Avatar of Dark Light


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All at once everyone’s phone went off, ringtones and vibrations breaking the eerie silence that nested over the asylum. It was Jason, having finished setting up on his end he started a group chat.

”Ok Scooby squad, link me into what ever cameras you got or at least face your phone camera in the right direction. Talking to you Darcy.
And don’t mute me again Connor, I’ll cycle through the channels and only talk to ya one at a time.”

There was a pause followed by the faint sound of a keyboard clacking away punctuated by what could only be the swooshing of a bottle being put down.
After a gasp Jason continued. ”Ok, everyone, headphones in test the connection and tell me where your at. This maps a bit outdated so I’ll try update it live as you go. Who’s carrying the laser measurer?”

Jason was sitting in the back of mothership, the bed folded away and replaced with a table and chairs. On the table were two laptops and a spare, larger monitor connected to the wall. The larger monitor was divided into screens for each camera he was connected too, be it simple phones or more professional recording equipment. He even had visage of the cars and front door due to the cameras set up on his roof.

One of the laptops held a digital file of all of Darcy’s findings on the place and Jason was slowly making his way through it. The last laptop controlled the group meeting and who he was talking too when. It also held the sound and audio analysis software should he need to teplay or study anything but right now it was simply being used to play metal music through only his left headphone so none else could hear it when he talked to them.

While everyone made their checks and set up, Jason continued to swig away at his second bottle of bear while rotating between various apps on his phone. Namely Tinder, Insta and reddit.


Vyrik barely heard Zander Mozaru’s speech as the Zeno lead the small group around on a tour of the campus. His voice droning out amongst the background noises.

Starting the tour in the Grand Plaza, Vyrik began by splashing his face in the large fountain to freshen up a little and then, after sighting a lone coin in the water, got a bit wetter trying to dig it up. The coin being just out of his reach, he had attempted to make a display of his abilities and drag it towards himself with some kinetic energy but only succeeded in splashing the entire group. Himself mostly.
While he was all smiles and laughs at the situation, not everyone else shared his humour or enthusiasm.

Balthazar Hall bored the daylights out of him, and it showed in his mannerisms and unrelated interrupting questions. He needed some aid drying his clothes before entering however. Heating was not a gift he was proficient with.

The greenhouse held a bit more of his attention as he explored the trees and plants with an almost curious interest. Climbing what he could until scolded and told to get down. The Treacle and Habregon Buildings seemed of import and he made a mental note on how to find the chemists, alchemists and runecrafter. He later queried as to who the best rune crafter was.

The Theatre amused him for a minute due to its sheer size and acoustics. Then he once again got to testing his gift, trying to get free advice from Mozaru. “I can manipulate and draw incoming sound.” he said. ”but not outgoing.” he complained. Vyrik had recently taken a sudden fascination with silent moving. ”I know it can be done, that person you sent to me did it...
Just mentioning that caused memories to come back along with thoughts he had forgotten. It brought back that uneasy feeling.

Vyrik was soon starring at the massive, faintly glowing clock face of Clocktower, trying to discern how to read it despite just being told. To him it was an intricate marvel of moving parts and magic that truely amazed him. It was probably the most interesting thing on this tour beside that one older girl he saw in a class. Their passing of the window was only brief but she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Light magic emanating from her every pore, and then in a blink darkness took the room entirely. It was so brief and sudden he couldn’t even be sure any of it was real.

Next Vyrik was reminded why someone like the beautiful and mysterious girl in the window could never be his. Classism. The dorm segregation was a brutal reminder that he grew up differently to some others. That he would be looked upon differently. It made Vyrik mad. He thought just maybe here of all places things might be different but he was wrong. While he had been too distracted to notice it, it was everywhere. The separation, the discrimination. He took his key but his thanks was flat and empty.

Vyrik was far from flagging in energy when they finally reached the Grand Library. He was riled up and ready to take on the world. He continued to quickly scan through the paperwork thrust into his hand and scribbled down his selection.

The Required course registry was easy. He just picked the only things he was any good at. The form did say three right?

