Avatar of Dark Light


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I'm so Fuckin' broken...


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Shiny! I’ll read up on what this is all out but you had me at firefly
@aia2022A wave of relief washed over the young boys face followed by a soft proud smile, but it all slid away as he lost himself staring into that bright large gem sparkling in her eye socket.
Eyes wide, mouth hanging a jar, it was clear he missed everything she had said.

“Miss, what happened to your eye?”
A moments hesitation took the boy and worry spread across his face as his hands remained hovering out in the empty space.

But, ah.. people come from far and wide to enjoy this poison. I, I can take it back. It’s just, I was told to, told to give it to you...

His hands finally found his sides as he stood up tall and gave a small nod. His eyes wide and alert darted from studying her mask trying to read any hint of emotion, the fingers that produced the flame and then back to the hallway from which he came.
@aia2022 A young boy, not yet grown into his features, stepped out from the kitchen and into the tavern. He seemed out of place in the expensive neat waiters uniform that hung from his thin frame, with his disheveled dark hair, dirt stained skin and deep green eyes. With bare feet he stepped forward and out into the danger holding some sort of bottle protectively against his chest. He weaved through the chaos of the tavern without incident or pause like it was a mere slight distraction, an everyday occurrence.
As he neared the fox faced lady a thin smile slowly spread across his lips and with a slight nod he proudly held out the bottle to her with both hands.
@Force and Fury
On this topic, any minerals or metals?
What makes a good wand?

Balthazar Hall
Vyrik was in line behind the others of his group, yawning and snacking on breakfast leftovers when he noticed it. Like a tinder catching a single spark it began. He was beginning to think he had gotten away with it, the ‘incident’ at the ceremony that was. But no, it had just taken awhile for the spark of gossip to start, the tinder of his story dampened by all the other happenings and excitement going on. But now this, this situation was a fire pit waiting to combust and the lines couldn’t move fast enough. It started with a simple odd whisper here, a subtle pointing and smirking over there. A soft silence when he passed a group all eyeing him. He could physically watch it spread, moving like wildfire from mouth to ear. That flame was now undoubtedly lit and travelled down the rows of chatting students. He tried to keep his head down and shrink out of sight, but it was pointless, he stood out too much. He just had to lay low until it burnt itself out. When finally at the front, which didn’t take as long as it felt, he grabbed all his things and quickly hurried off to first class.

Sensing and drawing.
Zander Mozaru

A life in the slums had taught Vyrik to be untrusting, and while he still didn’t trust Zeno Mozaru, the man was proving to be reliable and was quickly becoming familiar. Vyrik was glad that he was teaching his first class and remained focused for the entirety of it, not going beyond but not shirking either. He gave the man his full attention and even went as far as to take notes, although they were more for him to use later with Josune. He tried his best in the confidential testing but was sure he did poorly. His grasp of Arcane and binding was shockingly poor while his ability to convert was near non existent. Maybe he was broken.
He didn’t let these thoughts or emotions interrupt his class however, for some unknown reason he was trying to earn a modicum of the Belzagggic’s respect and make up for his aloofness while staying at his house.

Alcaster Serra

Vyrik enjoyed games but was slow to warm up to the word game, but as it went on and he got a feeling for it his competitive edge caused him to be more vocal and take a tiny step out of his shell. He found the old teacher of this class to be almost comical in his traditional style attire. He seemed to know a lot about a lot and had strong opinions on all things. Overall he talked too much for Vyrik’s liking.
When class was over Vyrik hung around awkwardly until all others had left, wanting to question the old teacher in private.
How can I improve my RAS?
He asked.
I mean, theoretically what are all the possible ways?


Three square meals a day of the quality and proportions they had been receiving was a foreign concept to Vyrik’s stomach. Not accustomed to the easy access of food he had treated breakfast like it might be the last meal they provide him, now as lunch rolled around he found he still wasn’t hungry. He thought about eating just for the sake of it as it did taste rather good but decided against it since he wasn’t feeling up to the social commitment it required, instead he headed straight to the arboretum to relax by the river and practice some of the lessons from his first class.

Balthazar Hall->Class->Arboretum
Noticed people notice him.
(Probably not as bad as he thinks)
Tried hard in both classes
Skipped lunch and went to the Arboretum.
@Force and Fury

So commons outside of the castle pretty much means something rotten and crowded in Mudville?


