I'm still okay to go if GM's still kicking.
<Snipped quote by Crowvette>
Also.....poke. As requested.
<Snipped quote by Crowvette>
Oooh, okay then, in that case:
- Sam: Samuel or Samantha?
- Alex: Alexa or Alexandria?
- Ash: Ashley or Ashton?
- Theo: Theodore or Theophania?
- Vic: Victor or Victoria?
- Yuri: Yuri (Russian, Masculine) or Yuri (Japanese, Feminine)?
- Will: Wilhelm or Wilhelmina?
- Pam: Pamela or Pamphilos?
The answer to all those questions is: Who knooows~?
As for last names, since it's a last name, gendered vibe isn't really an issue:
- Hawthorne, Cornwall, Belrose, Smith, Northridge, Wagner, Hawkins, Blackwell, Collins, etc.
<Snipped quote by Crowvette>
He looks like a 'Phillip' or a 'Wilhelm' to me.
Other suggestions: Arthur, Pierre, Harold, Charles, Sterk, Immanuel, William, Edward.
Unless you're going with the reverse trap idea, then I'll give you feminine (and unisex) names next time.