The Elective course registry was s bit trickier. ‘To hell with all the pompous arts’ he thought to himself. ‘Leave that for the snobby nosed fops.’
His first choice was an easy choice. Sports equaled games. And then came his second. Until he crossed it out for another. While he wasn’t fond of gardening two words stole his attention. Animal familiar.
So with two choices already both from the skills stream he had to pick something else.
Natural sciences was the only academic that he might find slightly interesting so he picked that. Then he looked at languages and back up at the arts. He hesitated feeling the weight of his choice. Finally he just went for it and his choices were made.
With a sigh he sat down.

SK104 - athletics, agility, physical fitness & sporting activities
SK103. Plants, gardens, farming and Animal familiars!
AC102 science stuff.
AR103 Instrumental and vocal Music


“So, Yemu was it?” Vyrik asked the small Rettanese girl, skipping up to her as they exited Zeno Mozaru’s house.
He seemingly hadn’t fully awoken yet, eyes still heavy, movements sluggish and a yawn escaping his mouth.
It was clear he had missed all the details of the day ahead, yet he carried on completely unphased by his utter lack of knowledge. Fully happy to just trail along.
He was bare of foot, hair an absolute mess and his black eye, while faded, still accentuated the odd colour of his iris.
”Where we going?” he finally asked offering her a strip of bacon that he swiped on his way out as he bit a chunk off the sausage he held in his other hand.

”Oh, this is good.” he murmured while chewing.

He was not used to such good food.
As he steadily awoke a thought infiltrated the back of his mind, more of a memory. A memory of a deal he had made. Vyrik groaned suddenly, eyes rolling without explanation. Oh well, it was just something he would have to take care of later today, if he could escape.


Once Jason was done chuckling with his boyish charm, amused by his own antics, he made his greetings with the others and and began looking around. He only half caught the conversation behind him as he went around the reception desk to study it. Cockroaches scuttled out from beneath it, disturbed by his footsteps, disappearing into the darkness that clung in each and every corner of the room. The wooden surface of the table was half rotting and most electricals had been taken long ago. An old blocky spin-dial phone still sat upon the desk covered in dust and cobwebs causing him to raise the question.

”How old is this place and how long has it been abandoned?”

After blowing the dust from the old relic he lift the chunky earpiece and put it near the side of his head saying ”hello” as he did. His face dropped as the smile vanished rom his lips. Wide eyed he stood completely still for a solid moment until eyes from the others eventually fell on his still form. He pulled the phone away from his head. ”Guys..” He stammered, holding out the ear piece.
”It.. it’s for you.”

Then unable to contain it any more a thin smile tugged at his lips.
”The voices are saying that you should have seen the looks on your faces when we scared ya!” another self amused chuckle followed, dampened by the seriousness he had interrupted. He put the phone down and continued to study the desk.
Beneath the desk was a draw, and as he grabbed the handle to open it the wooden knob crumbled off.

”Damn.” he muttered, kneeling down and trying to find enough grip on the flat surface to drag it open. ”what secrets are you hiding from me?” he asked the draw curiously.

He was happy to be out of view from the others, so they could not see the serious puzzled concern take hold of his face. He had heard something in that phone. Was it just interference with the old lines. A static caused by the movement of cables, maybe something deteriorating. He pushed it from his mind.
He was too sober to be hearing things so the solution was to NOT be sober. Giving up on the draw he stood up and called out.

”Heading back to the mothership for a min, just gotta get some things and set the parking cameras.”
An eager grin rushed across Jason’s face. Nora knew it as the one he got when faced with an exciting challenge. Jason took her hand, the motion comfortable and natural, and crouched down as moved steadily towards his friends, watching his every step. He took the lead and slowed right down as they came to the end of their cover. Listening intently and breathing slowly. He looked back to Nora, hands still held, mischief painted on his face.

If that was to be Vyrik’s first lesson then he felt he would likely fail. He had tried, for a small moment to display some control and patience after being told so, but he just couldn’t. It was like the wind was in his bones and the boy just couldn’t keep still. His excitement was palpable and a little contagious.

He wanted everyone to show him their greatest tricks and then explain how they did it. He wanted to know what people were reading. He wanted to practice language with the Eskandish. He wanted Zeno Mozaru to teach him something, something fun. And questions, he had so many questions and a few stories too, none of which were boastful and were usually humorous at his expense.

