Avatar of Dark Light


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One of the shadow imps appeared before Vendril as it did the others, only this one soon vanished after a short moment without speaking and in a manner reverse of its entrance. No, for this guest, Dorian the well kept bartender would greet himself.
He walked over casually, his boots clicking on the wooden floor, his eyes kind yet serious studying the newcomer. A small yet polite nod offered his greeting before speaking.

”Welcome, hope your travels were well. How may I assist you today? Food? Beverage? Accomodation?”

@Dark Cloud

So me and @Gentlemanvaultboy are following a killer, are you gonna step in and take lead on this or should we just sandbox?
I’m happy to lead the encounter unless you have a plan?

Otherwise we’re just gonna keep making chit chat.

”What is an opera? And just how many like me are kept there?” It replied with a seemingly genuine curiosity.


Right again.
We are getting close”

The sword seemingly grew lighter in Yvain’s hand. At the same time it fell into a contemplative silence. What gave Yvain the idea that the sword was thinking, and if she was right to assume so, was just another of its many mysteries. A moment later it spoke again before she could get a word in.

”We don’t need titles. You don’t need to address me when you want to communicate, I hear all your thoughts and words anyway, and well, I can’t speak to anyone else so if you hear my voice it is safe to assume I am talking to you.”

what we’re the names of these other magic blades kept at the operas?”


There was a sound in Yvaine’s head that could only be described as a sigh. Beyond that the sword fell silent. Clearly not a conversationalist. Simply offering no reply until the dark elf seeming hesitated at an intersection.

”Left...” It said with a cold flat certainty.




It continued to guide her down the tunnels, apparently aware of or seeing something she could not.

”Keep going.” it ushered.
”But try to be a bit more silent... If you must talk to the voices in your head, then at least try to appear sane and keep the conversation in your head.”

There was a slither of light amusement in the swords final words. Yvaine could almost somehow sense it smirking.

”A good artisan...
Never blames.

A low whispered voice echoes in the drows head. The words long and drawn out, holding an almost defensive tone.
The sword, although short felt heavier than it appeared and the eye, while possessing no eyebrow or muscles around it, somehow still gave a judgemental condescending glare. Or was it just in her head?

”So, you think you can do better than... he did?” The sword hesitated, seemingly already forgetting its previous owners name or simply deeming him to unimportant to mention. Then it continued, its soft slow whisper absent of any commitment or vigor.

”Please go ahead, find vengeance, slay the wrong doer... Use me as a tool to deliver death. As was his dying wish.
That is only if you know how to do more than just stare at me? Or maybe all this one does is talk?”

The eye continued to stare, blinking twice in succession but then not again. Simply becoming unable to.
@LiegeLordno need for a review just jump in when ready.
It’s been 2022 for over half a day :p
Well my character is still just lying on the floor, unless I missed something
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