Avatar of Dark Light


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It's a Chuck Palahniuk quotes kinda night.
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I'm so Fuckin' broken...


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Within seconds of the surrender, Evelyn was surrounded by by people and droids. The bullet ridden door was shut behind her and securely locked in place by a mobile barricade. (Also protecting them from stray bullets)
Hovering drones maintained a pointed barrel at her, ready and waiting for any defiance. Two larger men forcibly grabbed her arms and folded them behind her back, their grip was unnaturally tight and painful. Locking her hands in a large solid high tech restraint they then kicked in the back of her knees forcing her to kneel down amongst the twitching corpses of the dead and still dying.

Without hesitation Clay reluctantly nodded to the symbiote as he reached out to the female form, putting a heavy hand on its shoulder.
”Alright do your thing. But don’t you dare try take over.” He growled in warning. His piercing gaze deadly and serious.

As it started doing its thing, the tavern doors shut.

”K2! Sniper mode, quick go upstairs! They have snipers in the field. Eliminate them.” Clay’s orders thundered over all other commotion. His words were true, he had seen it first hand when he tried to escort the civilians out the back. Each one falling one after the other in rapid succession as they tried to flee the tavern.
It wouldn’t be easy for K2 as their snipers would already have the advantage be watching every window.

Talking to X-Z in a softer whisper, Clay says with the strain of determination in his voice.
”We’re not letting those bastards take her. We are not letting any of them leave!” as he charges shoulder first into the unwavering doors.
What a beautiful day.

Alright let’s keep this rolling. Post incoming.

Look forward to your post then ;)
@Dark Light Got it :)

Edit: Also... I'm kind of torn between Evelyn turning herself in (cause I'm sure more guys will show up), and continuing to fight.

What do you guys think?

@Blueflame @Dealdric @Dark Light

If you think it fits her character you should have her try turn herself in :)
Ok so just so everyone understands.

There is about 5 grenade sized canisters on the main floor.
Once settled they released a chemical compound that quickly reacted and glued/cemented them to what ever surface they were on.

They are close to running out of tear gas now but it still hangs heavily in the room with very little airflow to make it do otherwise.
Each one is strobing like a flash bang grenade and functioning like one of those house alarms designed to make an intruder pass out.

We should work on dulling/stopping them.


Viscious attack dogs circle the perimeter and small drones have started coming into the building.

You can assume they are equipped with anything you like as each may be individually purposed.
@BoyMom69035... :p

@Dealdric Welcome ;)
Everything vanished before Clays eyes in a bright flash of burning light. He didn’t know where it was coming from but it was reflected and magnified by the itching smoke that was suddenly filling his lungs and clawing at his face.
With involuntary tears poring down his face, and a deafening sound thundering in his ears, he fought with all his will against his basic instincts and urges to run outside.

He stumbled over tables and chairs as he blindly staggered around the room coughing and gasping for air. He had lost nearly all of each of his senses except for one. His keen sense of smell.
While the gas did disorientate him, Clay could still make the direction of his friends and source the location of the canisters by smell.

Practically collapsing onto the nearest one, he fought with it for a short time before accepting that he couldn’t break or remove it from the ground. With it having somehow glued itself to the floor. Instead, without hesitation, Clay whipped off his jacket and bound the leather fabric tightly around the canister smothering it, dulling the light and sound.

He got lucky with the second one. It had secured itself to a rug. It was short work for Clay to roll it up and send it out a window.

There was still easily another 5 canisters in just this room alone. And with the gas slowly thinning, the soldiers outside were growing impatient and began sending scouting drones in from various windows.

Oops, slept too long!!! It’s all happening. Sorry guys.
Will post soon.

Sure thing ;)
The soldiers were not the only well trained monsters hiding in the dark that night. Once the bombs went off in the tavern, a shrill high pitched whistle signaled the second phase of the attack. The round up.

In the distance a large cage door fell heavily to the dirt. Exploding forth were at least a dozen large hound like beasts powering full speeed across the field towards the tavern with amazing haste.
The creatures were near silent besides the heavy beating of their pads against the dirt, not due to no effort of their own. Their lips snarled and mouths snapped, but their vocal cords were long since removed.

These monsters were built bred and trained for purpose. To bring down, cripple and maim anyone trying to leave the feild of smoke. (Aka the tavern)
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