Avatar of Dark Cloud


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11 hrs ago
Current New Wallace and Gromit movie baybee yeaaa
16 hrs ago
So it's just Seinfeld?
1 like
6 days ago
They put me in a room...A rubber room with rats! RATS?
6 days ago
Nuh uh
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7 days ago


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //


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Most Recent Posts

After hearing Gabriel's gape...

Playing Zubmariner, gotta say it ain't bad. Hope Vaporum is as good as the reviews I've seen say it is.
Welcome [CARBON BASED LIFE-FORM] *ahem* to the Guild
I should try too
@Mae Oh I'm terrible at coloring. I only excel at shading and stuff

In his heart of hearts, the very core of the swordsman's being he felt moved. Not only by the song itself but it's underlying tone that one such as himself couldn't miss. While the song itself was celebratory it had a sadness to it that touched Gabriel's soul, he wanted to sing with his surly friend yet the moment was not his to join. He knew not the melody nor it's words only the emotions it filled him with.

And so he just hummed the tune, the corners of his eyes slightly glistening.

@Mae Well you did an amazing job, I've never been good with markers only pens and pencils

At the base of the temple steps if one listened close enough the light buzz of someone's snores carried from the treetops encroaching the holy place. Amidst the branches of the golden leafed tree-line the curious or keen-eyed could have easily spotted the silhouette of a boy stretched out lazily upon a large bough, his snores rustling the golden leaflets slightly.

He was welcomed by the monks and even the refugees but he politely declined not really feeling comfortable around a bunch of strangers no matter how much he would have liked to sleep fireside. But Samael was content to snooze amongst the branches of trees, the moonlight filtering through the leafs and the wind gently caressingly him.
@Mae WTH are you talking about, your use of lines in the picture is amazing! What struck out to me was how beautifully colored it is!!
@Tab I upload to Imgur and link the direct image, not sure if that might help quality. But honestly I think the quality on Pearl looks amazing?? She's so happy xD

Additional observation: She also be thicc af yo.
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