Avatar of Dark Cloud


Recent Statuses

8 hrs ago
Current I'll stay inside with my musket.
11 hrs ago
Excuse you, I'll keep living in my cardboard box THANK YOU VERY MUCH
1 like
12 hrs ago
I mean...Yeah.
1 day ago
This is a status.
5 days ago
New Wallace and Gromit movie baybee yeaaa


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //


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Nam porttitor orci eget quam sollicitudin auctor.
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Donec tristique mi nisi, commodo pulvinar elit sollicitudin et.

Most Recent Posts

@rush99999 I'm sure it has, with all that DMing in your RP WHICHISHOULDBEALLOWEDTOJOINARGHARGHARGH-ahem I mean with all the hard work you're doing.
So, how has everyone's lives been? 2 months really can fly by or drag on :D
@Enkryption Oof, that's a fair assessment. (A little harsh and a bit rude but fair)

Edit: I will admit, saying nobody was a silly thing to say. Anyhow, all I really wanted to say was I am sorry to Paul. Whom I should have @'d to begin with. My bad.
@rush99999 Well I wish you luck my friend
Can there be an exception for a wee kobold?

@rush99999 Oh one last thing I wanted to ask, one DM to another. It get's tough juggling all those stat blocks eh?
Hope that was alright

It seemed Gabriel himself had to play hide-and-seek with both Jub and their surly comrade Brutrumukk, due to their somewhat hasty departure and the two faerie offering him their congratulations mixed with astonishment.

No doubt because he had so slickly avoided being found during their little game but now the half-elf was lost and seeking his friends whom thus far had eluded him through sheer chance.

Odd how so many could miss a bugbear and a goblin, even at the Witchlight Carnival those two stuck out like a pair of sore thumbs.

@Guardian Angel Haruki Oh pish-posh that just mean a few less fresh able victims to mur-uh integrate into my services
@Lurking Krog Good to see you revived this
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