Avatar of Dark Light


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It's a Chuck Palahniuk quotes kinda night.
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... Something new
9 yrs ago
I'm so Fuckin' broken...


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Can I have a non-infected person who voluntarily entered.
Perhaps looking for someone, a gf or something.
The character I’m envisioning isn’t gonna do to well once infected.
Short temper and headstrong.
Is this still a thing?
Could be fun with the right people.
Eh, I did a thing.
Needed more time and editing but it’s late and I can’t wait anymore. Night all


Tired, wet, bruised and bloody he would stagger back into the house. Making his way into the busy kitchen Drakus acknowledged no one as he got busy rummaging through their supplies. He would take very measured proportions of specific foods with his shaky hands. When eating he sought only nourishment and not joy. He would meet and feed his bodies requirements for optimal performance and recovery, nothing more, nothing less. Years of nutritional information and biochemistry permanently seared into his subconscious. Right now he was being forced to make do with what was available. He paused once to examine every oneelse’s food, and with the faintest scoff, he piled up his odd concoction of non-breakfast foods onto a plate.

The night before.

Drakus been been laying on his bed for what felt like hours, yet sleep continued to elude him as haunting visions of violence and loss hid right beneath his eyelids. He had heard that some of the others were planning on going to the Kappa ponds in the morning and for some reason this bugged him.
He wasn’t sure if it was their foolishness that bothered him most or perhaps their bravery. Maybe somehow it was simply jealousy. Anyway pride had insisted that if any were to explore the dangers of the pond first it would be him.

Sneaking out, mostly undetected, lightly armed, he made his way through the night to the forbidden pond.
Upon nearing the water he saw a petite slender figure with long white hair and pale skin, sitting perhaps too near its edge. Cautiously Drakus slowed his approach, Moving with silent steps he manoeuvred out wide to come from behind.

She waited patiently, tossing cucumbers pieces towards the pond, a few of them making it into the water. The shadows beneath moved in a frenzy. Suddenly a scaley, little hand popped up from the surface of the pond. Its claws dragged against the earth as it blindly felt around until its fingers grazed another cucumber. It greedily snatched it up and dragged it back under the water. Fascinating..so they do like cucumbers... How odd it was that these vicious meat eaters, who enjoyed the intestines of children on average loved this simple vegetable. She was slightly pleased with herself, a smirk creeping up on the edges of her lips. However, it didn't last long because the creature emerged from the water again and this time it crawled out of the pond. A reptilian like a figure with colors of yellow and brown, a shell, much like the tortuous, was attached to its back. In all honesty, it was rather repulsive to look at. It rummaged around the dirt for more treats and took a moment before realizing there was a small girl staring at him. It quickly stood up and Rei mimicked it by standing up as well. Grabbing hold of another cucumber and holding it out " Were you looking for these" her voice soft and silvery and non-threatening in the least. She tosses it another one but it never met the ground, the creature caught it in midair and swallowed it whole, obviously wanting more. It crooked. She tossed it the last one and sighed in false disappointment" That is all, there is no more. Farewell " with that said she gave a bow to the little creature and it growled at this gesture. Unwillingly it bowed back and the bowl on top of its head emptied of its water, its power source. " wow.. that was almost effortless. I must say I'm a little disappointed... I thought you were clever creatures..." The little thing seemed a little distraught and hurled its self towards her. Scratching and snarling. Camly she slipped two twin blades that were tucked away inside the sleeves of her jacket. Bracing herself as the enemy drew closer. In one swift movement, her right arm extended and sliced across the creature's body in a horizontal fashion. Her left leg followed suit swinging the momentum of her body in the opposite direction and placing a powerful kick into the creature's side, projecting him back into the pond with a bloody splash. ::

Meanwhile, approaching deliberately from behind, observing the commotion intently with an intrigued curiosity, Drakus casually inched closer. He could hardly believe his eyes. Surely this had to be some sort of vile demonic ploy. He remained alert and on edge, scanning the still starlit surface of the pond for any further signs of movement.
One thing he was sure of was demons could not be trusted, he was left unsure if this was all just a lure for him or if some lonely innocent looking petite little girl had really just lured out and attacked a demon after trying to engage with it.
Consumed with curiosity he gave way to caution and very carefully unfurled the chain of his Kusarigama while watching the girl.

The hairs on the back of her neck tingled, her fingers curling tightly around her blade. she swiftly turned on her heels. Her long hair a blur of silver. she looked up and over towards Drakus direction where she noticed him standing there in the shadows. Embarrassed she quickly swung her blades to the side, letting the blood of the demon flick off her weapon. " Did you enjoy the show " She spoke with a tone of bitterness::

With a faint amused smirk Drakus gave the strange girl a slight nod of acknowledgment as he relaxed and stood tall. His heavy chain in hand, casually spinning at his side. Only now did he notice her deep mesmerising eyes.
”You’re fucking cra..” he began in a teasing tone before suddenly cutting himself short with a sharp flick and extension of his arm. In s blur the weighted fundo at the chains end went lashing out towards her.

The ensuing battle lasted for far longer than Drakus had anticipated, each skirmish earning his female opponent more and more of his respect, maybe even admiration. Neither combatant ever dipped into their powers, instead relying purely on raw physical strength and talent. Despite the severe intensity in which they attacked each other and the deadly focus of their moves, each wore a continuous smile as they dance back and forth, a dance of blades and blows.

In the end a proud taunting Drakus stood victorious over the slim petite pale girl. However he was not unscathed. A thin line of blood stretched across his cheek. He wore the injury proudly in his smug arrogance. He was not ashamed of it because she had earned it. Both had shown the other many of their tricks, the battle had turned out to be a truly revealing conversation on many levels.

Content, Drakus gave her an approving nod, straightened up his ruffled clothes and nonchalantly turned and walked away. Not many words were used, not many were necessary.
There’s no post of it up yet because it’s in the collab that won’t go up without GM’s approval. :)
It’s just been fun to type back and forth at a higher frequency.
Nearly ready to wrap it up tho.
@Krytavius and some people decided to sneak there tonight.
Just trying to gauge how free form this is because it’s been pretty open so far. Also, sounded like a pond of multiple Kappa earlier.

Guess we’re just waiting on the boss man.

(Doing it in collab so it doesn’t affect the time skip, and can be left out if needed.)

How do you feel about us rping the demons?
Me and @azoicsiren are working on a collab and would like to encounter a kappa. Is there anything we need to know?
Btw what are these kappa things???
You can use the [ b.] bold, [ H1.] header [ center. ] or like most others just create an image from another site and put it between [img.] [/img.]
(Minus all the fullstps)

Or be like me and do none of the above :)

Nice intro btw
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