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@Dark Light Hmmmm ... I kinda like the idea of putting him in a command role xD I would wanna know how the others feel tho

Hmm I probably wouldn’t want him designated a command role, in fact he probably shouldn’t have even got woken up for this ‘crisis’.
But he was, and people might start to realise he has no real role to play in the emergency. While smart and gifted he doesn’t specialise in any of the critical fields.
Depending how dynamics go he might push for that commander role or simply step into it, partially because he is good at but mainly because he is not so good at being told what to do.
@Dark Light
Time Era? As the tags say.
Location? I hadn't decided the name or where to behonest. I hadn't even decided if this should be a group or a 1x1.

Character sheets? Yes.

Ah, for location I meant on the boards, PM or discord. :)
This sounds awesome. Will be reading up and seeking inspiration, if you are still taking more people.
Where would this be played and what’s required? Character sheets?
NAME: Mr mysterious
BIO: While he won’t tell the others, he didn’t ’win’ the lottery. When your family is as rich as his is nothing is beyond their reach. After a few shady deals and some further dealings usually better left unknown, his number miraculously came up.
Now we’re not talking wealth like some CEO or government official, no. His family’s wealth dwarfed people like that and made them seem poor in comparison.
It was the type of wealth that could alter nations and rewrite history. The kind of wealth that could only come from exploiting people, or worse, the planet.
PERSONALITY: Secretive. A boundary pusher. Spoilt. Gambler.
TRAINING: Social sciences. Martial arts. All the maths and statistics. Card counting.
Interested in giving this a go. :)
Interested, happy to help co-gm too
Communication is key yet you don’t communicate your expectations without giving ‘warnings’!?
You’re a megalomaniac and your reply’s have been uncreative and poorly delivered. I had hoped engaging with another player would make this game more sufferable but I can’t even have an IG conversation without your hindrance.

I can only assume I’ve stumbled upon some pre-teens little setup so I have broken another rule and edited my last post.

I can’t say that it has been fun, nor do I wish you luck.

@Dark Light So I noticed that you made a post, you'd have to wait until I update before you can make a post again. So you'll need to get it removed, ask one of the mods to do that and then wait until I update and the post it again. I also highly suggest you reread the rules again as well. This will be the last warning on that.

Cool, so no where in the rules does it say I have to wait for you to post again only that I leave two posts in between.

Gerric Roar Halfden

Location: Niflheim
Skills:Water manipulation

Unsure where to begin or how to answer, for what seemed like a long moment Gerric just stood and stared blankly at Lara. A faint hit of confusion stuck to that frozen face of his. Now that he was unmoving the shivers where undeniable. He wasn’t sure if her first question was a real one or if simply the frost had already started to settle on his brain. The thought that Arnora was behind him, someone he hadn’t seen in many many years, pulled at his focus and caused a whirlwind of emotions to plague him.

Wh, What!?” Gerric finally responded to the blonde woman incredulously as he denied her advances to aid his injury with a waving hand.
Sceptically he found words enough to answer that which he believed too obvious to need explanation. His words came drawn out and slightly slurred, slipping between chattering teeth and through tired numb lips.
”I was fighting. was his first and complete answer, speaking as though those three simple words covered everything. He continued on to the next, a pitying look in his eyes.

”Yer never had the cold in your bones before have you?” he asked without really asking.
”Were I not a son of Aegir, and fool enough to follow your advice, the cold would put me to a sleep I’d never wake from. No amount of walking could distance me from that fate, especially here. I am of the sea and lands of snow and still I have never known a chill like that of Niflheim.”
Then he pauses before adding in with a coy smile.
”Besides, everyone knows huddling naked is the best way to warm a body.”

Proving he had no intent to get naked, he threw his arms out wide and closed his eyes in concentration. Before his feet a small pool of water would appear as he tried to drag all the moisture out of his clothes, essentially drying the freezing cold fabrics with his father-given magic.

Despite his best efforts it was all too late for him. The ice of Niflheim had sunken deep into his bones. His body temperature had dropped drastically, and here, in this cold dark cave, being watched over by some of the fiercest and most merciless of creatures, Gerric would not find aid. Had he the strength he’d spend the last of it to stab Anora through the back. But he didn’t.
His limbs were weak, his head heavy and his mind sluggish. Darkness encroached upon his vision, his use of magic draining his life as quick as the cold he sought to remove.

It was not an honourable death, nor a brave or mighty one. He’d rather have gone out to the blade of a drugar, fang of the world serpent or tentacle of the kraken. But just like his life, his death did not go how he planned. This time there would be no valkerie, this time the darkness would be final.

With no words of warning, just a battering of his eyelids, Gerric slumped against the rocky wall and slid down to the hard unforgiving floor, falling into his last and final sleep.
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