Avatar of Dark Cloud


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8 hrs ago
Current "We put on our headphones, walking. Walking, we put on our headphones" - Dragon Imagines
5 days ago
Another year of writing for ye, and a happy birthday πŸ₯‚
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5 days ago
Awww when's the wedding?
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6 days ago
Sir, this is a Denny's.
6 days ago
Nah don't feel bad, you lost something important to you and that sucks.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //


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His hands felt different, pale and cold like they were dipped in freezing water which was didn't strike him as normal though strangely he wasn't sure why. His hair obscured the unsettled expression on his face 'I..I was..I..' smoke and fire, the blood pooling around him. Shards of broken glass, the rough taste of liquor and then nothing "No!" he shouted suddenly remembering the feeling of the smoke choking his lungs, his hand grasped his throat "No, bloody god no this isn't real." was this just a dream? Was he dead or in some kind of afterlife?

"It must be the bourbon..." he pinched himself but all he felt was pain, he did not wake up it was not a dream "I..I can't remember anything but the fire, the god damned smoke." he sobbed, hands in face shaking fiercely "I must be finally losing my mind..I must be." he whispered to himself.

The cold pale reflection of his eyes regarded others with a mix of fear and an unsettling wildness, his head pounded as though he awoke with a piercing headache from drink. He didn't know where he was or anyone around him, did they know anything? No, they looked as perplexed as he himself was.
@Guardian Angel Haruki Hm, I have a question. I was thinking maybe my character died in a different time period? Is that alright? Like the 1920's? Or early 50's?
Nice. I've kept Benedict close but in the background, so you'll be all caught up once you read the recent updates you're mentioned in.

Yep I'm caught up. But I won't post just yet. Hopefully today I get the phone I'm buying, so I'll try to get something written this week. Prolly before Wednesday.
@Double the best Mega Man of the game series imo.
Booooo I can't be Lawful Evil.
Brain hurty. I finished my post. Gonna sleep early, got shopping to do tomorrow.
Damn it I pressed post when I meant to press preview. Sometimes they look the same x_x
A vague shape could be made out within the shadows like a heavy blanket that fell upon the room, filled with choking smog thick as tar. Only brief flickers of a bright orange light licked at the edges of the void, threatening to consume the darkness and the shape of the figure within. Whispers filled his ears, but he could only listen as he felt himself fade. He was just a shape within the void, helpless as it strangled him and smothered him within the dark. The sound of glass shattering broke the silence, as a bottle of bourbon fell from his grip. It was almost poetic, and sobering to know you are about to die.

With a thud, he fell to the wood floor coughing and gasping for air. His eyes blurry from drink, the man could only drag himself towards the flickering light at the corner of his vision but as he did the glass upon the floor ripped at his wrist. All he could do was roll to his side and futilely hug his arm to his chest as crimson bloomed around the wound, Alexander laid there bleeding as his life slowly faded. He wanted to cry out desperately, but he didn't have the strength to fight anymore so the only sound to escape the poor drunk was one final rattling breath.

His body went slack, vision fading until everything went black. In his final moments all Alexander could feel was fear of the darkness, without light he was lost..

Sweat dripped from his forehead, he gasped and bolted upright like someone roused from a waking nightmare. Clothes drenched with sweat, his palms were cold and clammy. With one hand he ran his fingers through his hair, and leaned upon the other. He could make out the sharp edges of rocks within the cavern, oddly he thought that it was easy to make out the silhouettes in the dark. Then something donned upon him, he recalled a darkness consumed him but more horrifying was the fact he suddenly couldn't recall who he was or what his name is.

Do I post now?
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