Arthur instantly relaxed. Good thing that fight was adverted. He'd of course have joined with Lapis and these, people. Fetzen had been in the right. But he was also suppose to be keeping a low profile...He needed a drink. Two tankards later, he realized he might have had a little too much. His hand was shaking, and now it seemed that everyone in the room was turning around to look at something.
He turned, then quickly averted his eyes, calling upon prayers to all the saints to help against temptation.
Griff meanwhile kept starring. "What sorta show is this, bartender? I don't recall you ever hiring a skin dancer."
"She ain't hired here." The bartender said.
Others stared in wonder. Some in black went further away from her, slipping quietly to their places while people's eyes were drawn to the woman.
He turned, then quickly averted his eyes, calling upon prayers to all the saints to help against temptation.
Griff meanwhile kept starring. "What sorta show is this, bartender? I don't recall you ever hiring a skin dancer."
"She ain't hired here." The bartender said.
Others stared in wonder. Some in black went further away from her, slipping quietly to their places while people's eyes were drawn to the woman.