Name: Arden Vale
Sobriquets: (Optional)
Concept: The guided adolescent.
Origin: Born into a wealthy family line, Arden inherited great wealth at a very early age. After his families sudden and mysterious disappearance. With no siblings or other known relations he was considered the last of his families name. Estates, servants farmlands and small businesses all fell to him.
Not a single painting was ever done of his parents which for a noble couple is quite unheard of. Arden holds only blurry faint memories of their appearance and trusts in the words of those that served them.
Despite the heavy responsibilities they bestowed upon him, Arden was raised well in fine luxury by his servants who spoilt him. They did their best to tutor him in the affairs of business and finance but between their bias interest and his inexperience it slowly began to crumble.
Over the years as he grew, to no fault other than misfortunate and inexperience, his finances dwindled. Shortly after much of the inheritance was lost, through deceit and trickery he was duped out of the quickly dwindling resources before he could bring complete ruin to his families estate, which all the servants were eager to readily claim. Without realisation he suddenly became legally a boarder in his own home with nothing left to his name.
Things grew dark and quickly. Greed got the better of many of the once kind servers. Hostilities flared amongst themselves as a deep selfishness festered and grew within each and every one. Turning against one another the air was full of spite and backstabbing, theft and ransacking, and eventually murder. Arden's safe world came crashing down.
It was the kindest of them, the very servants who raised and betray him, that convinced him to leave. Arming himself with the fodder found from his parents collection he was gifted a weapon, some armour, an old blank magic book and a small pouch of coins. He was given these thing in guilt and aid to hasten his departure. It was no longer a safe place for him to stay. Very little was known of the history of these seemingly unused ornamental impulse buys or their true worth and value.
Arden set out in haste. He had never been out in the world on his own. When the estate had been in his name there was always a great deal of fuss and protection over his safety. He had thought it was because they cared, now he knew better. The world could be a cruel place and the coins didn't get him far enough. He was eventually mugged for his remaining possessions, left only with his tattered old, seemingly worthless empty book. It was then it spoke to him. It is unknown what awoken the tome, maybe time, Arden's helpless desperation, or perhaps the blood that trickled down his trembling hand. Irregardless, it's pages whispered to him the secrets to summon an imp. In the fall of night, a beaten and hungry beggar boy completed the summoning and took back his possessions from the corpses of the unprepared sleeping muggers.
He felt no guilt that day and continued on his journey. Keeping secret the events of that night. Soon he would be at the silver spear and could seek shelter.

Skills and Flaws
Clever: He has never had to fend for himself, he has very little in physical skills but is quite clever and observant. A quick learner with an eye for detail.
Lucky: Arden was never taught to fight, not properly. His style is clumsy flailing, frantic desperation and blind hope. Inexperienced and untrained he is guided through combat purely by a degree of luck, intuition, reflexes and determination.
Sensitivity: Arden, while not completely aware of it, is highly and unnaturally empathic. Sensitive to both emotions and the presence of magic.
Young and naive: He knows little of the true world and is both soft and fragile, emotionally and physically. Little life experience leaves him underprepared, weak and vulnerable to others influence.
- What happened to his parents?
Unbeknown to Arden and most others, his lineage is long tainted with clandestine dealings both in hunting and worshiping dark spirits. Which side of this his parents fell on is unknown but is related to their abrupt and sudden disappearance. - Something you want for the future.
- Something that interests you or captures your imagination.
Initiation: Arden's magic is new and guided by a spirit bound in an ancient tome. It whispers to him and only him secrets of old sorcery.
Spirit Guardian: A dark spirit bound to the ancient tome. It follows and guides Arden. It is invisible to all but him. Having its own views and opinions it is temperamental and not always helpful but extremely knowledgeable when it wants to be.

Summoner: While it is not natural nor safe, with the right guidance and ritual of old, a practitioner on the dark path of the forgotten arts can bring over malevolent spirits and energies from the other side. This takes time, resources and focus. The risks are always high, failure to cast is the least of ones worries.
Possession: While Arden cannot posses another creature or dark spirit, he can force them to posses him. To trap one in his own flesh sounds ridiculous and dangerous, that's because it is. But if the deal is right, his will strong and the ritual perfect then there can be much power to be gained.
Nephilim: Auraghast the blind devourer
Sobriquets: (Shelly)
Concept: The hungry protector. A glutinous defender. Living armour.
Form: A sturdy heavy powerful armour. Thick and solid it has no eyes but a powerful maw filled with razor fangs.

The consumer: Its powerful mouth can tear through nearly anything. Nothing is off limits to its appetite. All matter and magic can be broken down and absorbed by this Nephilim. Materials are used to repair or energise the powerful beast.
Name: Convergent evolution means that some Nephilim share traits, similarities.
The Armour:
The appetite: While it can consume nearly anything, it does need frequent sustenance to power its entity. It slows when not properly fed.