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Current We're rats, we're rats, we're the rats
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This is an example of speex, an audio compression codec specifically tuned for the reproduction of human speech.
1 yr ago
lmao, even


I'm sure there's a lot of stuff I could put here but I'm blanking.

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I'll put my character idea here. I'm thinking sharehouse is a good commonality for a group, and I don't think the character as I wrote it would have met the Lostman yet. Though, I could tweak it slightly to do so.

I'm interested in this. And honestly, most of the options given for a group cohesion are good enough that it'd be hard to pick one.

Andras bristled as Moira looked over her. It was only then that she recognized what she was holding; truly a force of the entire plane was manifested within it. Andras's thoughts stopped as she looked it over. 'Truly, it may exceed many things found in the Root. Though, there may be one similar...' She shook her head. Her knowledge of spells within the Root was hard to maintain; focusing too hard on trying to recall one she did not have access to at the time caused a dull ache that permeated her entire body. She was glad that the scythe was not turned against her, at the very least.

She was too lost in thought to pick up on Moira's slight towards her. "It will be dangerous no matter who is the bait. Are you sure...?" Andras trailed off. Perhaps Andras wasn't ready to be a target. Despite her status as a target in the past months, her stomach turned thinking about the danger she could be facing. Her brain was saying that it would be the heroic thing to do, to gallantly ignore Diana's assertion and be the bait for the operation. Another aspect of her wanted to curl up in a ball and let everyone else charge to the fight.

"W-Whatever plan we adopt, I will have to make sure I use the correct spells... Let me review what I can do." Her cards flashed into life, and she began figuring out her options. She would have to use some... unsavory spells, but if she was to strike as quickly and powerfully as possible, it would be necessary. "If the plan is not changing, we may need to stage this fight somewhere wide open. The creatures I plan to summon and the spells I plan on using to enhance them are... destructive."

Andras called her cards quickly. She had a veritable array of spells that were powerful, though admittedly none that would specifically help against Cel. 'I remember whispers of a weapon that could destroy Gods, though I have no way of finding it within the Root...' The holy spear she had summoned seemed to have some kind of relationship to it, but she couldn't glean much of it beyond that.

"I may not have anything that could bind Cel, but I do have plenty of strong summons to help defeat him. I think I can conduct particularly strong summons, once we formulate a plan." She pulled one of the cards in particular out. "I have a card that could sap his endurance to nothing, but it at the same time increases his attack power... Far too risky." Andras didn't want to consider using it. It could kill Cel, or even worse, make him powerful enough to threaten the entire city. The god that possessed him could prove too unpredictable. "I have a summon that can increase the power of attacks. Though, it also compels people to fight, so it may be a liability if we don't win on the spot... I think the plan of binding him may be our best bet."

Andras closed her hand into a fist, her enchantment of strength glowing on the back of her hand. She was unsure about the situation. Of course, Cel was... a monster; it was the only way to put it. But this wasn't Cel, his body was stolen by a vengeful god. Killing him was... Well, it made her just as bad as him, didn't it?
Sorry for a really late post, had a busy week.

Visalz shielded her face from the glaring heat as she tried to control the ship. "Ahh... Those things really did a number on this." The status was uncertain, unfortunately. But it was a definite upgrade from having to bomb the ship to prevent the aliens from getting control of it. "I don't have the right kit to repair this ship, but we should be able to at least steer it to a stable place and use a beacon." She tried her best to keep the craft steady, guiding the damaged ship towards a place that could hold them for enough time to be picked up.

"I do have a robot repair kit, at the very least. Once we get down, let me take a look at your arm." Visalz cracked a slight smile. Even if the situation was less than ideal, repairing another robot would at least make things a little better. She had never worked on a model like Dia's before, and she was interested in getting a closer look.

'This isn't good. We need to make sure these things don't make it out of here.' W-Salz thought as she quickly reloaded her pistol. 'As they taught me, stop at all costs.' She briefly was reminded of her "raising" as a fledgling AI, and one of her first lessons: While still an inconvenience, she could come back - any humans killed would not.

Visalz quickly reloaded her pistol, but at the same time she primed her explosives. If she couldn't get control of the situation, it was better to take the entire craft out than give the aliens a chance to leave. "We take this one out, and move to the new one, all right?" Visalz started firing on the alien wounded by Dia, hoping to incapacitate it and concert their efforts on the second one. If the gunfire wasn't enough, Visalz planned on physically intervening by jamming the makeshift spear that Dia used further into the attacking alien's neck.

Lise stopped to hear Dmitry's explanation. "Though your eagerness to serve is noted, you should know that the servants within House Valois-Saint-Remy have earned their place from generations of service." She said, turning back to the boy, "However, I suppose I can consider you as a provisional servant, in order to undo these most recent damages. But know that I will dismiss you the moment you no longer provide any use for me."

Lise turned away once more. "Now, I expect you to begin your service by helping my dear cousin. I have to attend to my... wardrobe." Lise was trying to stop her face from burning red, but that was of course an impossibility. She had to get off of the street as soon as possible, so she began walking away, hoping for no further interruptions.


Andras was at least somewhat surprised that Diana did not try harder to break away from her. Andras was somewhat braced for a push, or perhaps even Diana trying something more devious to get out of her embrace, like stomping on Andras's foot. But instead the witch seemed to loosen up in Andras's arms. If the previous explanation of what had happened with The Fallen One hadn't concerned Andras, this loss of composure definitely did. But soon the moment passed, as Melanie spoke up again... And smiled?

Andras looked bewildered at the change in Melanie. She quickly looked around at everyone else, trying to find an explanation. "Melanie, are you feeling all right...?"
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