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This is an example of speex, an audio compression codec specifically tuned for the reproduction of human speech.
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lmao, even


I'm sure there's a lot of stuff I could put here but I'm blanking.

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I'm like 95% done? Doneish? I'm actually stuck on the drawing I was doing for her design too, but that's less important than the sheet.

I kind of couldn't think of many fighter talents/techniques with her, but that might be fine since she's the type to not have a well-developed style as is. I figure as is she is a type of character that has lots of options for a fight and can fight for a while, but lacks in raw power and technique. Over time she could work on those last two.

Actually looking back I'm not even sure if I should have used Arts for her abilities? She could have been a Specialist? Well screw it I'll see what you think.

I was considering a brawler type myself (maybe half-yokai). I'll try and put together a sheet in the next day or so.
I have a few ideas I'm mulling over. How many people are planning on half-yokai? I feel like that would help me narrow things down.
I'm gonna pull out as well. I thought I'd have the time but things kept popping up and inspiration has been thin recently. Hopefully you all have fun!
Looking forward to seeing the rest of the classes finished up, interest
I've got some interest in this. Would an android character be all right?
Andras and Diana

Danse Macabre

Andras gulped a little. The ballroom was large, sure, but the floor seemed paradoxically claustrophobic as she got near it. Or maybe she was being overwhelmed by the offhand glances she was receiving, people wondering about the girl with the eyepatch, or maybe the one dressed for a party set a century in the past. It'd be better if she at least recognized someone... But if she was going to stick it to Vera, she'd probably need to try and woo someone into dancing with her.

Well, not that Andras had any idea on how to do that. She did look up some absolute basics about dancing, but they seemed hard to recall now that she was in the thick of things. She was hoping she'd find some muscle memory when the time came.

Andras bumped directly into a child that had wandered onto the dance floor. Or rather... Not a child, but... "The witch of bones?!" Andras accidentally used her title rather than her name, but even despite the situation Andras had to admit it was a fairly good title that deserved to b used. "Um. I mean, Diana!"

Andras felt a pang of awkwardness. The last time they were together - more specifically, the first time they formally met - well, stressful would be putting it lightly. But if Diana was out in public like this, perhaps it meant she was taking things well? Even Andras knew it would be foolish to try and pry about such matters in this setting. She was going to keep things light and pleasant! Something to introduce herself with, and then some small talk, and then-

"H-How about a dance?" Andras blurted out, cutting to the chase far too quickly. Her mouth had jumped the gun and left her brain in the dust.

Diana was unsure at the Noblewoman's reply. She literally had gone from trying to quench a certain fire, into another one herself. She could have asked backup from Brutus, but that poor lad seemed really out of depth in subtle hints and diplomacy. Well, perhaps she needn't be so subtle with this one. This ... esteemed host had a distinct feeling of... unique reasoning to herself. "Yes, indeed. Far sight is blessing, my lady." She said, trying to hider her frustrated expression well. At least she had not casually insulted someone's birthright. Yet.

Needless to say, she needed a escape route. And like everything in life, she needed to be careful what she wished for. Before asking what kind of idiot would nearly trample her to the ground, she was asked to dance.

Of course it was her. HER. It seemed to be the fate, that when trying to attend a social meeting to mend her grief, one of such root problems was there. She wished to blast that migraine inducing magical clump with the strongest fireball she could afford. Let some steam off...

And yet, she just raised an eyebrow, before sighing. "I would be delighted." In the end it was choosing an idiot over another idiot. A pang of pain ran through her heart. Only him was brilliant among this bunch of dunces. "...but do you even know how to dance?"

"Well..." Andras hesitated for a moment, as she was somewhat expecting to be flat-out refused since she so brazenly ruined her introduction, but instead was given a fairly mundane reply. Any rational person would have asked that, considering Andras's reputation...

"O-Of course! After all, how hard can dancing be, anyway...?" Andras tried to convince herself. She actually was unsure of how exactly she was going to proceed, since she hadn't really expected to find herself dancing with someone shorter than her...

Andras's eye darted over Diana, and her hands fidgeted slightly. 'Um... I know she agreed to dance, but I actually suddenly feel like I have no idea what I'm doing...' Andras's thoughts were betrayed by a flash of embarrassment across her face.

"Very, if you don't want to ridicule yourself." Diana answered, as she bit her lip, and eyed the girl who was making a mess of her magical sense. "Can't be helped then. I will have to do the man's part." She said, as she imperceptiblely made a small reinforcement spell on her limbs and moved forward, boldly clasping Andras hands and pressing the taller girl against herself. She was thankful Andras seemed to be... on the petite side of things.

It would have looked much more ridiculous had it been the demonic sow, for once.

