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I'm so Fuckin' broken...


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Upon the patrons chosen tables, right in the very centre, shadows began to dance and coalesce. A darkness suddenly forming right before their very eyes. It thrummed with life, forming quickly, growing so deep, so thick that it began to appear substantial. Then as suddenly as it appeared the now thick dark icor like substance condensed, pulling back into itself and shrinking away to almost nothing before violently shooting up into the air in a long dark stream.
About 3 foot above the wooden table it exploded outward with a small pop as and left wake to a small cloud of shadowy smoke like vapour.

The whooshing of steady beating wings dispersed the cloud to nothingness, revealing a small wiry flying creature within. It had a large head housing two big empty white eyes. Pointy ears, smooth dark skin the colour of moonlit shadows, skinny muscular arms attached to claw like fingers and a long thin tail.

A soft glow came to its white eyes as it spoke, not verbally but in the customers heads.

”Hello, how can I help you?”

@Song Book@Dark Cloud
”Oh” The sword thought in a contemplative silence as the large eye in its hilt split open and rolled to gaze upon its dying wielder. It could hear his words but could not reply since they were no longer in contact. What would it say anyway. The fragile creature was expiring. As they often did.
”Perhaps I should have done something?” It mused, trying to understand why it hadn’t felt like doing more. Meanwhile it just watched as the dying drow’s life essence steadily escape him, a pool of blood growing larger around him ever slowly creeping closer and closer to the weapon.

Then a new figure emerged. The weapon had already been aware of her presence but could now physically see her form as she knelt over the dying dark elf. Curious. He found her actions to be of interest and continued to watch on intently. His wide yellow eye very occasionally blinking.

So, am I approved?
”Welcome.” A kind yet purposeful voice greeted from beyond the bar. He was a well dressed man of average height and a slim build. Sure he was handsome and elegantly dressed but beside that there was nothing outstanding about him except for the intangible air of confidence that surrounded him and the deep yearning pool of experience in his eyes.
He flashed the newcomer a passing glance, offering a welcoming smile to match his greeting then turned away busying himself with the many tasks behind the bar.

”Make yourself comfortable. All seats are free, someone will be with you soon.” The man called out from behind some shelves. A hint of some emotion briefly infiltrated his tone as he unnecessarily commented on the very obvious vacancy of the place, but it vanished as quick as it appeared.
Can't believe you've revivified the place again @Dark Light

May throw a new character in the ring. trying to get back into storytelling again

*Pounces on SongBook*
Hey :D good to see you. Glad you are still around. Hope all has been well?

Yea, prob not the last time I’ll cast some necromancy over this place either :p
@Dark Light I'll come up with an introduction for you, where do you imagine the Sword That Has Yet To Be Named to be resting? A tomb? In the grip of a dead past wielder?

Not too phased. Surprise me.
Once upon a time it was probably left impaling a corpse, but then animals dragged it to their lair. The bones that surrounded it slowly crumbling over the ages becoming lost in the dirt. Tunnelling brought it back to the surface where it was eaten and discarded. Then found and lost, stolen and sold. Once again forgotten at the bottom of a ravine along with another corpse in a long line of temporary owners. After that he went silent for a time. Taking the form of a dagger. He felt years pass. Ownership pass. Long bouts of still silence passed. Until now.
A firm grip awoke him. Who was this new master? Would they last? Could they help him? Would they be kind or malicious?

Just place it near someone who would like some more interaction.
I’m open to any ideas and or interactions. :)

<Snipped quote by Dark Light>

So it's an animated sentient sword? Lemme give it a quick run-down.

Not quite animated in the flying sense. It will need to be carried.
Could probably crawl or drag itself along by shifting to a smaller blade and using the decorations or fabric on the hilt.

Name: (unnamed)
Race: An amorphic living blade.
Talks telepathically to its wielder.
Has an eye but its keen senses extend beyond physicality.
Gender: ♂
Background: Long long ago a powerful warrior’s soul entwined with his magical blade instead of passing over to the unknown. Eons passed, or maybe not, while the lost soul learned to harness the power of the blade and his own.
Personality: Talkative for an object, curious, bossy on occasion. It has a short attention span.

Combat Skill: Combat foresight
The blade, if well connected to its wielder, can offer foresight and insight during battle. A mix of magic, keen senses and eons of experience.
Non-Combat Skill: Can alter its shape within limitations

Possessions: 3 grand gems in his hilt.
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