Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Kimiko, Kimi-chan was the student he had been bold enough to introduce himself to. Blushing was a good sign right? She was nice to him, but blushing? That was a good thing right? Before Kiiro had a chance to continue this train of thought, or even reply to Kimiko, an extremely brazen man calling himself Mr. Mokota introduced himself as 1-G's homeroom teacher. He picked on a few students, said a few offensive things, stated ridiculous rules-- all in a ridiculously loud voice that, to Kiiro at least, indicated he was overly-compensating for something. All in all, the homeroom teacher reminded him of his Uncle Ozo, if all things that made Ozo a bearable human being were suddenly removed from him.

In all honesty, this made Kiiro a little happy that he wasn't important enough to appear on Mokota's (Darth Ozo? That could work as a nickname...) shit-list radar.

Kmiko turn back to Kiiro after Mokota had sufficiently harassed and terrified the class, "H....He wasn't very nice."

"No." Kiiro glanced back at the door, wondering if Mokota would jump back in the room with an unholy yell for good measure, "No, he wasn't..." He shook his head, forgetting his theory that Mokota might actually be a child soul-stealing demon, and turned back to Kimi-chan, he still hadn't given her his name. "Right. I'm Kiiro-- Sayuri, Kiiro... Mom wanted a kid with a happy name, I guess yellow is a 'happy' color..." That last bit was probably to much information, acting quickly, he changed the subject to something more appropriate for 'haven't even known for 10 minutes' acquaintances.

"So, is archery your poison? "
--Tangaroa & Sweet Dee--

"What are we going to do today, you ask?" Tangaroa ask her small, brown companion, a huge grin on her face.

The living fossil replied with a blank stare glowing stare.

The energetic blue feline jumped on top of a stump, taking advantage of the scenery to increase the efficiency of the her speech. "What we do every day, my dedicated, Sweet Dee!" she paused, a quite dramatic pause indeed. She jumped down, dropping inches intimidating her Kabuto companion to the point of paralysis... Or maybe it just didn't react, hard to tell with this Pokemon. After a deep breath, she continued, "Were gonna take over the world!"


"Tough crowd, but you do have a rapier wit as always, Dee! It's not the world, it's this village, and to do that, we need to evolve!" She was panting with anticipation-- she always did when she talked about besting the alpha. "I guess you don't actually need to evolve, you're like a million years old! You're obviously my tried and true supporter in my coup-- It'll make momma so proud."
Her training method consisted of using her attacks on trees, needless to say the experience gain was minimal, if that. Her broken claws ached as she stopped, "Hey, Sweet Dee, let's go to the nest, we need to re-work leveling up..."


"Yeah, you did good too, thanks. You know, maybe we should ask someone who's actually done it how it works?"


"Yes, let's go!"
Shiinen said <3 Haiii....Sorry for taking your seat. .x.

Hey Hey Hey, Shiinen.

One of your upgraded weapons should make the drones look like a dog, that way we can literally have a combo attack where we tell the dogs to doggy-pile motherfuckers.

Shit would be so cash.

Name: Tangaroa 'Tanga' Lyons

Gender: Female

Age: 8

Defining Features: Broken front and back claws, burnt face and front paws from excessive training and use of water as a way to attack.

History: Born as a rare breed of Shinx in the Sevii Islands, Tanga loved her life. Her pride was proficient in using water to boost the power of their own electricity when hunting and fighting. Her pride was easily the apex predators of the island. With pollution this changed, water became less conductive, invasive species like Muks and Grimers came about, and her tribe began to die.

This happened one year ago.

Over 75% of the tribe had been killed when the ecosystem changes were at their worst. The day of Oak's extraction of the island, a lone Kabuto escaping the detritus in the water. Tanga, running along the shore, happened upon the Kabuto by chance being assaulted by a group of Trash cloaked Burmy. With the Kabuto's assistance, summoning a pillar of rain, Tanga defended the Kabuto until an assistant of Oak's happened upon the two poisoned Pokemon. They were promptly healed and shipped off to the island, the two have been inseparable ever since.

Personality: Brash, strong willed and a hard head. Tanga is the kind of Pokemon to fight a Tyranitar and pull punches to avoid hurting him too much.

Theme Song: Kirbyesque
Island paradise represent

Other: A chosen courier of Democracy.

Name: Perhaps once, Tanga is unsure, but has taken to calling her shelled companion 'Dee'

Gender: Tanga is also unsure, she's not really an expert on this stuff. But she thinks it may be a guy.

Age: A little over 300 million years old (lived to the rip old age of 180 pre-fossilization, has been alive post-fossilization for around 25 years)

Defining Features: Incredibly small for a kabuto it's age, presumably mute.

History: Plenty, unfortunately he hasn't divulged any part of it.

Personality: Not much of one, the Kabuto simply follows Tangaroa wherever the young shinx goes, perhaps lost in thought.

Theme Song: The Anarchist's Nightmare, the Glorious Hymn to Nikkal

Other: An ancient harbinger of Democracy and Order, rival of the envoy of Chaos and Bloody anarchy "He who posseses the mark of the helix"
Order is Progress-- Arceus is GOD.
...It's not really that popular.
We are a ragtag group of awkward teenagers from all walks of life, it'll be great.
How many spots are still left?
Terminal said I'll take Níðhöggr.

