Avatar of Dark Cloud


Recent Statuses

7 days ago
Another year of writing for ye, and a happy birthday πŸ₯‚
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7 days ago
Awww when's the wedding?
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8 days ago
Sir, this is a Denny's.
8 days ago
Nah don't feel bad, you lost something important to you and that sucks.
5 mos ago
Shout out to tomatoes. The most real fruit.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //


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Vestibulum iaculis urna vel risus rhoncus, et aliquam leo sagittis.
Sed at odio sapien.
Curabitur sed mi id risus consequat aliquam.
Nam porttitor orci eget quam sollicitudin auctor.
Quisque et quam sed justo interdum efficitur nec non magna.
Donec tristique mi nisi, commodo pulvinar elit sollicitudin et.

Most Recent Posts

Trying very hard.
In the mood to see a passion project not go tits up and die. High fantasy is what I want so bad rn.
@kitramos I'm not the GM silly. Polybius'll tell ya xD
@kitramos sa'll good. Don't worry about it. We all were new to this at one point.
@RBYDark feel free to PM me Jay's background I'm genuinely interested in hearing more. As well I posted this in General Int, to hopefully get the attention of people. I'm hoping to start with at least three people, but I'll say the max for this will be 5 or 6 people.

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RTD Basics:
Unlike most other TTRPG's you will not be bogged down by dice rolls instead the GM or Co-GM roll the dice, declaring an action by bold text and/or underline so that the GM or Co-GM will have a declared action to respond to. An RTD (or Roll To Dodge) is a system governed by the all-powerful d6 which determine how successful an action really is, each result is as follows:

1 = Catastrophic Failure | 2 = Failure | 3 = Mixed Failure/Success | 4 = Mixed Success | 5 = Success | 6 = Overshot Success

Depending on the results of your actions, the choices you make and the path you decide to take; your actions will have benefits and consequences to both you as the character and the world you inhabit even at such a minute scale. Be wary about doing things, but do not worry too much about character death because you won't get killed for no apparent reason. I want this to be a fun experience for everyone so I will be fair in regards to offing characters, but beware if you make your own stupid decisions without taking the risks into account you will have to accept the consequences.

Character Creation
(Post Character Applications OOC/Int Check Please)

World Setting

A land of unimaginable opportunity as well as unknowable fate, whispers of wealth beyond comprehension lays in the uncharted lands of the Frontiers. Folk speak in hushed voices of the beasts that lurk in the land of opportunity awaiting any fool who dares to wander in the sprawling hills and dales of the Frontier.

Adventurers from all walks of life have gone forth unto these vast untamed reaches in search of their fortune, now so do you; lead by a lone wagon driven by a hooded coachman in the rain on route to the land where fortune favors the bold and the meek perish. This is your New Frontier, go forth, claim it and never look back.


Simply put, follow the rules lined by the Guild itself. No NSFW content, although be as explicit as you wish just fade to black or take it elsewhere. Capiche?

Posting a full page essay isn't necessary, although I encourage you to write at least a few paragraph. Less if it isn't all that necessary, more if creativity strikes. Everyone should post once, to keep the pace of the game to a speed everyone (including myself as GM) can keep with. I will periodically post updates, and mention the various things that happen to the characters or even the world.

This is in the end, a journey into the unknown and the story that unfolds is in your hands. If this catches your glance, please stop by and give me a shout.
An interesting plan, although Answers wouldn't say such sappy crap out loud. The old mercenary just snorted, looking somewhat surprised and a little taken back. That was good wine, least if it weren't already uncorked but still it was a waste was it not?

Grumbling he stood following Anya's example, grabbing a piece of wood from the fire with one hand while drawing the shortsword with the other. His weathered and calloused hand singed by the heat, Anslem was quick to throw the burning wood towards the undead as they clattered towards them, stepping back with his blade at the ready.

"Getting too old for this shit." Anslem muttered to himself with an exasperated sigh.
Oh and for anyone who is trepidatious about this, nobody but myself will worry about dice rolls. You needn't put a bolded action in every post either. So be at ease, the rp isn't going to be bogged down by die-casting fests. Lol
@RBYDark I'm a littttle iffy on the changeling, seems to have motives that aren't exactly reasons I'd see they would end up travelling to Frontier. Morgan, well..It made me laugh, at how truly funny someones lack of sensibilities can be. Now the last two...

Nora is likely my second favorite of the list, a jaded woman trying to find purpose after her own destiny was filled by another. It's an interesting perspective to take and I'd definitely put some hooks for her in the future. However, Jay is possibly the one that really gets my gears spinning. I like the idea of a human, and there is at least one known settlement in Frontier but it is small and almost abandoned (a detail to be explored IC ;D) so the idea he once lived here isn't that far fetched. The fact he has a goal and a motive definitely puts him up there as a character.
To outline the basics of it, the characters come by a wagon. Preferably together or arrive with it by happenstance, but it is largely everyones choice wether they group up or go it alone. I will say though. There is strength in numbers, especially in harsh land as the Frontier. Just to nip that question in the bud.
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