"Just follow my lead." She said, a small hint of smirk in her face. Diana wasn't a petty person most of the time, but even she had her moments. Specially towards this walking disaster of a girl, that had somehow managed to get Lightbringer's attention over her.

Andras felt a chill run down her spine. Either the ball was haunted, or Diana was perhaps giving off an ominous aura... Andras gulped and wondered if she made a mistake trying to extend her hand to the first person she ran into. Of course, as Diana grabbed her, it was clearly too late to run. Andras didn't even have time to complain about how close Diana was before she took off.

Andras's poorly memorized online instructions for dancing more or less became eclipsed by Diana's lead. She seemed far more capable than someone who (likely) regularly gets mistaken for a middle schooler should be. "Um. T-This is at least better than the last time I was taken dancing..." Andras nervously laughed, before coming to a realization. "Um. Right, there's no way you'd know about that. Um..."

For a brief moment Andras thought she might die. She had already fouled so many lines that she's surprised the witch didn't drop her on the floor and leave. She was coming to a distinct realization that she didn't know much about Diana at all - and the stuff she did know was likely not something she should bring up.

Andras had to say something nice. She quickly settled on at least being genuine, hoping that would smooth over the awkwardness. "Um. I hope you're doing alright. Things have been... stressful, so I-I was surprised to see you here..." Andras gave a quick sidelong glance at Diana, while still focusing on keeping up with the witch's superior footwork.

"And what you would have me to do? Drop dead and spend a year mourning?" Diana said, as she continued dancing, as she made her turns even sharper. "Was your head touched, when you gained your powers? You claim to be a dark demon lady. All I see is a willless child." She added, in a harsh whisper, as she made Andras do quite a sharp spin.

"For those who dabble in the arcane, they must have an unbreakable will. I knew that the entire fate would conspire against me today. Idiots are a plenty these days. And the world seems a little dimmer." She added, her usual restraint cracking little by little because of Andras' clumsiness. "But the show must go on."

Andras's head was spinning from Diana's move, but she barely managed to keep her balance. She had to keep a better grip on the witch if she was going to stay on her feet. Of course she also could barely keep on her feet in the context of the conversation - it was perhaps even worse on that front.

Andras wasn't sure how to respond. Or rather, she wasn't sure if she could really say anything to help. Diana's talk actually reminded her of Cel... Which of course made sense, but it wracked Andras's gut with a feeling of dread. She didn't like the idea of someone going down a similar path to Cel at all.

Andras blinked, feeling her eyes water somewhat. She tried her best to keep it together. If she cried here she'd probably fall on the dance floor in moments from the lack of vision alone. "That's... Um. I'm really sorry. I..." Andras trailed off as she focused to keep track of Diana's turns for a moment. "I probably can't help you feel better, can I?" Andras said, her voice wavering a little. "But to shoulder all of that, alone..."

Andras took a deep breath. "I-I just want to say you don't have to! Um. I could tell the first time we met, that you were dealing with far too much..." Andras's thoughts flashed back to when she had hugged Diana. At the time, it seemed to help at least a little. "S-So I would like to help... Even if you think I can't."

"Not unless you want to resurrect people, and let me warn you, It's not advised to." Diana said bluntly as she continued to impose her rhythm on the amateur dancer. She gritted her teeth when Andras tried to empathize with her. It was a different situation than back then, now she was all set to try and forget about the whole deal for a night... only to find that the most glaring remainder of the mess had asked her to dance of all things.

"It must be feel great to be so loved and with so much talent." Diana said, gritting her teeth. "And living in the bliss of ignorance. Once I was like you, and It was wonderful." She paused. "But then he took me in his arms, and things went downhill from there." She added while flexing her tiny reinforced limbs to rise Andras well above her head in the dance. "I really hate how lucky you seem to be."

Andras gave a yelp of surprise when Diana somehow managed to lift her. To any onlookers, it must have been quite a strange sight. It was only a brief distraction from what the witch was saying: words that only further troubled Andras.

"I can't deny my luck..." Andras admitted quietly. "And of ignorance, that entire... situation had taught me plenty, though. And this dance has taught me more... And I'm truly sorry to come and open the wounds once more for you. As little as that must mean to you."

"If the best help I can offer is to avoid you whenever I can... I will. Offering up my help so eagerly was what set me into this unfortunate sequence of events to begin with. I want to try and atone, but some things can't... or shouldn't be solved." Andras couldn't say she was getting used to dancing with Diana, but she at least wasn't in danger of tripping outside of when Diana introduced something new entirely. It didn't change how uncomfortable Andras felt - she prayed for the end of the song.

