RANGERS HQ - Some days ago
Ratta-Ratta-Tap-Tap. Her leg bounced against the wall as the redhead sat up straight to attention, green eyes taking in everything around her. Clerks were at their desks, tapping away at their computers. The secretary across from her sighed deeply as he tiredly looked over to her. "They will see you now."
"Fantastic!" She rose to her feet, smile blindingly. "Thank you." Then she near fly to the door as the secretary merely rolled his eyes and continued with his work. He gave her less than a week. Then she'd either be here filing a resignation, or in a body bag...
JEDI TEMPLE//AHCH-TO - present day
Alastrina still couldn't believe her eyes. Her first mission. And she was seeing the Jedi Temple up close! Her eyes hadn't left the window of the shuttle from the moment they entered through the atmosphere, eyes fixed on the building as they came closer and closer. She could also spot the people as they went too and through, so many in those distinctive Jedi Robes. She bit her lip, body thrumming as the shuttle finally landed.
"We have just arrived at the AHCH-TO starport." The shuttle loudspeaker proclaimed as the doors slid open. "Please make sure -" She was already out the door, jostling and bumping into people as she went. Once outside, she looked up to her destination then started to speedwalk there, taking in the sights as she went. It really was a beautiful place. And a beautiful morning!
Now to just find this meeting room.