The Eskand Marlijn seemed nice, happy to answer a few questions about her homeland but Vyrik showed a protective fondness towards Yimu, trying to make sure she was ok.

Even in those few moments that he found stillness, like when he was supposed to be sleeping, he sent his hearing out far, listening to things happening in the far distance. Using his magic late into the night until it exhausted him to sleep.

Sleep was a generous thing to call it. His restless slumber was filled with visions and emotions seemingly not of his own, unpleasant, unexplainable but also unrecallable in the morning light.
He awoke groggily, eyes filled with sleep, movements slow and staggered, pulled by a single focus. Drawn like a zombie risen from the dead he groaned and followed the pull that had arisen him, the smell of oh such pleasant food.

Stepping down the creaky steps he couldn’t believe his eyes at the spread that lay before him. It was beyond anything he had ever eaten before. In fact breakfast took his full attention and he barely noticed the others starting to leave. He was absolutely horrified to discover he had no time to eat. Instead of getting ready with his last minute he just grabbed two handfuls of various foods and ran out the door after the others.

As all watched on eagerly to see how the situation would unfold, it’s climax came on suddenly and was quite underwhelming. With a simple word spoken by the elderly man a searing bright light flashed before him as though a portal to the sun had been opened. The harmless light faded as quickly as it had appeared taking with it the holy man.

What followed next was chaos. The two hooded shorter minions who were still standing on the upper level advanced to the railings. With a ‘Woosh’ of their cloaks each was suddenly holding an ornate, brightly decorated crossbow. One after another the two started unleashing bolts in a timed continuous rhythm.

Click. Twang. Whistle. Thud. Click. Twang. Whistle. Thud.

It was soon clear that the targets were the Imps, as silver bolts dug into the tables and floor around them, pierced through leathery wings or tore through their inky dark flesh splattering black blood throughout the tavern.
Oh, editing my post to include noticing the cop car.

Nora Mays

Nora and Jason had been packing as much as they could into her Jeep. She almost felt sorry for Kason living this way, but she knew him to well, this was his way of life. She then realized she got a text from Darcy. Aweh man.. No playtime. What a drag. Nora said, meant to teasingly flirt with Jason and as a joke to how Darcy was prompt with a text after a brief intimate moment With Jason."Darcy and the gangs already there, they are waiting for us so we can scope this place out. Lets not keep her waiting yeah?"

After packing everything they could, Nora tossed the Mothership's keys to Jason."Now don't be looking at my ass while you follow me. She called back, smacking the back hatch of her Jeep before getting and and starting it up, now pulling off with Darcy's directions on GPS. After a few minutes they wer pulling up to Darcy's Car outside the main gate.
@Dark Light

‘Let’s not keep her waiting any longer than we already have.’ Jason thought to himself.

”Ha,” he said with an amused laugh and playful lift of his eyebrows,
”With an ass that good how could I not?” he teased flirtatiously as he climbed into his van. His devilish grin sticking to his face long after their trip had began.

It wasn’t too long until they were pulling up to the open gates. Jumping out the van Jason quickly jogged over and caught up with Nora who had her phone out. He guessed she was going to message the others to let them know they were here.

”Hey, wanna have some fun. Let’s see if we can sneak up on ‘em? C’mon. Who knows, might even catch Darcy and Baxter at it.” he added with a shrug and a little laugh.

He turned away from the car to look over the building. It sure looked like a haunted building might. Old and decrepit, full of history. Large. A half moon hung behind it offering an eerie light and flickering shadows.

”So, you ready? Feeling scared yet?” there was a warmth to his jests and his eyes always lingered on hers for just that little moment extra than required.

With the rain settled, it was no night like the ones they shared out on the ocean in another country under a star lit sky, but it was still a nice night for adventure.

”For what?” Jason asked in light reply to the apology. His eyes searched for hers as he looked down on her and his hands naturally found her hips. A suspenseful still moment hung in the air between them, gathering on their warm breaths entwining between them in the cool air. For the slightest moment it felt as though his grip was going to tighten on her waist and pull her in, but instead he let go and stepped aside to the side door of his camper van. (His current home.)
Opening it up he quickly went to work of getting everything ready.
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