Avatar of Dark Cloud


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2 mos ago
Current Clearly you all are wrong. Only real ones drink Mug Root Beer.
2 mos ago
Update: my doctor has told me to stop eating pencils.
1 like
2 mos ago
You are what you eat? Pfft yeah right, if that were true I'd have lead poisoning.
3 mos ago
my life has been rather complicated as of late
3 mos ago
To put this simply my devices were smashed. I had a big thing with my family and it's why I've been gone for so long so I apologize to the people I was writing with.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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Vestibulum iaculis urna vel risus rhoncus, et aliquam leo sagittis.
Sed at odio sapien.
Curabitur sed mi id risus consequat aliquam.
Nam porttitor orci eget quam sollicitudin auctor.
Quisque et quam sed justo interdum efficitur nec non magna.
Donec tristique mi nisi, commodo pulvinar elit sollicitudin et.

Most Recent Posts

I was gonna post next cause I don't think Ki'ryah and Aryion always need to post via collab. Ngl turn order posting in a conversation feels janky as heck.
I enjoy that Ag silently nods to Aryion then pulls a classic GTA 4 HEYCOUSIN to Ki'ryah
Oh come on not more skeletons ffs ugh. Clive already got bone powder all over his good overalls tsk tsk.
Sorry it took me awhile, I was saving for a tablet to make posting easier. Should have said something sooner.

Edit: Oh that's rather unfortunate. Just read the above post.

Wordage: 969 words (+2 points)
Experience: 18/20 EXP
Location: Detroit ➑ S.O.U. Building
Zenkichi's @MULTI_MEDIA_MAN, and Goldlewis's @Lugubrious

Cleaning the dust from his glasses with the cloth of his shirt, the former Turk couldn't help but let an exasperated sigh escape his mouth though glad to have not been a casualty he was less than enthusiastic about the number the fight had done on the surrounding buildings. Benedict shook his head 'It is folly to mull such thoughts.' sooner than later the surrounding area would be met with Midgar's authorities and no sooner would he want to stay here than be clapped in irons and taken in for questioning.

Giovanna's parting words gave the former Turk nothing to add, Zenkichi no doubt would have enough sense to follow her frank if not valuable advice though he was loath to admit the secret agent had a point she was right to tell the detective to choose what he decides to do wisely. Benedict no sooner had sheathed the blade of his sword back into the hollow casing of his cane, wiping it clean with the kerchief in his vest pocket.

Quickly tucking the white cloth back into his pocket, Benedict hastened to follow the rest of the Seekers as they departed. The likes of the older Turk wasn't as spry as the others so he had to walk at a brisk pace, kneeling for but a moment as the soft glow of something amongst the dust and debris caught his attention.

It was the spirit of the ice maiden nestled beneath shards of glass and stone laying about upon the sidewalk, though he hardly believed in the afterlife he was certain this was some form of being that was left by things in this world, assuming that the nature of things were dictated by the force known as Galeem it was likely he too would take such a form upon death. A grim thought indeed yet one he couldn't afford to dwell upon at the moment all he knew was that he could use these spirits to his advantage, and he would utilize them if it would prove useful.

Taking Apsaras' spirit in his hand and considered simply taking its power yet without hesitation the tactician made the decision to bind the maidens spirit to his own, her abilities would prove useful to him and he needed an edge if he was to be able to fight. The act felt alien to the likes of a man such as Benedict, he was still after all someone from a land where such things as spirits and demons were nonexistent or better yet simply a myth so to him bonding with the spirit was a slightly jarring experience.

Not lingering a moment longer, Benedict set a brisk pace to catch up with the other Seekers.

* * *

Adjusting the frames of his glasses Benedict rubbed his eyes with a free hand as he entered the meeting room of the S.O.U. building, the bags under his eyes no doubt a telling sign he had a less than restful sleep after the long day prior. Even still he blinked to clear his vision as he pushed his spectacles back into place, and cleared his throat with a polite ahem as he made his way to a seat at the end of the table where he sat with a muted grunt.

Now coffee, or rather the things it was made of such as coacoa beans were not an alien thing to Benedict but for someone of his status it had been a luxury in the finer times he spent serving under the leadership of House Wolffort, the demesne's rare to receive such fine goods even in the most prosperous of times. So the medieval man, took the steaming cup in hand gingerly to peer into it. The coffee was black, reflecting his image somewhat in the morning light as he brought it to his lips and sipped it carefully before gently setting it down.

It tasted bitter, unsweetened by any milk or sugar unlike he put in his tea. It was god awful but it was common for men of the working stripe or sailors to take their brew as black as the deepest sea depths to keep their wits about them and it certainly gave an older man like Benedict the kick he needed to get his wits about him.

"Trouble is putting it mildly" having caught the end of their conversation, the gist of which was mostly banter, Benedict spoke up with a grimace from the bitter taste of his coffee "Keeping a low-profile is impossible it seems." he was of course referring to the fact they were harboring someone Shinra was keen on finding but he didn't bother to imply it any further simply brushing the subject off with a shrug "Regardless, it matters not." brushing off the subject he took another sip of the bitter coffee before continuing "Benedict Pascal, tidings to you sir and present company." nodding in Vernon's direction the former inspector introduced himself and offered the normal formalities to all seated.

"We are as they say 'walking on eggshells' in regards to coming to blows with the authorities." with the activity yesterday, Benedict had no doubts that the authorities were going to be quite active today, it wasn't like the Public Security to let something like mass property damage and the odd explosion to go under their radar so he was not under the impression today would be as easy as yesterday had been.

"But what of your mission Goldlewis?" Benedict had wondered what the big man's leads had turned up, hopefully something deeper than what they had turned up besides the number of G-Men that were likely patrolling the streets down in the city below.
Krin was just not having it tonight, every other person was either bothering him for some stupid reason or asking him for a fucking beer? He isn't a damn bartender, did he look like one? The older man grumbled and swore under his breath, is it too much to ask for some peace and quiet?

Krin knocked back the bottle of rum in his hand, and thumped it down on the counter with a thunk. "This jus' ain't my fuck'n day." he muttered.
So we are killing Bavlorna right?
Oh, so familyland. Nice!
@Chris488 so you were in orgyland okay.
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