Avatar of Dark Cloud


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20 hrs ago
Current "We put on our headphones, walking. Walking, we put on our headphones" - Dragon Imagines
6 days ago
Another year of writing for ye, and a happy birthday πŸ₯‚
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6 days ago
Awww when's the wedding?
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6 days ago
Sir, this is a Denny's.
7 days ago
Nah don't feel bad, you lost something important to you and that sucks.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //


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In which case maybe I'd play Albert Wesker from Resident Evil.
<Snipped quote by HEAVY METAL>

>Meh, metafictional stories aren't exactly ones I'm too interested in at the moment, but true. I could also provide a demon antagonist, among other things.

Yeah agreed.

There were deadites AND robots from Terminator when I left, as well as cultists who I'm assuming were from an rp. The idea was that whenever a character entered the world, the enemy creatures invaded as well. I had no ideas for "resolving the deadite problem." My be a perfect opportunity to use you creativity.

Maybe the military had cordoned off a part of the city and the characters who end up awakening or appearing in the district need to escape before it's eventually hit by nuke? Then afterwards the obstacles would be dealing with the fallout and the scattering of the cities population? @Zyx
The farmer guffawed, looking at the noblewoman's hand bejeweled by a fancy looking ring "Cor, yer ave'n a gaff at me right?" Berrin looked the woman in the face with a furrowed brow beneath the brim of his straw hat "Yer a bloody fish-baroness?" it was right ridiculous, Yartar wasn't a particularly interesting place. Smelt like the inards of a fish and looked depressing most of the time.

Berrin just chuckled to himself, ignoring the hand to pat his trusty mule's flank before climbing back into the wagon. Hands white as they grasped the reigns he peered back to his guard "Oi you lot, no sense in stayin' get yer arses movin." to which the stoic mercenary in the farmer's employ nodded motioning to Zelana to follow "You," Gray pointed at the noblewoman "In the wagon, baby-sitting you isn't my job." grabbing her by the wrist he not-so-gently moved her towards the wagon "Get in." he said as more a demand than a request.
@Moonshadow the holidays seem to slow things down. I wouldn't mind resuming this but if you don't that's alright. I'm not on Switch anymore so I can post without worrying about losing a post.
@Aisling sorry for your loss, anyhow what link do you mean?
@Zyx hm this wasn't a high maintenance rp so maybe I can balance it. Anyhow, the concepts were solid. The deadites were a solid threat for characters to try to deal with. So the city and everything are both still good concepts to latch on to.
@Shu hmm, I can understand that. Dragon's Dogma was by no means perfect but the story was engaging and I'm a very big fan of the Bitterblack Isles, it had very good post game content.
@rush99999 I can here it now "Oi Gabe we're profess'nal gourd unters'"
@Zyx wadda bout you?
@Lurking Krog I think Mordenkainen's is too unbalanced. They only have Darkvision for the meta. But then again I'm a stickler when it comes to change.
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