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Sorry for the delay! Got a thing up ;)
Oh’len nodded appreciatively back to Orion, both for his service and advice. He gave him that familiar yet friendly odd stare before speaking his decision on the matter, always proper he spoke elegantly with his formal diplomatic tongue.
”E-Rade’s lounge sounds like it could be either of those places that’s why I’d like you to come with me. It’s a risk but I have a small job there.
While I could say I need the contacts and connections this opportunity offers, which is true if it holds such things, the truth is I am too curious to turn it down, even if I have a bad feeling about this.”

Oh’len whips open his jacket and in the brief flash that his hip holster was exposed, a gun flew straight into it from the table nearby before the fabric could fall back down in place and conceal its presence. Oh’len spoke once again as if his psychic display was mundane. Although he knew it was not.

”I don’t like such things and am not trained in their use.” He said speaking of the gun. ”but every negotiation has its tool. I would still appreciate your assistance. The payment is yours but if we get the chance, the relic is mine. Nothing can compromise our first mission though, my brother remains our priority.

Oh’len had given him a choice yet was speaking with a hefty confidence as if Orion had already given him an answer. Vaskians...

Oh’len would reply to the message and organise an approximate time for their meeting. He would quickly study up on the happenings around Jurroc III. (If told about it he will study the drive booster too.) Next he familiarises himself with local customs and searches for information on their meeting place and surrounding area. The whole process had a nostalgic familiarity of an old life and old job.


It’s from a GOT generator. Made it years ago for a game that never kicked off.
I think it sufficiently suits my new fief tho.
Think location 1 or 3 Would suit my dense forest, rivers and subsequent marshlands that they create.
Thinking cold-hearted, hard people of barbaric bloodlines growing up in the harsh unforgiving jungle.
A bit wild and influenced by nature they can be considered savage. (Although not) They care less for modesty than most others, love music and dance, follow nature’s laws, commune with nature and beasts, are free spirited.


I never got the final ok? Is there anything else I need to change?

Reshy had a toothy grin stretching from ear to ear. He was brimming with uncontainable excitement. Pride from their recent victory, the prospect of ending his hunger, the joy of companionship and teamwork but mostly, mostly the thrill of having someone to show off his trap to. He thought himself a goblin genius for coming up with it. The idea of something or someone falling in unaware was still hilarious to him.

But before he got to divulge the details of his imagination or even show Saito his handywork, simple and crude as it was, his brother continued on.

That left Reshy all alone, on his own, once again. He sat in silence as he ate most of the frog, by himself, absorbing the essence of the dead creature. He left a few scraps, some guts and bones like Saito suggested and decided to keep a foot as a victory souvenir.
It was clear that his brother had been on his own adventure and had the spoils to prove it, by comparison Reshy hadn’t done anything. He got no tools or trophy from the slime that tried to eat him, just a story and yellow slime breath. He decided he would start to keep something extra from his victories, he would keep a foot or paw from the creature from now on and was happy with that idea. The creatures hide and remaining tooth that he took were possible tools, they would be used, the foot would stay as is.


Reshy decided to scout nearby for more supplies. He collected sticks both strong and weak, vines and foliage for his trap. He even tried climbing again to find better supplies. Also he constantly picked up rocks to resupply the ammo that he continually either fired or threw at random trees. That was a game he was growing to like.
However, struggling to contain all his rocks, he turned to placing it in the frogs thick hide and forming some semblance of a primitive pouch.

Despite no apparent danger Reshy moved as quietly as he could.
It was no longer just a practice and now had became mostly just the way he walked. It had started as what he thought of as a tactful necessity. Then he began to enjoy it as it became more like a hobby or game. Him verses the earth. Each movement a new problem to solve. Each step a puzzle faced with a multitude of opposing factors. Sure there were ground types, things on the ground and distances to consider but he also noticed there were ways of stepping and moving. He was slowly developing an understanding and awareness of shifting his weight and balance.


Reshy had undone his trap and was deep in it, digging it out deeper and wider when he heard a scampering from above. He snapped up quickly, spinning around and looking about as he practically flew out the hole he was in.
There in front of him, just as wide eyed and panic stricken as he was stood another goblin. One of his brothers. It took Reshy a second to process this as they both just stood there in still silence starring at each other as the moment stretched on and their hearts settled.

The goblin before him was larger in stature than he albeit hunched over with long strong arms that reached to the floor. He had an uncharacteristicly small flat nose which made his eyes appear too far apart. And Reshy noticed a tuff of short jet black hair that started a little too far back atop his head, which only silhouetted and accentuated the wide empty space between the sparce features of his wide face.

“Gritch” the goblin eventually said as he slowly, nervously crawled up to Reshy on all fours, this seemed to be his preferred method of movement. His eyes were darting hungrily between Reshy and his bait pile.

“Reshy!” Reshy replied in greeting with a welcoming grin, all whilst realising this goblin wanted his food. He stepped in front of his bait. Gritch didn’t seem one for many words but he was clearly hungry and from the obvious wounds and blood smear on one arm, had already been in a fight. Reshy grew increasingly nervous but Gritch proved it to be unwarranted as he casually rocked back and sat down. He looked up to Reshy with pleading hungry eyes. A small measure of drool was escaping the corner of his lips.

“There’s more in there!” Reshy blurted out in reply with a sudden lie. Brimming with a new excitement and urgency, a devious scheme fell into place. He didn’t want to give up his bait nor did he want to keep digging anymore.
“You just have to find it, that’s all. It’s in the ground, buried under the dirt.” He made the motions to ensure Gritch understood what he meant. For the longest moment it seemed that he didn’t, the greenskin just continued to stare at Reshy. Then the pieces clicked and cogs turned, Gritch crawled into the hole and began digging through the dirt. It worked.

Reshy could explain his masterpiece later, for now he would have to occasionally coach his brother from above, pointing out where he should look and what to do with the sand. Every now and then between other tasks he would throw a bone or two in. Just to keep him going.
Meanwhile, as the hole grew larger and deeper Reshy prepared some more pointy sticks to go in it. He snapped many branches and tried gnawing on edges to improve the ‘stabability’ of the point. Every few minutes he would stop to survey the edge of the clearing, worried about the noise and bait attracting predators too soon.

Are you happy if I have an NPC goblin happen to come across Reshy?
@RC3 Just checking if you missed the levels for my makeshift weapon and shield or are they just not worthy?

Also, this is kinda the idea I am slowly heading towards for my shield.

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