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>Thanks for taking the time to read not even half my post.
>For someone saying the point flew over my head, you're awfully far from my actual point, but like I said, brick wall. Enjoy your echo chamber.

Tip for the future-- don't call resort to calling people morons or stupid if you'd like to have an actual discourse with them-- It has nothing to do with wanting to exist in some echo chamber, believe me. I actually enjoy discussing things like this with people who have different opinions, but if you're going to insult my intelligence because I pointed out the problematic nature of something YOU said, then I'll happily fuck off.


So you are aware of the parallels-- it's fair enough if you believe that they require two completely different solutions, but reality is never that clean cut. We need to strive toward the most practical and most utopian solutions for things like this, and I feel many of these solutions are going to result in overlap. I will admit my fault in race baiting though-- the parallels were simply too easy to point out and I knew they'd illicit an emotional response.

So, back to the topic-- your whole argument is flawed because you're implying there's some "common sense" way for people to act. Common sense, shouldn't be relied upon in logic-- it's ultimately based on assumptions, social acceptance and no facts.

Like, define "normal" without relying on synonyms, or implying that heterosexuality is a norm we should all abide by, or the strawman that "sexuality in public is bad" because guarantee you the only studies you're going to find show that teaching kids about sex at a younger age is better for them-- it's another argument for another time.
Internet argument! Oh boy!

>It's like having those weirdo's walk around in public with a dog leash on their s/o. I don't want to see that and it makes me cringe.

"I don't want to see that and it makes me cringe." I'm not even exaggerating your argument here, dude. This is your argument.
lol I'm sorry the world is so challenging for you. I don't want to see hate crimes, they also make me cringe.

>I don't want to see that.

Then like turn around ahahaha like just pout and cross the street, dude ahahaha

>I have to admit it was a misleading post but you have to realize it's hard to come up with a well-flowing counter argument to 20 points that are raised by gay people, that more often than not have 0% to do with 'gay pride' and more so with 'look, I'm gay, see how poorly we are treated!!!' as a counter argument to everything.

Yes, because that's what gay pride (and the greater LGBT pride) is. It is literally a movement to combat the poor treatment of people. A movement combating those like 200 anti-LGBT bills floating around this year in this country-- and fighting so much more elsewhere. You haven't come up with an argument against it at all, all you've said is that you don't like seeing scantily clad dudes do gay stuff.

This is going to sound like a strawman, but I seriously wonder where you hang out that it's this big of a problem for you.

>Yes it should be. Acceptance = fitting in. Hatred comes from standing out. This is basic history and also basic sociology so please stop inferring you can stand out and at the same time be accepted.

Bruh are you seriously implying in-group bias can't (and shouldn't be) overcome? It's a completely arbitrary caveman brain thing, go read up on Jane Elliott's "Blue eyes–Brown eyes" experiment.

>And yes it is my place to regulate the excitement of people and how they choose to express themselves.

Please reread this. This is not an argument, you're just saying that you're right and I'm wrong because you don't like the point I made.

>Public space. I explained this before. I'll give you a brief summary, read back my other posts if you want to know more.

>The issue I have with gay prides (besides their uselessness) is the fact that they are forced upon people that do not want to partake. For example people living in a certain neighborhood or people traveling to work. 'But heterosexuality is forced upon us too in public spa-' no it's not.

I would like to imagine someone living in little boriqua where there's a giant pride festival every few months is okay with a slightly longer commute for a few days but that's just me.

>Because it's public space, everyone (including, yes, me, so no thanks, I won't be shut up) can critique and comment on it and that includes making it clear they do not enjoy it and would rather not have it.

Oh, no one's trying to shut you up-- it's just that your whole argument is "I don't want to see that and it makes me cringe." like omg I'm not even strawmaning you here ahahaha. But yeah, that argument is the not the basis for anyone to actually listen to you.

>You would be right in saying I have no right to regulate it if they did it at a private venue. Which I actually advocated. I would very much enjoy if they did it in a private venue. So I leave you with that. If you're not gonna read my other posts and simply pretend you realize what I am saying, I would not like to further this debate with you simply because you've already assumed multiple things about what I've said and I'd rather not argue with a brick wall.

>If you're not gonna read my other posts and simply pretend you realize what I am saying, I would not like to further this debate with you simply because you've already assumed multiple things about what I've said and I'd rather not argue with a brick wall.

>I'd rather not argue with a brick wall


>Okay, so you're calling me an Uncle Tom, a slave master, or one of those cray white people that hates black people? Okay fam. If you wanna talk to me about that kinda shit, I'll gladly accept that label. You want to call me a racist right? Fair. I'm a racist. You can call me that from now on if you need to have some label to refer to me as instead of 'Buddha'. Cheers. 'Buddha the Racist' that's me now.