It had been tricky but eventually with the aid of some audible magic Vyrik had managed to locate and get the attention of the young Eskandish boy that he had made a deal with just yesterday. Turned out his name was Josune. Following the happenings of his previous days antics, it was clear Vyrik would not be welcomed into Josune’s house nor could either of the boys rightly come up with an excuse to tell Josune’s mother, short of the blackmailing truth, that would sound remotely plausible as a reason to do so. This left them needing somewhere to study. Josune outrightly refused to go to Vyrik’s new place, which was understandable because Vyrik did feel like walloping him on multiple occasions, but it seemed more that it more to do with his stature and not in fact any fear of Vyrik. Vyrik felt a little insulted by that on multiple levels.

Eventually, after a short argument and a few unnecessary subtle insults the duo found themselves at the Arboretum and claimed a little quiet secluded spot.

Jomurr proved to be right, Vyrik was vastly unqualified and unprepared to be a teacher, lucky for him what Josune really needed more than a strict teacher was a friend. While the relationship started off rocky and had a long way still to go, it was clear from the start that their personalities, while vastly different, would eventually compliment one another’s. They mostly argued and insulted each other for the duration of their first ‘meeting’, the blackmail still remaining over Vyrik when he eventually left, although deep down he saw it it for what it really was, a bluff, a means to get him to come back.

Unsurprisingly Vyrik had failed spectacularly to teach Josune anything, least of all how to access the gift. Lucky for him Josune had found interest in the book he had brought along. The younger Eskandish boy was well educated, stumbling only slightly in translating its vast contents, moving through its many pages far faster than Vyrik could ever hope to. He explained to Vyrik the philosophies and ideals written within only to later argue against them. It was an intellectual debate that quickly crumbled to senseless squabbling. Childish antics coming equally so from Vyrik as they did the younger Josune.

They marvelled at the potential possibilities of hybridising natural sciences and chemical magic as the tried to wrap their heads around the theology. Their minds running off on wild and uneducated tangents. Owain was soon instructing Vyrik of things to try.
Vyrik was forced to go and buy a potato while Josune raced home and came back with some simple jewellery. From these Vyrik was supposed to be able to harness a tidbit of lightning.

They had no such luck. Vyrik was far quicker to give up the fruitless experiment than Josune, finding the notion ridiculous. Following a particularly sarcastic retort on the matter from Vyrik, they did discover a game of sorts that they both seemed to somewhat enjoy and could be considered training. Josune had retaliated by throwing the potato at Vyrik and Vyrik had used his gift to draw from its momentum, slowing it and allowing him to dodge the projectile easily. This went on for a while, all manner of available objects joining the potato, and it was fun until it wasn’t, when Vyrik was drained and could no longer dodge them. Josune scores a direct hit that left a scratch right on Vyrik’s forehead. It was at this point he had decided they had had enough and the lesson was over. Who’s lesson it was he didn’t rightly know.

Despite the frustrations, drama and failings Vyrik left feeling good. That mood was taken away from him back at Zeno Mozaru’s house when he further failed to light his candle, instead snapping it in half with a kinetic force. Unable to handle some basic heat transference Vyrik remained silent. Having it pointed out in front of everyone caused him to retire to bed early that night, although he did not sleep. His ears trained on the conversations of the house. As much as his magic would still allow, doing this between tossing the potato from earlier into the air and focusing on slowing its descent.

Interested. I’ll be keeping an eye out for the OOC
Jason hadn’t caught what happened to Nora, he was busy texting Darcy after seeing her tear stained face. He couldn’t help but worry.

‘U ok? Don’t push yourself! Get out if needed. Got a drink waitin for ya.’

Was what his txt message said.

”Sorry Nors, I missed it, backing up the camera’s now. See if we caught anything.” he said into the microphone after switching to Nora and Baxter’s channel. He brought up both their streams and rewound them, going silent as he played them back in slow motion through various filters.
A shiver pierced his spine as even while slowed down he heard that sound again from before. The same one that ran through that old disconnect phone but now it was in his headphones.
Something subtle, something soft and barely there, a quiet whisper. It was like a mix of a distant screech crossed with nails being dragged over a chalkboard, or a scowl of a cat, all hidden beneath faint croaky static.

How could it be here, in this playback at this exact slowed down speed. If he adjusted the nob one way or the other it disappeared. It made no sense. His thoughts were pulled back to the screen.

”Ah, sorry Nors. Got some heavy visual and audio interruption happi... wait... what’s that.”
Then there was a ‘Click’. ‘Click’ over the phone as Jason tapped on his keyboard.
Oh.” he whispered in disbelief.

A moment later his voice came back a little shaken. ”As I said, the feed musta dropped out for a second but it somehow imprinted one of you guys in the static, I can see a blurry silhouette but not much else, or is that Connor with you guys? Anyway the weirdest thing is I’ve got this really vague colourless static image but it’s gone and given him red-eye in one of the frames just before you left the room and slammed the door. Fuck, I hope you didn’t leave Connor in there? What are you guys playing at Nors?
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