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I'm so Fuckin' broken...


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@Dark Cloud
No worries, just chuck up an intro post when ever you are ready.
No need for a CS or approval.
(Can still make a CS if you like.)
@Dark Light two Karls is not sustainable! There can be only one!

Well then, may the old gods be with you.

Name: Karl Vyapult
The Bear of Drevilna (within the Frostmark)
The Frostmark mountain (beyond Frostmark)
Titles: Vyapult Guildmaster
Description: At 28 years of age, Karl is the younger brother to the high lord of Kivhar, the Archduke of the Frostmark.
While they share similarities, the same brown hair, strong facial features and blue eyes, Karl is not considered as handsome as his older brother nor does he keep himself as well groomed, instead having his own rugged allure.

His dark hair is kept longer and more unruly, often braided and hanging between his shoulder blades while the sides of his heads are clean shaven as is popular amongst those of the old tribes. His beard fuller and unkempt, and his blue eyes are just a little paler. Less bright or intense than the Velikynaz. A comparison made not only of their eyes but between their personalities too.

Karl is however taller and more broad chested, as he is of most men.
Karl is large man. Tall and of wide of shoulders and strong too. He has thick powerful arms but his often indulgences prevent fine muscle definition. His hunting expeditions and time in the forest however stop him from ever being over weight.
It is due to his size and hairy form that he was given the nick name ‘the bear of Drevilna’ or ‘the Drevilna bear’. It was bestowed by the old tribes and he wears it proudly.

Claimant: Sharles, while he doesn’t really care too much on the subject his decision was made from opinions born of stories and gossip. His mind could easily sway. As it often does, landing on which ever outcome would benefit him the most at the time.

House Info:
The Great House of Vyapult

"To forest and frost!"

Reputation: While not popular, important or pretty enough to be the conversation of much gossip and idle chit chat, his name is often mentioned in brief when there is a conversation about his brother. Mostly it is his stature they whisper of or his heretical dealings with those who worship the old gods. It is known he visits and supports the old tribes and for that he is looked upon as part savage or unruly. Even more than most already think of those from the cold lands.
In large he is considered a simpleton, an unmannerly uneducated dullard of indulgences. All muscle and no brain.
Pity falls to his betrothed. Rumours of infidelity and long absences.
Ambitions: Karl is not an overly ambitious man, having taken the back seat to his brother his whole life. He is however tired of being in his shadow and wants to carve his own name into history, in one way or another.
Aptitudes: He is a skilled huntsman, learning the tricks of the old tribes. He knows much of their ways and of their gods. As a mountain of a man he is strong and resilient. He has a hidden cunning and awareness that is overlooked and goes unseen.
Vulnerabilities: Having not spent much time in the courts he knows not of the double crossing games of nobles.
He is impulsive and doesn’t take well to insult. He is quick to anger when the right buttons are pushed and can be stubborn.
He likes to indulge, food, wine, women.
He is of Mixed Blood.

Additional Info: Betrothed to Duchess Natalie of Mistlands.
Has one or two bastard children somewhere.
Does very little of the guild master role himself except when it comes to the tribes which he has a high standing amongst.

<Snipped quote by Dark Light>

You should have added a description to your abilities rather then just say the name of it to explain how it was soul based if that is the case.

It depends on how you want the ability to work. Yes you can make a spectral whip/tentacle

If you wanted to make a better version of exorcist then explain how it is better.

It clearly said ‘rough character idea’
You should be more supportive and helpful to potential players. I’m out.
Can you let me know what aspects of telekinesis won’t work so I can adjust?
If I can expel a a bullet of soul force to injure someone can I not manipulate it to effect an object or person?

Is it a directional thing? Once leaving the source or body there is no control?
In that case could I make a spectral whip/tentacle?

I realise it was vague and quite diverse that’s why I chose fewer abilities.
As for exorcist I just wanted to be a tad better at it. I know everyone’s got it.
@Dark Cloud
Sweet :)
Look forward to your intro post and to see who you bring in.
Rough character idea

And we are open for business once again!
Drop in, say hi. Introduce yourself.

Hope to see some familiar faces just as much as new ones :)




For as many times as he had left this place it seemed that the universe, fate, chance, destiny, or what ever you might want to call it, kept drawing him back. He simply named the power that drew him here dumb stubborn luck.
His hand rested on the ornate steel handle of the entrance door. The metal cold and almost unfamiliar to his touch, like the tavern was pouting about his absence. For this time he had been gone longer than ever before and it showed on his near ageless features.
Around him shadows grew and stretched only to fade away again, a thousand sparkly eyes opened in a darken sky to watch him but eventually faded away in boredom. It was only when the light of the morning sun chased away the mist that had settled around his sturdy leather boots did he move.
He let out a long tired breath, it was born of memories and expectations of what was to come, it carried on it a mix of sorrow joy and pain. His lips caught somewhere between a smile and a frown, indecisive about which way to go.

If the steel handle was a house cat, grumpy for being left alone, the wooden door was a loyal dog, creaking with an overly loud excitement at his return.
The noise echoed out throughout the establishment echoing off barren walls and through empty rooms.
It was as dusty and decrepit as one would expect. It appeared as though in his absence it had been looted, used for shelter, had seen battles, used for some other nefarious purposes and maybe even been a home for some large creature.
The sight of the damage did not pain him as one might expect. The old man simply rolled up his sleeves and made his way to behind what used to be a bar. Although only now half existing he couldn’t determine its latest purpose if it had one at all.

Amongst the rubble there he found a single glass still miraculously intact. He picked it up steadily, raising it to the light to examine its dusty surface.
Pulling a kerchief from his pocket he got to work cleaning the drinking device. While his old bones didn’t respond as they used too the motion was still more familiar to him than anything in the world.
He couldn’t hold back the floodgate of memories that were attached to this familiar motion or the emotions attached to them.

He cleaned it beyond clean, like it was the most prized possession in his life. He got in deep and continued to examine his work. It was spit shined so bright that it no longer belonged in the place he had walked into, but that was not the same place as to which he put it down.

Although he moved nowhere the glass landed on a long exotic dark wooden polished bar. No dust to be seen. Above it finely crafted cup trays held an assortment of different sized drinking materials. Behind him were sturdy shelves packed with eating implements and a working wash station beside that.
Out before him the room was filled with tables and fine chairs. An alluring smell wafted from behind a door where there was none before. The smell of an inviting stew simmering on a fire.

His hand slid the glass across the bar top to be nimbly caught in his other hand. Strong agile athletic fingers on his young hands. From a rack beside him he pulled forth a long narrow bottle. A second latter a deep red liquid splashed forth into his glass. An aroma of berries filling his nose before his sipped at the wine. Finally he smiled.

Open” Dorian whispered and the large entry doors obeyed. The tavern continued to regenerate around him into the fancy establishment he remembered. It felt.... right.... to be back on business.
While that position sounds interesting I’m kinda feeling like playing someone’s younger brother or cousin.
You know, just tagging onto another players house (can work out exact reasons later) and being less important but still of a noble family.

Anyone keen?
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