"So...painfully naive." Diana added as she let Andras rest from the entire dance, save for the finishing pose. "There is no sin in being ignorant, as long as you can learn. " Diana finally said. "It was unfortunate that you tried to approach me when I was most vexed, but then again that allowed me to conquer my fears, once more" The witch said. "Cathartic." She added, before leaning and slipping a magically inscribed paper on Andras cuff. "You may call me upon advice, as you may unwittingly start the apocalypse at some point." She added, before kissing Andras hand and allowing the frazzled girl to rest after the piece.

Andras was too conflicted to really react when Diana kissed her hand. The entire exchange had been... Less than fun, but Andras couldn't shake the feeling that it could have gone much worse at the same time. She gave Diana a somewhat uncomfortable smile.

"T-Thanks." Andras's voice still was somewhat shaky as she looked at the paper she had been handed. She opened her mouth to wish Diana a good night, but something made her reconsider. She instead gave the witch one last nod, before parting ways with her.

As she walked and was clear of Diana, Andras let out a massive sigh of relief. It felt as if a great knot within her stomach had been undone, and she could breathe normally once more. 'Please... Let me never get a dance partner like that again...' Andras wordlessly prayed, as she took deep breaths.

Lise was interrupted by someone else as she was tracking her cousin. Of course, that would have annoyed someone else, but this one was actually being cordial, which was a welcome change from the previous. Lise decided to give the... child? the attention she wanted.

Lise gave a polite smile. "My, to think that Mephisto's council has such a young member. Though, I suppose with company such as those, the leaders could truly be picked from anywhere..." Her polite speech trailed off slightly as Lise looked at Diana more closely. "Say, have I met you before...?" Lise wasn't entirely certain, but the little witch looked familiar. Which was strange, because she did not actually know many people outside of the important figures at the ball.

Lise knew she was too small to have delivered the TV to her dorm room, so that option was ruled out. Yet, Diana reminded her of something similar, or someone related to it... "You remind me of someone I have seen on television!" Lise excitedly said, energized by her recollection. "Yes, that is it, you remind me of a character from the Magical Girl Descartes show!" Lise grabbed Diana's hand, beaming with excitement. "How inspiring! Television truly is a marvel, is it not?"
@Crazy Scion

Lise politely smiled at the couple as the crass one guided the indecently-clothed one off to dance. It was clear to Lise that being agreeable was a lesson the boy had yet to learn. It was no matter. He was likely better off on the dance floor than amidst the company of the ball.

Of course, Lise would make sure that everyone is aware of his choice to dance. With a quick gesture to one of her shadows, she directed a servant to the overhead catwalk. A spotlight on the couple as they danced would no doubt enhance their romantic night... Would it not? Hopefully the others on the dance floor would at least give them the space they required. At the very least, the eyes of the ball on the girl and boy would hopefully make them realize their mistakes. Lise would have preferred a less drastic method, but there was no other choice.

Lise took a quick breath, and exhaled with a sigh. She tried to return her thoughts back to that of an elegant ball's host. Lise's eyes scanned the crowd, looking for the telltale sign of her cousin. Despite the setting of a masquerade, Lise was certain she could tell Elise apart from the rabble that made up the people of the ball.

Although there were hundreds of people around her, Lise couldn't help but feel set apart, perhaps because of her innate elegance and beauty compared to the commoners, or the lack of a fellow member of her royal family. Her dear cousin would help set her at ease, she was certain. It only took her a few moments before she spotted Elise, weaving amongst the crowd. Elise's black dress blended in well with the shadows of the ball, making it almost seem like she was part of them. Lise took the initiative to follow after her, trying to catch up with Elise as she moved.

Lise's smile shifted ever so slightly. An ornery boy who was part of the girls' entourage decided to make his lack of class known to all. If he was close to the crimson dressed one, it was clear that he was simply exploiting her lack of awareness on her state of dress for his own sick benefit. He also spouted some delusion about blowing Lise up - which was preposterous, of course, because Lise would have remembered engaging in single combat against someone so uncouth. Perhaps it was something that only he, and no other, could have considered a victory. It was sad to see such things espoused in public - no doubt even the commoners in the crowd swelled with pity for the poor boy.

Lise would have had him evicted from the ball - and, of course, introduced to her castle's oubliette, if this happened in her homeland - had the crimson-dressed girl not spoken up. At least she was perfectly cordial - it made Lise wonder what she saw in her loud friend. Lise gathered herself for a moment, letting the flare of annoyance in her chest settle, before replying to the girl, "If your... friend would prefer to dance first, that is understandable." Lise intentionally refused to face the boy as she spoke, and added, "Perhaps he is simply worried I would steal you away?" before laughing in a way that only a wealthy princess such as herself could.
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