Lily begins absorbing ghosts and becomes the wasteland incarnation of Hel. Fuck yes.
"<Kid, wake yer ass up. Need ya on the register.>"

Kiiro Sayuri was not the kind for waking with a groan, rolling out of bed-- or really sleep at all for that matter. His vivid, constant dreams and nightmares made him feel like he never truly lost his consciousness to the bliss of sleep. He was well used to the constant four or five-hour nights of sleep by now. He usually just stayed in bed after he woke in the dark of the morning, eyes closed, trying to gain some semblance of torpor before the inevitable--


The speaker blared again, all the motel rooms were fitted with them, although intuition told Kiiro that his Uncle Ozo, proprietor of the Sayuri motel and gas stop, probably only made use of the one connected to his room. He soundlessly opened his eyes and got up. The room-- his room, was sparsely decorated, Ozo figured the room could be used again once he moved out, and didn't want any permanent damage to the room, plain beige walls with taped on posters and a single dresser with a TV, the gaming systems he had, his uncle made him earn. Same went for the laptop on the desk, everything that didn't come with the room itself, Kiiro had needed to work to get.

"<Kid, don't make me come up there and drag ya down here. It's too early fer that shit.>"

Yep, this was every morning, or at least most of them. Kiiro pressed the red reply button next to the speaker beside his bed, "You do realize I got school today, right Ozo?" Kiiro couldn't help but yawn, the mere though of returning to classes exhausting him.

Ozo took a minute before he gave a reply, "<Oh shit, that's today?>" he muttered something that sounded like 'the breaks always go by so fast...' and paused to think, the dead air from the other end of the speaker filled the room. In the moment's reprieve, Kiiro took a moment to examine himself in the mirror. His pajamas were wrinkled, sleep filled his eyes, and dark bags hung under them, his hair curled from the abuse of rolling around in the bed, he smelled distinctly of dog. "I should probably take a shower" was all he could think before his uncle's voice once again filled the room with a loud sigh, "<Alright kid, ya got a few hours before it starts, yeah? You get ready, get yer bag, uniform, whatever-- work a half-shift at the register, and I'll drive ya there mahself. Deal?>"

With another lazy press of the button, Kiiro simply replied, "Alright."
The revving of the engine could probably heard for miles around the old gray truck, startling any students trying to get a few extra minutes of sleep before the new year. A few cups of coffee and a morning cigarette were all Kiiro needed to wake up, for all of Ozo's flaws (of which there were plenty), he was at least amiable to Kiiro's smoking habit. In fact, he was the one Kiiro went to whenever he needed more. It was one of the very few things the two had in common. Kiiro took a drag and blew out a plume into the passing countryside, the buildings and homes, the shrine. He couldn't help but feel a little anxious as they got closer, Ozo apparently took note of this anxiety.

"So, 'nother year, new faces, new classes, huh? Ya nervous?"

Kiiro filled his lungs with smoke before replying, "Yeah, I guess so." He threw the expended cigarette out of the window.

"Well just..." Having extended talks with his nephew was not in Ozo's skill set, they both knew this, but Ozo continued on. "Ya know, have yer fun, but git good marks, Universities like that---"

"I know, Uncle."

Ozo had a cocky grin as he continued, "--An' uh, well do yer clubs and yer vo-lun-teerin', but just remember, just because you ain't working full-time don't mean I can't pull you for part-time--"

"I know, Uncle Ozo." His tone becoming distinctly melancholy.

Ozo still continued, "--ya gotta pay yer dues--"

"Uncle! I know!" The outburst surprised them both. Kiiro was someone who just-- went with things. The pair sat in silence, Kiiro began thinking about fate. He felt as if Ozo had selected his future for him, like he had no choice. He'd go to school, work, go to university, work, become a business executive, work and when Ozo died he'd inherit the motel and work there, presumably until he stole the life of another one of his own nephews and continue the cycle. The thought's scared him, they made him sad and angry, and he fucking hated Bozo-- he felt so goddamned powerless. He was brought out of his mind by a cough from Ozo, apparently wanting to start another line of conversation.

"So... uh... ya gonna git a girl this year?"

Despite himself, this drew a smirk to Kiiro's face. He didn't hate Bozo, he thought differently from Kiiro, but he was a good guy, and family. It was questions like this, the bluntness of the guy, that he loved. He just resented feeling so... trapped, those were thoughts for later, though. The question was interesting! Kiiro hadn't given it much thought, but it certainly sounded appealing-- the fact that he'd be just as comfortable "giting" a boy just as well as girl was an issue for an entire other time. "Uh... yeah, I think I might try, Ozo."

"I dunno where ya find the time tah do half tha shit you do, kiddo."
"--treat your teachers with respect and enjoy your new year."

The principle finished her very apathetic sounding speech, and Kiiro, along with the rest of the student body, was herded to homeroom. His class, 1-G, wasn't too far from the auditorium, this, and the fact that he checked the bulletin board before the assembly started, meant he was one of the first people to arrive. This gave him a wide assortment of seats to choose from, all the "prime real estate" hadn't been claimed yet. Feeling bold, Kiiro moved over to the second row, just one seat away from the window, and took a seat next to a blue-haired girl. He heard her mutter something about archery before, in rapid succession two people shouted variations of "HELLO CLASSMATE."

Well that was quite an icebreaker!

Taking that lead, he leaned over to the girl doodling, "Uh... hello classmate?" Kiiro, such a smooth criminal.
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