Oh wow nigga you seem upset, did I touch on something sensitive? Do you not like considering that you telling one marginalized group "I don't want to see that and it makes me cringe" could be completely damning when applied to a similarly marginalized group?

Do you feel that breeze? It's the point, whooshing way over your head. If you can't see why I would bring up similarities between racial discrimination and LGBT discrimination (aside from the fact that they often literally overlap) then I'm not sure you know enough about this topic to actually argue your side.

>As for those people, no, I'm not really one of those people. I don't go 'but my friend is black so I can't be racist.' I roleplay with a bunch of black guys and I've always been incredibly honest with them when I said I think there is some issues with the black community in America, but how is that at all related to what we are discussing here, you absolute mong? And I think the 'non-ghetto black guy' label is incredibly stupid so fuck you for using that. Being from the ghetto or not does not define blackness you moron.

Okay, cool, mudslinging. Argument over.

For the record-- you just told a queer that it's my fault and I should just fit in, and then tried to a school a black female on what blackness means, said fuck me for mentioning shit you clearly don't understand, then proceeded to have a point fly so far over your head it entered orbit. Then, to ensure that you really won this exchange, you called me a moron.

@Wade Wilson It's typically the outspoken people who post 'I'm gay and queer and PROUD' everywhere that are really annoying about it too. I wouldn't have known you're gay, which is exactly why I think people like you are a good example of how to further acceptance for homosexuals.
I'm a bit late, but--

The goal should be to fit in even if you're gay, not to stand out. Standing out makes you a target. The nail that stands out... ya get it.

Dude fuck that. The goal shouldn't be, and isn't to fit in, there is no goal-- there are just people who have been part of a marginalized (still marginalized) group and varying levels of pride in that identity. Some people might make it a bit flashy and take it overboard, but so long as it's just metaphorical beating over the head and not literal, it's not yours, or anyone's place to regulate the excitement with which someone chooses to express themselves.


>I wouldn't have known you're gay, which is exactly why I think people like you are a good example of how to further acceptance for homosexuals.

>The goal should be to fit in even if you're gay, not to stand out. Standing out makes you a target. The nail that stands out... ya get it.

Holy fuck, this was pulled directly from some Uncle Tom's Cabin shit, dude-- this is the type of shit masters say to their best house niggas, the type of shit white people say tot heir non-ghetto black friends, the type of shit you say to a 'civilized and calm' mixed person in America during literally any time period.

It's shit like this that fuels the flamboyant af pride queens. True acceptance doesn't come from having everyone conform to some hetero-normative standard, excuse the buzzword, but that's cultural fascism.

It's realizing that if you're annoyed by a person, then you don't have to spend your time making judgments around them. If you do, don't let those judgement inform your actions. Hippie shit, we're all stardust, we should be kind and in awe of each other. etc.

<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

It's sort of a misleading post -- he went into it a bit more detailed later. You're misunderstanding because he was being delicate in that initial post...... what he's saying is, um, can we not have hordes of BDSM-leather-clad people (of any race, gender, or sexuality) parading about the thoroughfare licking dildos. Or at least, can we roll our eyes at that without being called bigots?

Which is perfectly reasonable, when you think about it.

I actually don't think so, hiding sexuality just encourages these weird hypocritical neo-puritan societal values, where men and women are simultaneously sexual objects and completely desexualized. Sexual and racial minorities are also typically desexualized-- but when thy are sexualized, it's to serve as a curiosity for the hetero masses. A more open sexual dialogue would only increase our understanding of how such an important part of human life plays a role in our lives from a much younger age.

Alos, like 90% of advertising featuring women is probably pandering to heterosexuality. I actually think this could be a good thing, if we all acknowledged that most of us are sexual beings who are only here because people fuck all the time.
Gakkou Gurashi!/School Live is a cute and adorable show about girls having adventures in their high school and I highly suggest it.

>cute and adorable show about girls having adventures in their high school

>cute and adorable


U no it.

Japanese baby sitters.

It really depresses me that I'll probably never be able to weave the lyrics of a Sufjan Stevens song through a post philosophically going through and entire character's life in erratic flashbacks, with conversations from her literal and metaphoric demons-- while she was mostly high in the present, and everyone else was trying to figure out the mysterious secrets of the town.

That RP was Lynchian as fuck.
Not yet-- They've traveled a bit together so they're close, but Dali's nowhere near that companion-quest yet. I'd like to see how we go about it, if Curie suddenly starts wanting to get a body mid-RP. Might be interesting :p.
@Hjalti Aha... that's a relief, I was worried there might be a problem with her having Cvrie as a tagalong, but it's a great way to explain how she's getting her hormones on the road, plus I figure they'll need a good doctor!

@Carantathraiel My phone can't run it, I'm absolutely crestfallen.
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