Avatar of Dark Cloud


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8 days ago
Another year of writing for ye, and a happy birthday πŸ₯‚
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8 days ago
Awww when's the wedding?
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9 days ago
Sir, this is a Denny's.
9 days ago
Nah don't feel bad, you lost something important to you and that sucks.
5 mos ago
Shout out to tomatoes. The most real fruit.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //


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Most Recent Posts

Posted as promised, albeit an hour or so later. xD

Gabriel coughed into his fist, the jerky while not unpleasant was somewhat tough to swallow. With a swig from the flask at his hip the swordsman washed his meal down, Gabe wiped his mouth with the cuff of his tunic "Well now you seem to be implying that the thing I've lost doesn't seem significant," he replied with an arched eyebrow "To answer your somewhat tactless question Jub these dic-" Gabriel had nary wiped his hands before Brutrumukk hoisted Jub up, interrupting their conversation.

Wasting no time to dillydally, Gabriel carefully stepped onto the raft and taking a seat nearest to the goblinoids to continue the conversation where it had ended so abruptly.

"As far as I could say I only know of hags from old wife's tales and stories told to scare children. You know the kind, hag eats children or steal them." running a hand through his hair the half-elf shrugged "And no Jub the dice were not worth a kings ransom, they belonged to an old friend of mine." Gabe said pointedly to the goblin "They got sentimental value, not the kind that is all that fond but they meant something to me." he sounded and looked like he ate something rotten, Gabriel wore a rather unpleasant expression that went away after he sighed looking to the brackish water and mumbled "If I find that idiot I'll tan his hide..." it wasn't like he hated Beren for up and disappearing but they were like brothers, at least he could have explained why he left town.

But as much as Gabriel told himself his mate was somewhere out there he couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't. Those dice were the one thing that gave him hope, not that he'd ever admit that.
Me when I see a Pathfinder thread:

I'd be interested but not in the romance really. I'm just in desperate need of my Pathfinder fix. Lemme know if you ever do a group rp, hope ya find a partner for this (and if you might just be interested in like a lighthearted 1x1).
Ahem, just gonna do a few chores rn and then post. Was busy yesterday, apologies.
@SleepingSilence you play Destiny 2 on PC or console?
I'll work on a post tomorrow it should be up by the evening or just after lunch.
@Guardian Angel Haruki me and my family did thanksgiving dinner.
Going to be busy tomorrow, thanksgiving long weekend and all. Hope ya'll understand.
@Fabricant451@SleepingSilence I'll keep saying it: Blizzard fucking sucks.
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