes looked around the mysterious space. He stuck close to Morgan as Merlin muttered something about an unlocked door and marched down the stairs. Lucian’s hand instinctively went to his Keyblade, ready for whatever chaos awaited.

When they reached the commotion downstairs, Lucian’s attention was drawn to the other group present—Tavias, a young woman who looked equally out of place, and statues waiting to attack them. Once Merlin that up, Lucian answered Tavias’ question. “Well, Zac brought me here. But I don’t know where the others are.”

The statues dropped to one knee before Morgan, Lucian glanced at her, then back at the statues, raising an eyebrow in confusion. It probably had something to do with Morgan’s royal status that he just found out about today. He had seen a lot of strange stuff today, but this was a bit much.

Made in collaboration with @Estylwen


Florian would receive a voicemail on his phone.

Poison Oak! I got a proposal for ya. You, me, the Nova City Skyline. Let's talk about the collective thorn in our side, yeah? How we can help each other, ya know, ya know? See ya at the 75th floor of Arakana Tower, 218 Gold Conference Room, tomorrow, 1:00 PM.


Dr. Florian Pine listened to the voicemail with a frown, clutching the phone tightly in his hands. The voice was unfamiliar, and the proposition vague, but the mention of “the collective thorn in our side” piqued his interest.

He took some time to think it over. The plants in his lab came to life, moving and responding to his emotions. Pine didn’t trust anyone, but his curiosity often got the better of him. What did this person know? What did they want? And, more importantly, what could they offer him in return?

The mysterious gentleman who left the voicemail yesterday now sat in the well-lit conference room in the Arakana Tower, swiveling a little in his leather seat, eyes on the clock. It was 12:55 PM, and Ethan, dressed well in a dress shirt, tie and slacks, sat patiently for his guest.

They'd be coming through that door any minute.

At exactly 12:59 PM, the doors flung open. There stood Poison Oak, in his full green skinned plant covered glory. He wasn’t interested in pleasantries or concealing his true nature for anyone. “I hope you have something worth my time,” Poison Oak said coolly. He raised hIs arm, and produced a throne of leaves, vines, and flowers for him to sit in. “Because I don’t make deals with you corporate types lightly.”

Ethan smirked, standing and moving to one of the cabinets in the room. ”My dear Poison Oak, I consider myself more of a gangster scum than any corpo, but I do consider myself trustworthy. “Now, I'd offer you a drink, but I'd rather not be insensitive. Do you eat sunlight, or do you still have space for a glass of scotch?” He said, pulling out two crystal glasses and a bottle of amber liquid, setting them on the table. He proceeded to pour two glasses, moving around the conference table to offer one to Florian.

”There's been… news. The cops are on the move. And on top of that, the ‘heroes’ of the city want to gain their fame by collaring the villains. No one is safe. No you, not me. Now, they could ‘divide and conquer’, but that doesn't sit well with me, ya know? Not when we could help each other.” Ethan said, a glimmer in his violet eyes as he spoke.

“I don’t have much use for liquor…” Pine said dryly. “But I’ll take the gesture as you trying to play nice.” He didn’t reach for the glass, instead folding his arms across his chest.

Ethan's lip quirked at that, and he humorously poured Pine's share into his own cup, ”Cheers, then.” And he took a sip, resting his back against the table.

“I’m not intimidated by the cops, but those so-called heroes are like pests in my garden.” He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “They don’t understand what I’m doing here. What I’m protecting.” Pine sighed. “You’ve piqued my interest. Keep talking. What exactly are you proposing? And what’s in it for me?”

Ethan nodded, before taking another sip of the scotch. ”Mm. An alliance.” He set the glass on the table, his focus entirely on Pine.
”Your enemies become my enemies. Your problems become my problems. And my ventures… become your ventures. Like a certain… bank heist I’m planning.
“What do you say? Are you down for making some good money with me?”

Pine let out a chuckle. “Money? Do you think I’m just some common criminal out to line their pockets?” His vines coiled tighter around his arms, rustling faintly as if reacting to his tension. “Every day, the planet suffers while humans squabble over pieces of paper. I’m not interested in human greed or profit!”

Pine sighed. “Now, if this ‘bank’ happens to fund projects destroying rainforests, or if this heist would hurt those who harm the natural world, then you have my attention. But if this is some petty grab for cash? Then you’re wasting my time.”

Ethan raised a hand, ”You're absolutely right. Money is a construct that corpos use as an excuse to kill the earth, it's true! But my friend, how will you expand your influence? You can only do so much as one person. Imagine having people working for you, exercising your will?”
He slapped his palms together, drawing together his thoughts, before he leveled at Pine. ”Nova City Bank launders money from all types of criminal organizations. Some of those poach rhinos. Some of those unethically mine diamonds. Some of those use precious fresh water to process bitumen, leaving it toxic afterward. “So, hitting this bank where it hurts takes funds away from those assholes and puts it in your pockets, where it should rightfully belong, mm?”

Pine’s eyes narrowed as Ethan spoke. “A bank laundering money for poachers, miners, and water-wasting parasites…” he murmured, seriously considering the thought. “Now that’s a target worthy of my time. Now it’s more than just a simple heist, it’s justice. And I have to admit, the idea of stripping those monsters of their ill-gotten gains has its appeal.” Pine nodded his head the more he thought about it. “If I agree to this, it’s because I will ensure that the stolen funds are directed toward something meaningful—restoration projects, sanctuaries, resources for protecting the Earth.” His green eyes lit up with intensity. “Not your personal ambitions.” Poison Oak extended a hand, “Alright, you’ve got yourself an ally, for now. But if you betray me, just remember, plants don’t forget, and neither do I.”

Ethan smirked, giving Poison Oak a firm handshake. ”You're a wise man, my friend. I wouldn't dream of betraying your trust.”

Conner stared at the uniform laid out on his bed like it was the enemy. The cream blazer, red tie, and sweater vest practically screamed serious and boring. It was like something his parents would have made him wear.

With a sigh, he flopped back onto his mattress, staring at the ceiling. “This is… bullshit!” he exclaimed, draping the tie over his face. It felt like a leash. “Who thought this was a good idea? ‘Oh, let’s take away their freedom and their style.’”

After a moment of exaggerated mourning, he sat up, running a hand through his hair. If he had to wear this uniform, he was going to do it his way.

Fifteen minutes later, Conner stood in front of the mirror, admiring his handiwork.

The blazer was slung over one shoulder—because there was no way he was wearing that unless forced. The white dress shirt was untucked, its sleeves rolled up to just below the elbow, and the top buttons undone intentionally. He couldn’t really do much about the stupid sweater vest… The tie was tied loosely, more decorative than functional. He’d opted for brown loafers, with blue socks with dolphins on them, and of course, his signature blue swim trunks underneath his black dress pants.

“Perfect,” he declared, grinning at his reflection. “Formal, but make it fun.”

Even though he had adjusted the uniform a little bit, Conner couldn’t help but feel like he was playing dress-up. The halls of the Merryweather Institute were a far cry from the salty air and sandy beaches of home, and even though he was free from his parents, the weight of everything still felt heavier than he let on.

Shoving the nervous thoughts aside, he grabbed a pair of shades from his nightstand and perched them on his head, and made finger guns at his reflection.
I’m also still alive.
I finally added Pine to the character sheet thread, and added the other information to his CS that wasn’t in the original interest check.
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