The Cave of the Drifting Sands, Roh
Even with her elven eyes, Gwyneria couldn't find any traces of the trail. Nor could Mazur with all his experience and training. Cicero could, trained from long months of campaigning against the very foes they were up against now, along with the extremely lucky Ashe. And so, they lead on their way, with the other two following their guidance, the night sky still shining overhead.
It was as dawn started to send rosy fingers across the sky that they found the trail led them into the desert mountains. Their stony countenance provided shadows against the rising sun, allowing them to continue on their way along the trail. Only at the end did they find, seemingly nestled away from view, a looming cave, black and ominous with the sound of falling sand piercing through the silence. Gwyneria looked up around the cave and found...inscriptions, ornate gold pictographs and calligraphy shining through the sandy dust. She peered to see what she could make out and the most clear ones seemed to be images of a cave, an hourglass, and falling sand over the top of the doorframe. Then above that, was what appeared to be the unmistakable visage of a demonfolk.
She frowned, turning to Cicero and Mazur. "Would this be something our, query, would make?